//- 💫 DOCS > USAGE > PROCESSING PIPELINES > DEVELOPING EXTENSIONS p | We're very excited about all the new possibilities for community | extensions and plugins in spaCy v2.0, and we can't wait to see what | you build with it! To get you started, here are a few tips, tricks and | best practices. For examples of other spaCy extensions, see the | #[+a("/usage/resources#extensions") resources]. +list +item | Make sure to choose a #[strong descriptive and specific name] for | your pipeline component class, and set it as its #[code name] | attribute. Avoid names that are too common or likely to clash with | built-in or a user's other custom components. While it's fine to call | your package "spacy_my_extension", avoid component names including | "spacy", since this can easily lead to confusion. +code-wrapper +code-new name = 'myapp_lemmatizer' +code-old name = 'lemmatizer' +item | When writing to #[code Doc], #[code Token] or #[code Span] objects, | #[strong use getter functions] wherever possible, and avoid setting | values explicitly. Tokens and spans don't own any data themselves, | so you should provide a function that allows them to compute the | values instead of writing static properties to individual objects. +code-wrapper +code-new. is_fruit = lambda token: token.text in ('apple', 'orange') Token.set_extension('is_fruit', getter=is_fruit) +code-old. token._.set_extension('is_fruit', default=False) if token.text in ('apple', 'orange'): token._.set('is_fruit', True) +item | Always add your custom attributes to the #[strong global] #[code Doc] | #[code Token] or #[code Span] objects, not a particular instance of | them. Add the attributes #[strong as early as possible], e.g. in | your extension's #[code __init__] method or in the global scope of | your module. This means that in the case of namespace collisions, | the user will see an error immediately, not just when they run their | pipeline. +code-wrapper +code-new. from spacy.tokens import Doc def __init__(attr='my_attr'): Doc.set_extension(attr, getter=self.get_doc_attr) +code-old. def __call__(doc): doc.set_extension('my_attr', getter=self.get_doc_attr) +item | If your extension is setting properties on the #[code Doc], | #[code Token] or #[code Span], include an option to | #[strong let the user to change those attribute names]. This makes | it easier to avoid namespace collisions and accommodate users with | different naming preferences. We recommend adding an #[code attrs] | argument to the #[code __init__] method of your class so you can | write the names to class attributes and reuse them across your | component. +code-wrapper +code-new Doc.set_extension(self.doc_attr, default='some value') +code-old Doc.set_extension('my_doc_attr', default='some value') +item | Ideally, extensions should be #[strong standalone packages] with | spaCy and optionally, other packages specified as a dependency. They | can freely assign to their own #[code ._] namespace, but should stick | to that. If your extension's only job is to provide a better | #[code .similarity] implementation, and your docs state this | explicitly, there's no problem with writing to the | #[+a("#custom-components-user-hooks") #[code user_hooks]], and | overwriting spaCy's built-in method. However, a third-party | extension should #[strong never silently overwrite built-ins], or | attributes set by other extensions. +item | If you're looking to publish a model that depends on a custom | pipeline component, you can either #[strong require it] in the model | package's dependencies, or – if the component is specific and | lightweight – choose to #[strong ship it with your model package] | and add it to the #[code Language] instance returned by the | model's #[code load()] method. For examples of this, check out the | implementations of spaCy's | #[+api("util#load_model_from_init_py") #[code load_model_from_init_py]] | and #[+api("util#load_model_from_path") #[code load_model_from_path]] | utility functions. +code-wrapper +code-new. nlp.add_pipe(my_custom_component) return nlp.from_disk(model_path) +item | Once you're ready to share your extension with others, make sure to | #[strong add docs and installation instructions] (you can | always link to this page for more info). Make it easy for others to | install and use your extension, for example by uploading it to | #[+a("https://pypi.python.org") PyPi]. If you're sharing your code on | GitHub, don't forget to tag it | with #[+a("https://github.com/topics/spacy?o=desc&s=stars") #[code spacy]] | and #[+a("https://github.com/topics/spacy-extension?o=desc&s=stars") #[code spacy-extension]] | to help people find it. If you post it on Twitter, feel free to tag | #[+a("https://twitter.com/" + SOCIAL.twitter) @#{SOCIAL.twitter}] | so we can check it out.