//- 💫 DOCS > USAGE > PROCESSING PIPELINES > EXAMPLES p | To see real-world examples of pipeline factories and components in action, | you can have a look at the source of spaCy's built-in components, e.g. | the #[+api("tagger") #[code Tagger]], #[+api("parser") #[code Parser]] or | #[+api("entityrecognizer") #[code EntityRecongnizer]]. +h(3, "example1") Example: Custom sentence segmentation logic p | Let's say you want to implement custom logic to improve spaCy's sentence | boundary detection. Currently, sentence segmentation is based on the | dependency parse, which doesn't always produce ideal results. The custom | logic should therefore be applied #[strong after] tokenization, but | #[strong before] the dependency parsing – this way, the parser can also | take advantage of the sentence boundaries. +code. def sbd_component(doc): for i, token in enumerate(doc[:-2]): # define sentence start if period + titlecase token if token.text == '.' and doc[i+1].is_title: doc[i+1].sent_start = True return doc p | In this case, we simply want to add the component to the existing | pipeline of the English model. We can do this by inserting it at index 0 | of #[code nlp.pipeline]: +code. nlp = spacy.load('en') nlp.pipeline.insert(0, sbd_component) p | When you call #[code nlp] on some text, spaCy will tokenize it to create | a #[code Doc] object, and first call #[code sbd_component] on it, followed | by the model's default pipeline. +h(3, "example2") Example: Sentiment model p | Let's say you have trained your own document sentiment model on English | text. After tokenization, you want spaCy to first execute the | #[strong default tensorizer], followed by a custom | #[strong sentiment component] that adds a #[code .sentiment] | property to the #[code Doc], containing your model's sentiment precition. p | Your component class will have a #[code from_disk()] method that spaCy | calls to load the model data. When called, the component will compute | the sentiment score, add it to the #[code Doc] and return the modified | document. Optionally, the component can include an #[code update()] method | to allow training the model. +code. import pickle from pathlib import Path class SentimentComponent(object): def __init__(self, vocab): self.weights = None def __call__(self, doc): doc.sentiment = sum(self.weights*doc.vector) # set sentiment property return doc def from_disk(self, path): # path = model path + factory ID ('sentiment') self.weights = pickle.load(Path(path) / 'weights.bin') # load weights return self def update(self, doc, gold): # update weights – allows training! prediction = sum(self.weights*doc.vector) self.weights -= 0.001*doc.vector*(prediction-gold.sentiment) p | The factory will initialise the component with the #[code Vocab] object. | To be able to add it to your model's pipeline as #[code 'sentiment'], | it also needs to be registered via | #[+api("spacy#set_factory") #[code set_factory()]]. +code. def sentiment_factory(vocab): component = SentimentComponent(vocab) # initialise component return component spacy.set_factory('sentiment', sentiment_factory) p | The above code should be #[strong shipped with your model]. You can use | the #[+api("cli#package") #[code package]] command to create all required | files and directories. The model package will include an | #[+src(gh("spacy-dev-resources", "templates/model/en_model_name/__init__.py")) #[code __init__.py]] | with a #[code load()] method, that will initialise the language class with | the model's pipeline and call the #[code from_disk()] method to load | the model data. p | In the model package's meta.json, specify the language class and pipeline | IDs: +code("meta.json (excerpt)", "json"). { "name": "sentiment_model", "lang": "en", "version": "1.0.0", "spacy_version": ">=2.0.0,<3.0.0", "pipeline": ["tensorizer", "sentiment"] } p | When you load your new model, spaCy will call the model's #[code load()] | method. This will return a #[code Language] object with a pipeline | containing the default tensorizer, and the sentiment component returned | by your custom #[code "sentiment"] factory. +code. nlp = spacy.load('en_sentiment_model') doc = nlp(u'I love pizza') assert doc.sentiment +infobox("Saving and loading models") | For more information and a detailed guide on how to package your model, | see the documentation on | #[+a("/usage/training#saving-loading") saving and loading models].