# encoding: utf8
from __future__ import unicode_literals

# improved list from Stone, Denis, Kwantes (2010)
STOP_WORDS = set("""
a about above across after afterwards again against all almost alone
along already also although always am among amongst amoungst amount
an and another any anyhow anyone anything anyway anywhere are around
as at back be became because become becomes becoming been before
beforehand behind being below beside besides between beyond bill
both bottom but by call can cannot cant co computer con could couldnt
cry de describe detail did didn do does doesn doing don done down due
during each eg eight either eleven else elsewhere empty enough etc
even ever every everyone everything everywhere except few fifteen
fify fill find fire first five for former formerly forty found four
from front full further get give go had has hasnt have he hence her
here hereafter hereby herein hereupon hers herself him himself his
how however hundred i ie if in inc indeed interest into is it its
itself keep last latter latterly least less ltd just kg km made make
many may me meanwhile might mill mine more moreover most mostly move
much must my myself name namely neither never nevertheless next nine
no nobody none noone nor not nothing now nowhere of off often on once
one only onto or other others otherwise our ours ourselves out over
own part per perhaps please put rather re quite rather really regarding
same say see seem seemed seeming seems serious several she should
show side  since sincere six sixty so some somehow someone something
sometime sometimes somewhere still such system take ten than that the
their them themselves then thence there thereafter thereby therefore
therein thereupon these they thick thin third this those though three
through throughout thru thus to together too top toward towards twelve
twenty two un under until up unless upon us used using various very
very via was we well were what whatever when whence whenever where whereafter
whereas whereby wherein whereupon wherever whether which while whither
who whoever whole whom whose why will with within without would yet you
your yours yourself yourselves

    ".": {"pos": "punct", "puncttype": "peri"},
    ",": {"pos": "punct", "puncttype": "comm"},
    "-LRB-": {"pos": "punct", "puncttype": "brck", "punctside": "ini"},
    "-RRB-": {"pos": "punct", "puncttype": "brck", "punctside": "fin"},
    "``": {"pos": "punct", "puncttype": "quot", "punctside": "ini"},
    "\"\"": {"pos": "punct", "puncttype": "quot", "punctside": "fin"},
    "''": {"pos": "punct", "puncttype": "quot", "punctside": "fin"},
    ":": {"pos": "punct"},
    "$": {"pos": "sym", "other": {"symtype": "currency"}},
    "#": {"pos": "sym", "other": {"symtype": "numbersign"}},
    "AFX": {"pos": "adj",  "hyph": "hyph"},
    "CC": {"pos": "conj", "conjtype": "coor"},
    "CD": {"pos": "num", "numtype": "card"},
    "DT": {"pos": "det"},
    "EX": {"pos": "adv", "advtype": "ex"},
    "FW": {"pos": "x", "foreign": "foreign"},
    "HYPH": {"pos": "punct", "puncttype": "dash"},
    "IN": {"pos": "adp"},
    "JJ": {"pos": "adj", "degree": "pos"},
    "JJR": {"pos": "adj", "degree": "comp"},
    "JJS": {"pos": "adj", "degree": "sup"},
    "LS": {"pos": "punct", "numtype": "ord"},
    "MD": {"pos": "verb", "verbtype": "mod"},
    "NIL": {"pos": ""},
    "NN": {"pos": "noun", "number": "sing"},
    "NNP": {"pos": "propn", "nountype": "prop", "number": "sing"},
    "NNPS": {"pos": "propn", "nountype": "prop", "number": "plur"},
    "NNS": {"pos": "noun", "number": "plur"},
    "PDT": {"pos": "adj", "adjtype": "pdt", "prontype": "prn"},
    "POS": {"pos": "part", "poss": "poss"},
    "PRP": {"pos": "pron", "prontype": "prs"},
    "PRP$": {"pos": "adj", "prontype": "prs", "poss": "poss"},
    "RB": {"pos": "adv", "degree": "pos"},
    "RBR": {"pos": "adv", "degree": "comp"},
    "RBS": {"pos": "adv", "degree": "sup"},
    "RP": {"pos": "part"},
    "SYM": {"pos": "sym"},
    "TO": {"pos": "part", "parttype": "inf", "verbform": "inf"},
    "UH": {"pos": "intJ"},
    "VB": {"pos": "verb", "verbform": "inf"},
    "VBD": {"pos": "verb", "verbform": "fin", "tense": "past"},
    "VBG": {"pos": "verb", "verbform": "part", "tense": "pres", "aspect": "prog"},
    "VBN": {"pos": "verb", "verbform": "part", "tense": "past", "aspect": "perf"},
    "VBP": {"pos": "verb", "verbform": "fin", "tense": "pres"},
    "VBZ": {"pos": "verb", "verbform": "fin", "tense": "pres", "number": "sing", "person": 3},
    "WDT": {"pos": "adj", "prontype": "int|rel"},
    "WP": {"pos": "noun", "prontype": "int|rel"},
    "WP$": {"pos": "adj", "poss": "poss", "prontype": "int|rel"},
    "WRB": {"pos": "adv", "prontype": "int|rel"},
    "SP": {"pos": "space"},
    "ADD": {"pos": "x"},
    "NFP": {"pos": "punct"},
    "GW": {"pos": "x"},
    "AFX": {"pos": "x"},
    "HYPH": {"pos": "punct"},
    "XX": {"pos": "x"},
    "BES": {"pos": "verb"},
    "HVS": {"pos": "verb"}

TOKENIZER_PREFIXES = r''', " ( [ { * < $ £ “ ' `` ` # US$ C$ A$ a- ‘ .... ...'''.split()

TOKENIZER_SUFFIXES = (r''', \" \) \] \} \* \! \? % \$ > : ; ' ” '' 's 'S ’s ’S ’'''
                      r'''\.\. \.\.\. \.\.\.\. (?<=[a-z0-9)\]”"'%\)])\. '''

TOKENIZER_INFIXES = (r'''\.\.\.+ (?<=[a-z])\.(?=[A-Z]) (?<=[a-zA-Z])-(?=[a-zA-z]) '''
                     r'''(?<=[a-zA-Z])--(?=[a-zA-z]) (?<=[0-9])-(?=[0-9]) '''

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          "L": "and/or",
          "pos": "CC"
  "Ph.D.": [
        "F": "Ph.D."
  "d.": [
      "F": "d."
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      "F": "E.G."
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      "L": "will",
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  "6a.m.": [
      "F": "6"
      "F": "a.m."
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      "F": "Ore."
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      "L": "not",
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      "F": "'ve",
      "L": "have",
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  ":>": [
      "F": ":>"
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      "F": "p.m."
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      "L": "will",
      "pos": "MD"
  "5a.m.": [
      "F": "5"
      "F": "a.m."
  ":(": [
      "F": ":("
  ":0": [
      "F": ":0"
  "10a.m.": [
      "F": "10"
      "F": "a.m."
  "aint": [
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      "number": 2,
      "L": "be"
      "F": "nt",
      "L": "not",
      "pos": "RB"
  " ": [
      "pos": "SP",
      "F": " "
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      "F": "Dec."
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      "L": "not",
      "pos": "RB"
  "Ky.": [
      "F": "Ky."
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      "L": "not",
      "pos": "RB"
  "itll": [
      "L": "-PRON-",
      "F": "it"
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  "Who're": [
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  "=D": [
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  "Ain't": [
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      "number": 2,
      "L": "be"
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      "L": "not",
      "pos": "RB"
  "Can't": [
      "F": "Ca",
      "L": "can",
      "pos": "MD"
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      "L": "not",
      "pos": "RB"
  "Whyre": [
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      "F": "am"
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      "F": ";D"
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      "F": "Mrs."
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  ":p": [
      "F": ":p"
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  ":O": [
      "F": ":O"
  "<33": [
      "F": "<33"
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  "Whyll": [
      "F": "Why"
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      "pos": "MD"
  "''": [
      "F": "''"
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  "Who've": [
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      "F": "am"
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      "F": "pm"
  "4p.m.": [
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  "o_o": [
      "F": "o_o"
  "Mo.": [
      "F": "Mo."
  "Kan.": [
      "F": "Kan."
  "\u00a0": [
      "pos": "SP",
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      "F": "\u00a0"
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  "(^_^)": [
      "F": "(^_^)"
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      "F": "pm"
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  "Nov.": [
      "F": "Nov."
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      "F": "z."
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      "F": "xDD"
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      "L": "not",
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      "L": "have",
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  "hadn't": [
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      "F": "Have"
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      "L": "not",
      "pos": "RB"
  "Whatve": [
      "F": "What"
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      "L": "have",
      "pos": "VB"
  ":)": [
      "F": ":)"
  "o.O": [
      "F": "o.O"
  "Thats": [
      "F": "That"
      "F": "s"
  ":((": [
      "F": ":(("
  "Gov.": [
      "F": "Gov."
  "Howll": [
      "F": "How"
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      "L": "will",
      "pos": "MD"
  "p.": [
      "F": "p."
  "wouldn't": [
      "F": "would"
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      "L": "not",
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  "9pm": [
      "F": "9"
      "L": "p.m.",
      "F": "pm"
  "You'll": [
      "L": "-PRON-",
      "F": "You"
      "F": "'ll",
      "L": "will",
      "pos": "MD"
  "Ala.": [
      "F": "Ala."
  "12am": [
      "F": "12"
      "L": "a.m.",
      "F": "am"
  "=]": [
      "F": "=]"
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      "pos": "MD"
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      "L": "not",
      "pos": "RB"
  "i'd": [
      "L": "-PRON-",
      "F": "i"
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      "L": "would",
      "pos": "MD"
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      "F": "a.m."
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  "why'll": [
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  "we'd've": [
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      "L": "would",
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  "Shouldve": [
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      "F": "p.m."
  "12a.m.": [
      "F": "12"
      "F": "a.m."
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  "Why're": [
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  ":(((": [
      "F": ":((("
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  "Mt.": [
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      "L": "not",
      "pos": "RB"
  "What've": [
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  "4a.m.": [
      "F": "4"
      "F": "a.m."
  "Ind.": [
      "F": "Ind."
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      "F": "It"
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  "<3": [
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  "aren't": [
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      "pos": "VBP",
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      "L": "be"
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      "L": "not",
      "pos": "RB"
  "Mightn't": [
      "F": "Might"
      "F": "n't",
      "L": "not",
      "pos": "RB"
  "'S": [
      "L": "'s",
      "F": "'S"
  "I've": [
      "L": "-PRON-",
      "F": "I"
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      "L": "have",
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      "L": "would",
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      "F": "It"
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      "F": "pm"
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