{ "id": "wsj_0001", "paragraphs": [ { "raw": "Pierre Vinken, 61 years old, will join the board as a nonexecutive director Nov. 29. Mr. Vinken is chairman of Elsevier N.V., the Dutch publishing group.", "segmented": "Pierre Vinken<SEP>, 61 years old<SEP>, will join the board as a nonexecutive director Nov. 29<SEP>.<SENT>Mr. Vinken is chairman of Elsevier N.V.<SEP>, the Dutch publishing group<SEP>.", "sents": [ 0, 85 ], "tokens": [ { "dep": "NMOD", "start": 0, "head": 7, "tag": "NNP", "orth": "Pierre" }, { "dep": "SUB", "start": 7, "head": 29, "tag": "NNP", "orth": "Vinken" }, { "dep": "P", "start": 13, "head": 7, "tag": ",", "orth": "," }, { "dep": "NMOD", "start": 15, "head": 18, "tag": "CD", "orth": "61" }, { "dep": "AMOD", "start": 18, "head": 24, "tag": "NNS", "orth": "years" }, { "dep": "NMOD", "start": 24, "head": 7, "tag": "JJ", "orth": "old" }, { "dep": "P", "start": 27, "head": 7, "tag": ",", "orth": "," }, { "dep": "ROOT", "start": 29, "head": -1, "tag": "MD", "orth": "will" }, { "dep": "VC", "start": 34, "head": 29, "tag": "VB", "orth": "join" }, { "dep": "NMOD", "start": 39, "head": 43, "tag": "DT", "orth": "the" }, { "dep": "OBJ", "start": 43, "head": 34, "tag": "NN", "orth": "board" }, { "dep": "VMOD", "start": 49, "head": 34, "tag": "IN", "orth": "as" }, { "dep": "NMOD", "start": 52, "head": 67, "tag": "DT", "orth": "a" }, { "dep": "NMOD", "start": 54, "head": 67, "tag": "JJ", "orth": "nonexecutive" }, { "dep": "PMOD", "start": 67, "head": 49, "tag": "NN", "orth": "director" }, { "dep": "VMOD", "start": 76, "head": 34, "tag": "NNP", "orth": "Nov." }, { "dep": "NMOD", "start": 81, "head": 76, "tag": "CD", "orth": "29" }, { "dep": "P", "start": 83, "head": 29, "tag": ".", "orth": "." }, { "dep": "NMOD", "start": 85, "head": 89, "tag": "NNP", "orth": "Mr." }, { "dep": "SUB", "start": 89, "head": 96, "tag": "NNP", "orth": "Vinken" }, { "dep": "ROOT", "start": 96, "head": -1, "tag": "VBZ", "orth": "is" }, { "dep": "PRD", "start": 99, "head": 96, "tag": "NN", "orth": "chairman" }, { "dep": "NMOD", "start": 108, "head": 99, "tag": "IN", "orth": "of" }, { "dep": "NMOD", "start": 111, "head": 120, "tag": "NNP", "orth": "Elsevier" }, { "dep": "NMOD", "start": 120, "head": 147, "tag": "NNP", "orth": "N.V." }, { "dep": "P", "start": 124, "head": 147, "tag": ",", "orth": "," }, { "dep": "NMOD", "start": 126, "head": 147, "tag": "DT", "orth": "the" }, { "dep": "NMOD", "start": 130, "head": 147, "tag": "NNP", "orth": "Dutch" }, { "dep": "NMOD", "start": 136, "head": 147, "tag": "VBG", "orth": "publishing" }, { "dep": "PMOD", "start": 147, "head": 108, "tag": "NN", "orth": "group" }, { "dep": "P", "start": 152, "head": 96, "tag": ".", "orth": "." } ], "brackets": [ { "start": 0, "end": 7, "label": "NP" }, { "start": 15, "end": 18, "label": "NP" }, { "start": 15, "end": 24, "label": "ADJP" }, { "start": 0, "end": 27, "label": "NP-SBJ" }, { "start": 39, "end": 43, "label": "NP" }, { "start": 52, "end": 67, "label": "NP" }, { "start": 49, "end": 67, "label": "PP-CLR" }, { "start": 76, "end": 81, "label": "NP-TMP" }, { "start": 34, "end": 81, "label": "VP" }, { "start": 29, "end": 81, "label": "VP" }, { "start": 0, "end": 83, "label": "S" }, { "start": 85, "end": 89, "label": "NP-SBJ" }, { "start": 99, "end": 99, "label": "NP" }, { "start": 111, "end": 120, "label": "NP" }, { "start": 126, "end": 147, "label": "NP" }, { "start": 111, "end": 147, "label": "NP" }, { "start": 108, "end": 147, "label": "PP" }, { "start": 99, "end": 147, "label": "NP-PRD" }, { "start": 96, "end": 147, "label": "VP" }, { "start": 85, "end": 152, "label": "S" } ] } ] }