from typing import Dict, Any, Optional, Iterable from pathlib import Path from import Example from spacy.util import resolve_dot_names from wasabi import msg from thinc.api import fix_random_seed, set_dropout_rate, Adam from thinc.api import Model, data_validation, set_gpu_allocator import typer from ._util import Arg, Opt, debug_cli, show_validation_error from ._util import parse_config_overrides, string_to_list, setup_gpu from ..schemas import ConfigSchemaTraining from ..util import registry from .. import util @debug_cli.command( "model", context_settings={"allow_extra_args": True, "ignore_unknown_options": True}, ) def debug_model_cli( # fmt: off ctx: typer.Context, # This is only used to read additional arguments config_path: Path = Arg(..., help="Path to config file", exists=True), component: str = Arg(..., help="Name of the pipeline component of which the model should be analysed"), layers: str = Opt("", "--layers", "-l", help="Comma-separated names of layer IDs to print"), dimensions: bool = Opt(False, "--dimensions", "-DIM", help="Show dimensions"), parameters: bool = Opt(False, "--parameters", "-PAR", help="Show parameters"), gradients: bool = Opt(False, "--gradients", "-GRAD", help="Show gradients"), attributes: bool = Opt(False, "--attributes", "-ATTR", help="Show attributes"), P0: bool = Opt(False, "--print-step0", "-P0", help="Print model before training"), P1: bool = Opt(False, "--print-step1", "-P1", help="Print model after initialization"), P2: bool = Opt(False, "--print-step2", "-P2", help="Print model after training"), P3: bool = Opt(False, "--print-step3", "-P3", help="Print final predictions"), use_gpu: int = Opt(-1, "--gpu-id", "-g", help="GPU ID or -1 for CPU") # fmt: on ): """ Analyze a Thinc model implementation. Includes checks for internal structure and activations during training. DOCS: """ setup_gpu(use_gpu) layers = string_to_list(layers, intify=True) print_settings = { "dimensions": dimensions, "parameters": parameters, "gradients": gradients, "attributes": attributes, "layers": layers, "print_before_training": P0, "print_after_init": P1, "print_after_training": P2, "print_prediction": P3, } config_overrides = parse_config_overrides(ctx.args) with show_validation_error(config_path): raw_config = util.load_config( config_path, overrides=config_overrides, interpolate=False ) config = raw_config.interpolate() allocator = config["training"]["gpu_allocator"] if use_gpu >= 0 and allocator: set_gpu_allocator(allocator) with show_validation_error(config_path): nlp = util.load_model_from_config(raw_config) config = nlp.config.interpolate() T = registry.resolve(config["training"], schema=ConfigSchemaTraining) seed = T["seed"] if seed is not None:"Fixing random seed: {seed}") fix_random_seed(seed) pipe = nlp.get_pipe(component) if not hasattr(pipe, "model"): f"The component '{component}' does not specify an object that holds a Model.", exits=1, ) model = pipe.model debug_model(config, T, nlp, model, print_settings=print_settings) def debug_model( config, resolved_train_config, nlp, model: Model, *, print_settings: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None, ): if not isinstance(model, Model): f"Requires a Thinc Model to be analysed, but found {type(model)} instead.", exits=1, ) if print_settings is None: print_settings = {} # STEP 0: Printing before training"Analysing model with ID {}") if print_settings.get("print_before_training"): msg.divider(f"STEP 0 - before training") _print_model(model, print_settings) # STEP 1: Initializing the model and printing again X = _get_docs() # The output vector might differ from the official type of the output layer with data_validation(False): try: dot_names = [resolved_train_config["train_corpus"]] with show_validation_error(): (train_corpus,) = resolve_dot_names(config, dot_names) nlp.initialize(lambda: train_corpus(nlp))"Initialized the model with the training corpus.") except ValueError: try: _set_output_dim(nO=7, model=model) with show_validation_error(): nlp.initialize(lambda: [Example.from_dict(x, {}) for x in X])"Initialized the model with dummy data.") except Exception: "Could not initialize the model: you'll have to provide a valid train_corpus argument in the config file.", exits=1, ) if print_settings.get("print_after_init"): msg.divider(f"STEP 1 - after initialization") _print_model(model, print_settings) # STEP 2: Updating the model and printing again optimizer = Adam(0.001) set_dropout_rate(model, 0.2) # ugly hack to deal with Tok2Vec listeners tok2vec = None if model.has_ref("tok2vec") and model.get_ref("tok2vec").name == "tok2vec-listener": tok2vec = nlp.get_pipe("tok2vec") goldY = None for e in range(3): if tok2vec: tok2vec.update([Example.from_dict(x, {}) for x in X]) Y, get_dX = model.begin_update(X) if goldY is None: goldY = _simulate_gold(Y) dY = get_gradient(goldY, Y, model.ops) get_dX(dY) model.finish_update(optimizer) if print_settings.get("print_after_training"): msg.divider(f"STEP 2 - after training") _print_model(model, print_settings) # STEP 3: the final prediction prediction = model.predict(X) if print_settings.get("print_prediction"): msg.divider(f"STEP 3 - prediction") msg.good(f"Succesfully ended analysis - model looks good.") def get_gradient(goldY, Y, ops): return ops.asarray(Y) - ops.asarray(goldY) def _simulate_gold(element, counter=1): if isinstance(element, Iterable): for i in range(len(element)): element[i] = _simulate_gold(element[i], counter + i) return element else: return 1 / counter def _sentences(): return [ "Apple is looking at buying U.K. startup for $1 billion", "Autonomous cars shift insurance liability toward manufacturers", "San Francisco considers banning sidewalk delivery robots", "London is a big city in the United Kingdom.", ] def _get_docs(lang: str = "en"): nlp = util.get_lang_class(lang)() return list(nlp.pipe(_sentences())) def _set_output_dim(model, nO): # simulating dim inference by directly setting the nO argument of the model if model.has_dim("nO") is None: model.set_dim("nO", nO) if model.has_ref("output_layer"): if model.get_ref("output_layer").has_dim("nO") is None: model.get_ref("output_layer").set_dim("nO", nO) def _print_model(model, print_settings): layers = print_settings.get("layers", "") parameters = print_settings.get("parameters", False) dimensions = print_settings.get("dimensions", False) gradients = print_settings.get("gradients", False) attributes = print_settings.get("attributes", False) for i, node in enumerate(model.walk()): if not layers or i in layers:"Layer {i}: model ID {}: '{}'") if dimensions: for name in node.dim_names: if node.has_dim(name):" - dim {name}: {node.get_dim(name)}") else:" - dim {name}: {node.has_dim(name)}") if parameters: for name in node.param_names: if node.has_param(name): print_value = _print_matrix(node.get_param(name))" - param {name}: {print_value}") else:" - param {name}: {node.has_param(name)}") if gradients: for name in node.param_names: if node.has_grad(name): print_value = _print_matrix(node.get_grad(name))" - grad {name}: {print_value}") else:" - grad {name}: {node.has_grad(name)}") if attributes: attrs = node.attrs for name, value in attrs.items():" - attr {name}: {value}") def _print_matrix(value): if value is None or isinstance(value, bool): return value result = str(value.shape) + " - sample: " sample_matrix = value for d in range(value.ndim - 1): sample_matrix = sample_matrix[0] sample_matrix = sample_matrix[0:5] result = result + str(sample_matrix) return result