from libc.stdint cimport uint8_t, uint32_t, int32_t, uint64_t from .typedefs cimport flags_t, attr_t, hash_t from .parts_of_speech cimport univ_pos_t from libcpp.vector cimport vector from libc.stdint cimport int32_t, int64_t cdef struct LexemeC: flags_t flags attr_t lang attr_t id attr_t length attr_t orth attr_t lower attr_t norm attr_t shape attr_t prefix attr_t suffix attr_t cluster float prob float sentiment cdef struct SerializedLexemeC: unsigned char[8 + 8*10 + 4 + 4] data # sizeof(flags_t) # flags # + sizeof(attr_t) # lang # + sizeof(attr_t) # id # + sizeof(attr_t) # length # + sizeof(attr_t) # orth # + sizeof(attr_t) # lower # + sizeof(attr_t) # norm # + sizeof(attr_t) # shape # + sizeof(attr_t) # prefix # + sizeof(attr_t) # suffix # + sizeof(attr_t) # cluster # + sizeof(float) # prob # + sizeof(float) # cluster # + sizeof(float) # l2_norm cdef struct SpanC: hash_t id int start int end int start_char int end_char attr_t label attr_t kb_id cdef struct TokenC: const LexemeC* lex uint64_t morph univ_pos_t pos bint spacy attr_t tag int idx attr_t lemma attr_t norm int head attr_t dep uint32_t l_kids uint32_t r_kids uint32_t l_edge uint32_t r_edge int sent_start int ent_iob attr_t ent_type # TODO: Is there a better way to do this? Multiple sources of truth.. attr_t ent_kb_id hash_t ent_id cdef struct MorphAnalysisC: hash_t key int length attr_t* fields attr_t* features # Internal struct, for storage and disambiguation of entities. cdef struct KBEntryC: # The hash of this entry's unique ID/name in the kB hash_t entity_hash # Allows retrieval of the entity vector, as an index into a vectors table of the KB. # Can be expanded later to refer to multiple rows (compositional model to reduce storage footprint). int32_t vector_index # Allows retrieval of a struct of non-vector features. # This is currently not implemented and set to -1 for the common case where there are no features. int32_t feats_row # log probability of entity, based on corpus frequency float freq # Each alias struct stores a list of Entry pointers with their prior probabilities # for this specific mention/alias. cdef struct AliasC: # All entry candidates for this alias vector[int64_t] entry_indices # Prior probability P(entity|alias) - should sum up to (at most) 1. vector[float] probs