from __future__ import unicode_literals import json from os import path from collections import defaultdict from libc.string cimport memset from cymem.cymem cimport Pool from thinc.typedefs cimport atom_t, weight_t from cimport Example from thinc.structs cimport ExampleC from thinc.linear.avgtron cimport AveragedPerceptron from thinc.linalg cimport VecVec from .typedefs cimport attr_t from .tokens.doc cimport Doc from .attrs cimport TAG from .parts_of_speech cimport NO_TAG, ADJ, ADV, ADP, CONJ, DET, NOUN, NUM, PRON from .parts_of_speech cimport VERB, X, PUNCT, EOL, SPACE from .attrs cimport * from .util import get_package cpdef enum: P2_orth P2_cluster P2_shape P2_prefix P2_suffix P2_pos P2_lemma P2_flags P1_orth P1_cluster P1_shape P1_prefix P1_suffix P1_pos P1_lemma P1_flags W_orth W_cluster W_shape W_prefix W_suffix W_pos W_lemma W_flags N1_orth N1_cluster N1_shape N1_prefix N1_suffix N1_pos N1_lemma N1_flags N2_orth N2_cluster N2_shape N2_prefix N2_suffix N2_pos N2_lemma N2_flags N_CONTEXT_FIELDS cdef class TaggerNeuralNet(NeuralNet): def __init__(self, n_classes, depth=1, hidden_width=100, words_width=20, shape_width=5, suffix_width=5, tags_width=5, learn_rate=0.1): input_length = 5 * words_width + 5 * shape_width + 5 * suffix_width + 2 * tags_width widths = [input_length] + [hidden_width] * depth + [n_classes] vector_widths = [words_width, shape_width, suffix_width, tags_width] slots = [0] * 5 + [1] * 5 + [2] * 5 + [3] * 2 NeuralNet.__init__( self, widths, embed=(vector_widths, slots), eta=learn_rate, rho=1e-6, update_step='sgd') cdef void set_featuresC(self, ExampleC* eg, const TokenC* tokens, int i) except *: eg.nr_feat = self.nr_feat for j in range(eg.nr_feat): eg.features[j].value = 1.0 eg.features[j].i = j eg.features[0].key = tokens[i].lex.lower eg.features[1].key = tokens[i-1].lex.lower eg.features[2].key = tokens[i-2].lex.lower eg.features[3].key = tokens[i+1].lex.lower eg.features[4].key = tokens[i+2].lex.lower eg.features[5].key = tokens[i].lex.shape eg.features[6].key = tokens[i-1].lex.shape eg.features[7].key = tokens[i-2].lex.shape eg.features[8].key = tokens[i+1].lex.shape eg.features[9].key = tokens[i+2].lex.shape eg.features[10].key = tokens[i].lex.suffix eg.features[11].key = tokens[i-1].lex.suffix eg.features[12].key = tokens[i-2].lex.suffix eg.features[13].key = tokens[i+1].lex.suffix eg.features[14].key = tokens[i+2].lex.suffix eg.features[15].key = tokens[i-2].tag eg.features[16].key = tokens[i-1].tag def end_training(self): pass def dump(self, loc): pass property nr_feat: def __get__(self): return 17 cdef class CharacterTagger(NeuralNet): def __init__(self, n_classes, depth=4, hidden_width=100, chars_width=5, words_width=20, shape_width=5, suffix_width=5, tags_width=5, learn_rate=0.1): input_length = 5 * chars_width * self.chars_per_word + 2 * tags_width widths = [input_length] + [hidden_width] * depth + [n_classes] vector_widths = [chars_width, tags_width] slots = [0] * 5 * self.chars_per_word + [1] * 2 NeuralNet.__init__( self, widths, embed=(vector_widths, slots), eta=learn_rate, rho=1e-6, update_step='sgd') cdef void set_featuresC(self, ExampleC* eg, const TokenC* tokens, object strings, int i) except *: oov = '_' * self.chars_per_word p2 = strings[i-2] if i >= 2 else oov p1 = strings[i-1] if i >= 1 else oov w = strings[i] n1 = strings[i+1] if (i+1) < len(strings) else oov n2 = strings[i+2] if (i+2) < len(strings) else oov cdef int p = 0 cdef int c cdef int chars_per_word = self.chars_per_word cdef unicode string for string in (p2, p1, w, n1, n2): for c in range(chars_per_word): eg.features[p].i = p eg.features[p].key = ord(string[c]) eg.features[p].value = 1.0 if string[c] != u'_' else 0.0 p += 1 eg.features[p].key = tokens[i-1].tag eg.features[p].value = 1.0 eg.features[p].i = p p += 1 eg.features[p].key = tokens[i-2].tag eg.features[p].value = 1.0 eg.features[p].i = p eg.nr_feat = p+1 def end_training(self): pass def dump(self, loc): pass property nr_feat: def __get__(self): return self.chars_per_word * 5 + 2 property chars_per_word: def __get__(self): return 15 def _pad(word, nr_char): if len(word) == nr_char: pass elif len(word) > nr_char: split = nr_char / 2 word = word[:split+1] + word[-split:] else: word = word.ljust(nr_char, ' ') assert len(word) == nr_char, repr(word) return word cdef inline void _fill_from_token(atom_t* context, const TokenC* t) nogil: context[0] = t.lex.lower context[1] = t.lex.cluster context[2] = t.lex.shape context[3] = t.lex.prefix context[4] = t.lex.suffix context[5] = t.tag context[6] = t.lemma if t.lex.flags & (1 << IS_ALPHA): context[7] = 1 elif t.lex.flags & (1 << IS_PUNCT): context[7] = 2 elif t.lex.flags & (1 << LIKE_URL): context[7] = 3 elif t.lex.flags & (1 << LIKE_NUM): context[7] = 4 else: context[7] = 0 cdef class Tagger: """A part-of-speech tagger for English""" @classmethod def read_config(cls, data_dir): return json.load(open(path.join(data_dir, 'pos', 'config.json'))) @classmethod def default_templates(cls): return ( (W_orth,), (P1_lemma, P1_pos), (P2_lemma, P2_pos), (N1_orth,), (N2_orth,), (W_suffix,), (W_prefix,), (P1_pos,), (P2_pos,), (P1_pos, P2_pos), (P1_pos, W_orth), (P1_suffix,), (N1_suffix,), (W_shape,), (W_cluster,), (N1_cluster,), (N2_cluster,), (P1_cluster,), (P2_cluster,), (W_flags,), (N1_flags,), (N2_flags,), (P1_flags,), (P2_flags,), ) @classmethod def blank(cls, vocab, templates, learn_rate=0.005): model = CharacterTagger(vocab.morphology.n_tags, learn_rate=learn_rate) return cls(vocab, model) @classmethod def load(cls, data_dir, vocab): return cls.from_package(get_package(data_dir), vocab=vocab) @classmethod def from_package(cls, pkg, vocab): # TODO: templates.json deprecated? not present in latest package templates = cls.default_templates() # templates = package.load_utf8(json.load, # 'pos', 'templates.json', # default=cls.default_templates()) model = TaggerNeuralNet() if pkg.has_file('pos', 'model'): model.load(pkg.file_path('pos', 'model')) return cls(vocab, model) def __init__(self, Vocab vocab, CharacterTagger model): self.vocab = vocab self.model = model # TODO: Move this to tag map self.freqs = {TAG: defaultdict(int)} for tag in self.tag_names: self.freqs[TAG][self.vocab.strings[tag]] = 1 self.freqs[TAG][0] = 1 @property def tag_names(self): return self.vocab.morphology.tag_names def __reduce__(self): return (self.__class__, (self.vocab, self.model), None, None) def tag_from_strings(self, Doc tokens, object tag_strs): cdef int i for i in range(tokens.length): self.vocab.morphology.assign_tag(&tokens.c[i], tag_strs[i]) tokens.is_tagged = True tokens._py_tokens = [None] * tokens.length def __call__(self, Doc tokens): """Apply the tagger, setting the POS tags onto the Doc object. Args: tokens (Doc): The tokens to be tagged. """ if tokens.length == 0: return 0 cdef Pool mem = Pool() cdef int i, tag cdef Example eg = Example(nr_atom=N_CONTEXT_FIELDS, widths=self.model.widths, nr_class=self.vocab.morphology.n_tags, nr_feat=self.model.nr_feat) strings = [_pad(tok.text, self.model.chars_per_word) for tok in tokens] for i in range(tokens.length): eg.reset() if tokens.c[i].pos == 0: self.model.set_featuresC(&eg.c, tokens.c, strings, i) self.model.predict_example(eg) #self.model.set_scoresC(eg.c.scores, # eg.c.features, eg.c.nr_feat) guess = VecVec.arg_max_if_true(eg.c.scores, eg.c.is_valid, eg.c.nr_class) self.vocab.morphology.assign_tag(&tokens.c[i], guess) tokens.is_tagged = True tokens._py_tokens = [None] * tokens.length def pipe(self, stream, batch_size=1000, n_threads=2): for doc in stream: self(doc) yield doc def train(self, Doc tokens, object gold_tag_strs): assert len(tokens) == len(gold_tag_strs) for tag in gold_tag_strs: if tag not in self.tag_names: msg = ("Unrecognized gold tag: %s. tag_map.json must contain all" "gold tags, to maintain coarse-grained mapping.") raise ValueError(msg % tag) golds = [self.tag_names.index(g) if g is not None else -1 for g in gold_tag_strs] strings = [_pad(tok.text, self.model.chars_per_word) for tok in tokens] cdef int correct = 0 cdef Pool mem = Pool() cdef Example eg = Example( nr_atom=N_CONTEXT_FIELDS, nr_class=self.vocab.morphology.n_tags, widths=self.model.widths, nr_feat=self.model.nr_feat) for i in range(tokens.length): eg.reset() self.model.set_featuresC(&eg.c, tokens.c, strings, i) eg.costs = [golds[i] not in (j, -1) for j in range(eg.c.nr_class)] self.model.train_example(eg) #self.model.set_scoresC(eg.c.scores, # eg.c.features, eg.c.nr_feat) # #self.model.updateC(&eg.c) self.vocab.morphology.assign_tag(&tokens.c[i], eg.guess) correct += eg.cost == 0 self.freqs[TAG][tokens.c[i].tag] += 1 tokens.is_tagged = True tokens._py_tokens = [None] * tokens.length return correct