# coding: utf8 from __future__ import unicode_literals import plac import math from tqdm import tqdm import numpy from ast import literal_eval from pathlib import Path from preshed.counter import PreshCounter import tarfile import gzip import zipfile import ujson as json from spacy.lexeme import intify_attrs from ._messages import Messages from ..vectors import Vectors from ..errors import Errors, Warnings, user_warning from ..util import prints, ensure_path, get_lang_class try: import ftfy except ImportError: ftfy = None @plac.annotations( lang=("model language", "positional", None, str), output_dir=("model output directory", "positional", None, Path), freqs_loc=("location of words frequencies file", "option", "f", Path), jsonl_loc=("location of JSONL-formatted attributes file", "option", "j", Path), clusters_loc=("optional: location of brown clusters data", "option", "c", str), vectors_loc=("optional: location of vectors file in Word2Vec format " "(either as .txt or zipped as .zip or .tar.gz)", "option", "v", str), prune_vectors=("optional: number of vectors to prune to", "option", "V", int) ) def init_model(lang, output_dir, freqs_loc=None, clusters_loc=None, jsonl_loc=None, vectors_loc=None, prune_vectors=-1): """ Create a new model from raw data, like word frequencies, Brown clusters and word vectors. """ if jsonl_loc is not None: if freqs_loc is not None or clusters_loc is not None: settings = ['-j'] if freqs_loc: settings.append('-f') if clusters_loc: settings.append('-c') prints(' '.join(settings), title=( "The -f and -c arguments are deprecated, and not compatible " "with the -j argument, which should specify the same information. " "Either merge the frequencies and clusters data into the " "jsonl-formatted file (recommended), or use only the -f and " "-c files, without the other lexical attributes.")) jsonl_loc = ensure_path(jsonl_loc) lex_attrs = (json.loads(line) for line in jsonl_loc.open()) else: clusters_loc = ensure_path(clusters_loc) freqs_loc = ensure_path(freqs_loc) if freqs_loc is not None and not freqs_loc.exists(): prints(freqs_loc, title=Messages.M037, exits=1) lex_attrs = read_attrs_from_deprecated(freqs_loc, clusters_loc) nlp = create_model(lang, lex_attrs) if vectors_loc is not None: add_vectors(nlp, vectors_loc, prune_vectors) vec_added = len(nlp.vocab.vectors) lex_added = len(nlp.vocab) prints(Messages.M039.format(entries=lex_added, vectors=vec_added), title=Messages.M038) if not output_dir.exists(): output_dir.mkdir() nlp.to_disk(output_dir) return nlp def open_file(loc): '''Handle .gz, .tar.gz or unzipped files''' loc = ensure_path(loc) print("Open loc") if tarfile.is_tarfile(str(loc)): return tarfile.open(str(loc), 'r:gz') elif loc.parts[-1].endswith('gz'): return (line.decode('utf8') for line in gzip.open(str(loc), 'r')) elif loc.parts[-1].endswith('zip'): zip_file = zipfile.ZipFile(str(loc)) names = zip_file.namelist() file_ = zip_file.open(names[0]) return (line.decode('utf8') for line in file_) else: return loc.open('r', encoding='utf8') def read_attrs_from_deprecated(freqs_loc, clusters_loc): probs, oov_prob = read_freqs(freqs_loc) if freqs_loc is not None else ({}, -20) clusters = read_clusters(clusters_loc) if clusters_loc else {} lex_attrs = {} sorted_probs = sorted(probs.items(), key=lambda item: item[1], reverse=True) for i, (word, prob) in tqdm(enumerate(sorted_probs)): attrs = {'orth': word, 'id': i, 'prob': prob} # Decode as a little-endian string, so that we can do & 15 to get # the first 4 bits. See _parse_features.pyx if word in clusters: attrs['cluster'] = int(clusters[word][::-1], 2) else: attrs['cluster'] = 0 lex_attrs.append(attrs) return lex_attrs def create_model(lang, lex_attrs): print("Creating model...") lang_class = get_lang_class(lang) nlp = lang_class() for lexeme in nlp.vocab: lexeme.rank = 0 lex_added = 0 for attrs in lex_attrs: if 'settings' in attrs: continue lexeme = nlp.vocab[attrs['orth']] lexeme.set_attrs(**attrs) lexeme.is_oov = False lex_added += 1 lex_added += 1 oov_prob = min(lex.prob for lex in nlp.vocab) nlp.vocab.cfg.update({'oov_prob': oov_prob-1}) return nlp def add_vectors(nlp, vectors_loc, prune_vectors): vectors_loc = ensure_path(vectors_loc) if vectors_loc and vectors_loc.parts[-1].endswith('.npz'): nlp.vocab.vectors = Vectors(data=numpy.load(vectors_loc.open('rb'))) for lex in nlp.vocab: if lex.rank: nlp.vocab.vectors.add(lex.orth, row=lex.rank) else: vectors_data, vector_keys = read_vectors(vectors_loc) if vectors_loc else (None, None) if vector_keys is not None: for word in vector_keys: if word not in nlp.vocab: lexeme = nlp.vocab[word] lexeme.is_oov = False if vectors_data is not None: nlp.vocab.vectors = Vectors(data=vectors_data, keys=vector_keys) nlp.vocab.vectors.name = '%s_model.vectors' % nlp.meta['lang'] nlp.meta['vectors']['name'] = nlp.vocab.vectors.name if prune_vectors >= 1: nlp.vocab.prune_vectors(prune_vectors) def read_vectors(vectors_loc): print("Reading vectors from %s" % vectors_loc) f = open_file(vectors_loc) shape = tuple(int(size) for size in next(f).split()) vectors_data = numpy.zeros(shape=shape, dtype='f') vectors_keys = [] for i, line in enumerate(tqdm(f)): line = line.rstrip() pieces = line.rsplit(' ', vectors_data.shape[1]+1) word = pieces.pop(0) if len(pieces) != vectors_data.shape[1]: raise ValueError(Errors.E094.format(line_num=i, loc=vectors_loc)) vectors_data[i] = numpy.asarray(pieces, dtype='f') vectors_keys.append(word) return vectors_data, vectors_keys def read_freqs(freqs_loc, max_length=100, min_doc_freq=5, min_freq=50): print("Counting frequencies...") counts = PreshCounter() total = 0 with freqs_loc.open() as f: for i, line in enumerate(f): freq, doc_freq, key = line.rstrip().split('\t', 2) freq = int(freq) counts.inc(i + 1, freq) total += freq counts.smooth() log_total = math.log(total) probs = {} with freqs_loc.open() as f: for line in tqdm(f): freq, doc_freq, key = line.rstrip().split('\t', 2) doc_freq = int(doc_freq) freq = int(freq) if doc_freq >= min_doc_freq and freq >= min_freq and len(key) < max_length: word = literal_eval(key) smooth_count = counts.smoother(int(freq)) probs[word] = math.log(smooth_count) - log_total oov_prob = math.log(counts.smoother(0)) - log_total return probs, oov_prob def read_clusters(clusters_loc): print("Reading clusters...") clusters = {} if ftfy is None: user_warning(Warnings.W004) with clusters_loc.open() as f: for line in tqdm(f): try: cluster, word, freq = line.split() if ftfy is not None: word = ftfy.fix_text(word) except ValueError: continue # If the clusterer has only seen the word a few times, its # cluster is unreliable. if int(freq) >= 3: clusters[word] = cluster else: clusters[word] = '0' # Expand clusters with re-casing for word, cluster in list(clusters.items()): if word.lower() not in clusters: clusters[word.lower()] = cluster if word.title() not in clusters: clusters[word.title()] = cluster if word.upper() not in clusters: clusters[word.upper()] = cluster return clusters