# coding: utf8 from __future__ import unicode_literals from ....symbols import NOUN, VERB, ADJ, NUM, DET, PRON, ADP, AUX, ADV class DutchLemmatizer(object): # Note: CGN does not distinguish AUX verbs, so we treat AUX as VERB. univ_pos_name_variants = { NOUN: "noun", "NOUN": "noun", "noun": "noun", VERB: "verb", "VERB": "verb", "verb": "verb", AUX: "verb", "AUX": "verb", "aux": "verb", ADJ: "adj", "ADJ": "adj", "adj": "adj", ADV: "adv", "ADV": "adv", "adv": "adv", PRON: "pron", "PRON": "pron", "pron": "pron", DET: "det", "DET": "det", "det": "det", ADP: "adp", "ADP": "adp", "adp": "adp", NUM: "num", "NUM": "num", "num": "num", } @classmethod def load(cls, path, index=None, exc=None, rules=None, lookup=None): return cls(index, exc, rules, lookup) def __init__(self, index=None, exceptions=None, rules=None, lookup=None): self.index = index self.exc = exceptions self.rules = rules or {} self.lookup_table = lookup if lookup is not None else {} def __call__(self, string, univ_pos, morphology=None): # Difference 1: self.rules is assumed to be non-None, so no # 'is None' check required. # String lowercased from the get-go. All lemmatization results in # lowercased strings. For most applications, this shouldn't pose # any problems, and it keeps the exceptions indexes small. If this # creates problems for proper nouns, we can introduce a check for # univ_pos == "PROPN". string = string.lower() try: univ_pos = self.univ_pos_name_variants[univ_pos] except KeyError: # Because PROPN not in self.univ_pos_name_variants, proper names # are not lemmatized. They are lowercased, however. return [string] # if string in self.lemma_index.get(univ_pos) lemma_index = self.index.get_string(univ_pos, {}) # string is already lemma if string in lemma_index: return [string] exceptions = self.exc.get_string(univ_pos, {}) # string is irregular token contained in exceptions index. try: lemma = exceptions[string] return [lemma[0]] except KeyError: pass # string corresponds to key in lookup table lookup_table = self.lookup_table looked_up_lemma = lookup_table.get_string(string) if looked_up_lemma and looked_up_lemma in lemma_index: return [looked_up_lemma] forms, is_known = lemmatize( string, lemma_index, exceptions, self.rules.get_string(univ_pos, []) ) # Back-off through remaining return value candidates. if forms: if is_known: return forms else: for form in forms: if form in exceptions: return [form] if looked_up_lemma: return [looked_up_lemma] else: return forms elif looked_up_lemma: return [looked_up_lemma] else: return [string] # Overrides parent method so that a lowercased version of the string is # used to search the lookup table. This is necessary because our lookup # table consists entirely of lowercase keys. def lookup(self, orth, string): string = string.lower() if orth is not None: return self.lookup_table.get(orth, string) else: return self.lookup_table.get_string(string, string) def noun(self, string, morphology=None): return self(string, "noun", morphology) def verb(self, string, morphology=None): return self(string, "verb", morphology) def adj(self, string, morphology=None): return self(string, "adj", morphology) def det(self, string, morphology=None): return self(string, "det", morphology) def pron(self, string, morphology=None): return self(string, "pron", morphology) def adp(self, string, morphology=None): return self(string, "adp", morphology) def punct(self, string, morphology=None): return self(string, "punct", morphology) # Reimplemented to focus more on application of suffix rules and to return # as early as possible. def lemmatize(string, index, exceptions, rules): # returns (forms, is_known: bool) oov_forms = [] for old, new in rules: if string.endswith(old): form = string[: len(string) - len(old)] + new if not form: pass elif form in index: return [form], True # True = Is known (is lemma) else: oov_forms.append(form) return list(set(oov_forms)), False