include ../../_includes/_mixins

    |  There are two popular strategies for putting together machine learning
    |  models for NLP: sparse linear models, and neural networks. To solve NLP
    |  problems with linear models, feature templates need to be assembled that
    |  combine multiple atomic predictors. This page documents the atomic
    |  predictors used in the spaCy 1.0 #[+api("parser") #[code Parser]],
    |  #[+api("tagger") #[code Tagger]] and
    |  #[+api("entityrecognizer") #[code EntityRecognizer]].

    |  To understand the scheme, recall that spaCy's #[code Parser] and
    |  #[code EntityRecognizer] are implemented as push-down automata. They
    |  maintain a "stack" that holds the current entity, and a "buffer"
    |  consisting of the words to be processed.

    |  Each state consists of the words on the stack (if any), which consistute
    |  the current entity being constructed. We also have the current word, and
    |  the two subsequent words. Finally, we also have the entities previously
    |  built.

    |  This gives us a number of tokens to ask questions about, to make the
    |  features. About each of these tokens, we can ask about a number of
    |  different properties. Each feature identifier asks about a specific
    |  property of a specific token of the context.

+h(2, "tokens") Context tokens

+table([ "ID", "Description" ])
        +cell #[code S0]
            |  The first word on the stack, i.e. the token most recently added
            |  to the current entity.

        +cell #[code S1]
        +cell The second word on the stack, i.e. the second most recently added.

        +cell #[code S2]
        +cell The third word on the stack, i.e. the third most recently added.

        +cell #[code N0]
        +cell The first word of the buffer, i.e. the current word being tagged.

        +cell #[code N1]
        +cell The second word of the buffer.

        +cell #[code N2]
        +cell The third word of the buffer.

        +cell #[code P1]
        +cell The word immediately before #[code N0].

        +cell #[code P2]
        +cell The second word before #[code N0].

        +cell #[code E0]
        +cell The first word of the previously constructed entity.

        +cell #[code E1]
        +cell The first word of the second previously constructed entity.

p About each of these tokens, we can ask:

+table([ "ID", "Attribute", "Description" ])
        +cell #[code N0w]
        +cell #[code token.orth]
        +cell The word form.

        +cell #[code N0W]
        +cell #[code token.lemma]
        +cell The word's lemma.

        +cell #[code N0p]
        +cell #[code token.tag]
        +cell The word's (full) POS tag.

        +cell #[code N0c]
        +cell #[code token.cluster]
        +cell The word's (full) Brown cluster.

        +cell #[code N0c4]
        +cell -
        +cell First four digit prefix of the word's Brown cluster.

        +cell #[code N0c6]
        +cell -
        +cell First six digit prefix of the word's Brown cluster.

        +cell #[code N0L]
        +cell -
        +cell The word's dependency label. Not used as a feature in the NER.

        +cell #[code N0_prefix]
        +cell #[code token.prefix]
        +cell The first three characters of the word.

        +cell #[code N0_suffix]
        +cell #[code token.suffix]
        +cell The last three characters of the word.

        +cell #[code N0_shape]
        +cell #[code token.shape]
        +cell The word's shape, i.e. is it alphabetic, numeric, etc.

        +cell #[code N0_ne_iob]
        +cell #[code token.ent_iob]
        +cell The Inside/Outside/Begin code of the word's NER tag.

        +cell #[code N0_ne_type]
        +cell #[code token.ent_type]
        +cell The word's NER type.