""" Print part-of-speech tagged, true-cased, (very roughly) sentence-separated text, with each "sentence" on a newline, and spaces between tokens. Supports multi-processing. """ from __future__ import print_function, unicode_literals, division import io import bz2 import logging from toolz import partition from os import path import spacy.en from joblib import Parallel, delayed import plac import ujson def parallelize(func, iterator, n_jobs, extra): extra = tuple(extra) return Parallel(n_jobs=n_jobs)(delayed(func)(*(item + extra)) for item in iterator) def iter_texts_from_json_bz2(loc): """ Iterator of unicode strings, one per document (here, a comment). Expects a a path to a BZ2 file, which should be new-line delimited JSON. The document text should be in a string field titled 'body'. This is the data format of the Reddit comments corpus. """ with bz2.BZ2File(loc) as file_: for i, line in enumerate(file_): yield ujson.loads(line)['body'] def transform_texts(batch_id, input_, out_dir): out_loc = path.join(out_dir, '%d.txt' % batch_id) if path.exists(out_loc): return None print('Batch', batch_id) nlp = spacy.en.English(parser=False, entity=False) with io.open(out_loc, 'w', encoding='utf8') as file_: for text in input_: doc = nlp(text) file_.write(' '.join(represent_word(w) for w in doc if not w.is_space)) file_.write('\n') def represent_word(word): text = word.text # True-case, i.e. try to normalize sentence-initial capitals. # Only do this if the lower-cased form is more probable. if text.istitle() \ and is_sent_begin(word) \ and word.prob < word.doc.vocab[text.lower()].prob: text = text.lower() return text + '|' + word.tag_ def is_sent_begin(word): # It'd be nice to have some heuristics like these in the library, for these # times where we don't care so much about accuracy of SBD, and we don't want # to parse if word.i == 0: return True elif word.i >= 2 and word.nbor(-1).text in ('.', '!', '?', '...'): return True else: return False @plac.annotations( in_loc=("Location of input file"), out_dir=("Location of input file"), n_workers=("Number of workers", "option", "n", int), batch_size=("Batch-size for each process", "option", "b", int) ) def main(in_loc, out_dir, n_workers=4, batch_size=100000): if not path.exists(out_dir): path.join(out_dir) texts = partition(batch_size, iter_texts_from_json_bz2(in_loc)) parallelize(transform_texts, enumerate(texts), n_workers, [out_dir]) if __name__ == '__main__': plac.call(main)