# coding: utf8 from __future__ import unicode_literals from .tokenizer_exceptions import TOKENIZER_EXCEPTIONS from .stop_words import STOP_WORDS from .lex_attrs import LEX_ATTRS # uncomment if files are available # from .norm_exceptions import NORM_EXCEPTIONS # from .tag_map import TAG_MAP # from .morph_rules import MORPH_RULES # uncomment if lookup-based lemmatizer is available from .lemmatizer import LOOKUP from ..tokenizer_exceptions import BASE_EXCEPTIONS from ..norm_exceptions import BASE_NORMS from ...language import Language from ...attrs import LANG, NORM from ...util import update_exc, add_lookups # Create a Language subclass # Documentation: https://spacy.io/docs/usage/adding-languages # This file should be placed in spacy/lang/ca (ISO code of language). # Before submitting a pull request, make sure the remove all comments from the # language data files, and run at least the basic tokenizer tests. Simply add the # language ID to the list of languages in spacy/tests/conftest.py to include it # in the basic tokenizer sanity tests. You can optionally add a fixture for the # language's tokenizer and add more specific tests. For more info, see the # tests documentation: https://github.com/explosion/spaCy/tree/master/spacy/tests class CatalanDefaults(Language.Defaults): lex_attr_getters = dict(Language.Defaults.lex_attr_getters) lex_attr_getters[LANG] = lambda text: 'ca' # ISO code # add more norm exception dictionaries here lex_attr_getters[NORM] = add_lookups(Language.Defaults.lex_attr_getters[NORM], BASE_NORMS) # overwrite functions for lexical attributes lex_attr_getters.update(LEX_ATTRS) # add custom tokenizer exceptions to base exceptions tokenizer_exceptions = update_exc(BASE_EXCEPTIONS, TOKENIZER_EXCEPTIONS) # add stop words stop_words = STOP_WORDS # if available: add tag map # tag_map = dict(TAG_MAP) # if available: add morph rules # morph_rules = dict(MORPH_RULES) lemma_lookup = LOOKUP class Catalan(Language): lang = 'ca' # ISO code Defaults = CatalanDefaults # set Defaults to custom language defaults # set default export – this allows the language class to be lazy-loaded __all__ = ['Catalan']