include ../../_includes/_mixins

p Collection for training annotations.

+h(2, "attributes") Attributes

+table(["Name", "Type", "Description"])
        +cell #[code tags]
        +cell list
        +cell The part-of-speech tag annotations.

        +cell #[code heads]
        +cell list
        +cell The syntactic head annotations.

        +cell #[code labels]
        +cell list
        +cell The syntactic relation-type annotations.

        +cell #[code ents]
        +cell list
        +cell The named entity annotations.

        +cell #[code cand_to_gold]
        +cell list
        +cell The alignment from candidate tokenization to gold tokenization.

        +cell #[code gold_to_cand]
        +cell list
        +cell The alignment from gold tokenization to candidate tokenization.

+h(2, "init") GoldParse.__init__
    +tag method

p Create a GoldParse.

+table(["Name", "Type", "Description"])
        +cell #[code doc]
        +cell #[code Doc]
        +cell The document the annotations refer to.

        +cell #[code words]
        +cell -
        +cell A sequence of unicode word strings.

        +cell #[code tags]
        +cell -
        +cell A sequence of strings, representing tag annotations.

        +cell #[code heads]
        +cell -
        +cell A sequence of integers, representing syntactic head offsets.

        +cell #[code deps]
        +cell -
        +cell A sequence of strings, representing the syntactic relation types.

        +cell #[code entities]
        +cell -
        +cell A sequence of named entity annotations, either as BILUO tag strings, or as #[code (start_char, end_char, label)] tuples, representing the entity positions.

        +cell return
        +cell #[code GoldParse]
        +cell The newly constructed object.

+h(2, "len") GoldParse.__len__
    +tag method

p Get the number of gold-standard tokens.

+table(["Name", "Type", "Description"])
        +cell return
        +cell int
        +cell The number of gold-standard tokens.

+h(2, "is_projective") GoldParse.is_projective
    +tag property

    |  Whether the provided syntactic annotations form a projective dependency
    |  tree.

+table(["Name", "Type", "Description"])
        +cell return
        +cell bool
        +cell Whether annotations form projective tree.