IDS = { "": NULL_ATTR, "IS_ALPHA": IS_ALPHA, "IS_ASCII": IS_ASCII, "IS_DIGIT": IS_DIGIT, "IS_LOWER": IS_LOWER, "IS_PUNCT": IS_PUNCT, "IS_SPACE": IS_SPACE, "IS_TITLE": IS_TITLE, "IS_UPPER": IS_UPPER, "LIKE_URL": LIKE_URL, "LIKE_NUM": LIKE_NUM, "LIKE_EMAIL": LIKE_EMAIL, "IS_STOP": IS_STOP, "IS_OOV": IS_OOV, "IS_BRACKET": IS_BRACKET, "IS_QUOTE": IS_QUOTE, "IS_LEFT_PUNCT": IS_LEFT_PUNCT, "IS_RIGHT_PUNCT": IS_RIGHT_PUNCT, "FLAG18": FLAG18, "FLAG19": FLAG19, "FLAG20": FLAG20, "FLAG21": FLAG21, "FLAG22": FLAG22, "FLAG23": FLAG23, "FLAG24": FLAG24, "FLAG25": FLAG25, "FLAG26": FLAG26, "FLAG27": FLAG27, "FLAG28": FLAG28, "FLAG29": FLAG29, "FLAG30": FLAG30, "FLAG31": FLAG31, "FLAG32": FLAG32, "FLAG33": FLAG33, "FLAG34": FLAG34, "FLAG35": FLAG35, "FLAG36": FLAG36, "FLAG37": FLAG37, "FLAG38": FLAG38, "FLAG39": FLAG39, "FLAG40": FLAG40, "FLAG41": FLAG41, "FLAG42": FLAG42, "FLAG43": FLAG43, "FLAG44": FLAG44, "FLAG45": FLAG45, "FLAG46": FLAG46, "FLAG47": FLAG47, "FLAG48": FLAG48, "FLAG49": FLAG49, "FLAG50": FLAG50, "FLAG51": FLAG51, "FLAG52": FLAG52, "FLAG53": FLAG53, "FLAG54": FLAG54, "FLAG55": FLAG55, "FLAG56": FLAG56, "FLAG57": FLAG57, "FLAG58": FLAG58, "FLAG59": FLAG59, "FLAG60": FLAG60, "FLAG61": FLAG61, "FLAG62": FLAG62, "FLAG63": FLAG63, "ID": ID, "ORTH": ORTH, "LOWER": LOWER, "NORM": NORM, "SHAPE": SHAPE, "PREFIX": PREFIX, "SUFFIX": SUFFIX, "LENGTH": LENGTH, "CLUSTER": CLUSTER, "LEMMA": LEMMA, "POS": POS, "TAG": TAG, "DEP": DEP, "ENT_IOB": ENT_IOB, "ENT_TYPE": ENT_TYPE, "HEAD": HEAD, "SPACY": SPACY, "PROB": PROB, "LANG": LANG, } # ATTR IDs, in order of the symbol NAMES = [key for key, value in sorted(IDS.items(), key=lambda item: item[1])] def intify_attrs(stringy_attrs, strings_map=None, _do_deprecated=False): '''Normalize a dictionary of attributes, converting them to ints. Arguments: stringy_attrs (dict): Dictionary keyed by attribute string names. Values can be ints or strings. strings_map (StringStore): Defaults to None. If provided, encodes string values into ints. Returns: inty_attrs (dict): Attributes dictionary with keys and optionally values converted to ints. ''' inty_attrs = {} if _do_deprecated: if 'F' in stringy_attrs: stringy_attrs["ORTH"] = stringy_attrs.pop("F") if 'L' in stringy_attrs: stringy_attrs["LEMMA"] = stringy_attrs.pop("L") if 'pos' in stringy_attrs: stringy_attrs["TAG"] = stringy_attrs.pop("pos") if 'morph' in stringy_attrs: morphs = stringy_attrs.pop('morph') if 'number' in stringy_attrs: stringy_attrs.pop('number') if 'tenspect' in stringy_attrs: stringy_attrs.pop('tenspect') morph_keys = [ 'PunctType', 'PunctSide', 'Other', 'Degree', 'AdvType', 'Number', 'VerbForm', 'PronType', 'Aspect', 'Tense', 'PartType', 'Poss', 'Hyph', 'ConjType', 'NumType', 'Foreign', 'VerbType', 'NounType', 'Number', 'PronType', 'AdjType', 'Person'] for key in morph_keys: if key in stringy_attrs: stringy_attrs.pop(key) for name, value in stringy_attrs.items(): if isinstance(name, int): int_key = name else: int_key = IDS[name.upper()] if strings_map is not None and isinstance(value, basestring): value = strings_map[value] inty_attrs[int_key] = value return inty_attrs