--- title: GoldCorpus teaser: An annotated corpus, using the JSON file format tag: class source: spacy/gold.pyx new: 2 --- This class manages annotations for tagging, dependency parsing and NER. ## GoldCorpus.\_\_init\_\_ {#init tag="method"} Create a `GoldCorpus`. IF the input data is an iterable, each item should be a `(text, paragraphs)` tuple, where each paragraph is a tuple `(sentences, brackets)`, and each sentence is a tuple `(ids, words, tags, heads, ner)`. See the implementation of [`gold.read_json_file`](https://github.com/explosion/spaCy/tree/master/spacy/gold.pyx) for further details. | Name | Type | Description | | ----------- | --------------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------ | | `train` | unicode / `Path` / iterable | Training data, as a path (file or directory) or iterable. | | `dev` | unicode / `Path` / iterable | Development data, as a path (file or directory) or iterable. | | **RETURNS** | `GoldCorpus` | The newly constructed object. |