from typing import Optional, Union, Any, Dict, List, Tuple, cast import shutil from pathlib import Path from wasabi import Printer, MarkdownRenderer, get_raw_input from thinc.api import Config from collections import defaultdict from catalogue import RegistryError import srsly import sys import re from ._util import app, Arg, Opt, string_to_list, WHEEL_SUFFIX, SDIST_SUFFIX from ..schemas import validate, ModelMetaSchema from .. import util from .. import about @app.command("package") def package_cli( # fmt: off input_dir: Path = Arg(..., help="Directory with pipeline data", exists=True, file_okay=False), output_dir: Path = Arg(..., help="Output parent directory", exists=True, file_okay=False), code_paths: str = Opt("", "--code", "-c", help="Comma-separated paths to Python file with additional code (registered functions) to be included in the package"), meta_path: Optional[Path] = Opt(None, "--meta-path", "--meta", "-m", help="Path to meta.json", exists=True, dir_okay=False), create_meta: bool = Opt(False, "--create-meta", "-C", help="Create meta.json, even if one exists"), name: Optional[str] = Opt(None, "--name", "-n", help="Package name to override meta"), version: Optional[str] = Opt(None, "--version", "-v", help="Package version to override meta"), build: str = Opt("sdist", "--build", "-b", help="Comma-separated formats to build: sdist and/or wheel, or none."), force: bool = Opt(False, "--force", "-f", "-F", help="Force overwriting existing data in output directory"), # fmt: on ): """ Generate an installable Python package for a pipeline. Includes binary data, meta and required installation files. A new directory will be created in the specified output directory, and the data will be copied over. If --create-meta is set and a meta.json already exists in the output directory, the existing values will be used as the defaults in the command-line prompt. After packaging, "python sdist" is run in the package directory, which will create a .tar.gz archive that can be installed via "pip install". If additional code files are provided (e.g. Python files containing custom registered functions like pipeline components), they are copied into the package and imported in the DOCS: """ create_sdist, create_wheel = get_build_formats(string_to_list(build)) code_paths = [Path(p.strip()) for p in string_to_list(code_paths)] package( input_dir, output_dir, meta_path=meta_path, code_paths=code_paths, name=name, version=version, create_meta=create_meta, create_sdist=create_sdist, create_wheel=create_wheel, force=force, silent=False, ) def package( input_dir: Path, output_dir: Path, meta_path: Optional[Path] = None, code_paths: List[Path] = [], name: Optional[str] = None, version: Optional[str] = None, create_meta: bool = False, create_sdist: bool = True, create_wheel: bool = False, force: bool = False, silent: bool = True, ) -> None: msg = Printer(no_print=silent, pretty=not silent) input_path = util.ensure_path(input_dir) output_path = util.ensure_path(output_dir) meta_path = util.ensure_path(meta_path) if create_wheel and not has_wheel(): err = "Generating a binary .whl file requires wheel to be installed", "pip install wheel", exits=1) if not input_path or not input_path.exists():"Can't locate pipeline data", input_path, exits=1) if not output_path or not output_path.exists():"Output directory not found", output_path, exits=1) if create_sdist or create_wheel: opts = ["sdist" if create_sdist else "", "wheel" if create_wheel else ""]"Building package artifacts: {', '.join(opt for opt in opts if opt)}") for code_path in code_paths: if not code_path.exists():"Can't find code file", code_path, exits=1) # Import the code here so it's available when model is loaded (via # get_meta helper). Also verifies that everything works util.import_file(code_path.stem, code_path) if code_paths: msg.good(f"Including {len(code_paths)} Python module(s) with custom code") if meta_path and not meta_path.exists():"Can't find pipeline meta.json", meta_path, exits=1) meta_path = meta_path or input_dir / "meta.json" if not meta_path.exists() or not meta_path.is_file():"Can't load pipeline meta.json", meta_path, exits=1) meta = srsly.read_json(meta_path) meta = get_meta(input_dir, meta) if meta["requirements"]: msg.good( f"Including {len(meta['requirements'])} package requirement(s) from " f"meta and config", ", ".join(meta["requirements"]), ) if name is not None: if not name.isidentifier(): f"Model name ('{name}') is not a valid module name. " "This is required so it can be imported as a module.", "We recommend names that use ASCII A-Z, a-z, _ (underscore), " "and 0-9. " "For specific details see:", exits=1, ) if not _is_permitted_package_name(name): f"Model name ('{name}') is not a permitted package name. " "This is required to correctly load the model with spacy.load.", "We recommend names that use ASCII A-Z, a-z, _ (underscore), " "and 0-9. " "For specific details see:", exits=1, ) meta["name"] = name if version is not None: meta["version"] = version if not create_meta: # only print if user doesn't want to overwrite msg.good("Loaded meta.json from file", meta_path) else: meta = generate_meta(meta, msg) errors = validate(ModelMetaSchema, meta) if errors:"Invalid pipeline meta.json") print("\n".join(errors)) sys.exit(1) model_name = meta["name"] if not model_name.startswith(meta["lang"] + "_"): model_name = f"{meta['lang']}_{model_name}" model_name_v = model_name + "-" + meta["version"] main_path = output_dir / model_name_v package_path = main_path / model_name if package_path.exists(): if force: shutil.rmtree(str(package_path)) else: "Package directory already exists", "Please delete the directory and try again, or use the " "`--force` flag to overwrite existing directories.", exits=1, ) Path.mkdir(package_path, parents=True) shutil.copytree(str(input_dir), str(package_path / model_name_v)) for file_name in FILENAMES_DOCS: file_path = package_path / model_name_v / file_name if file_path.exists(): shutil.copy(str(file_path), str(main_path)) readme_path = main_path / "" if not readme_path.exists(): readme = generate_readme(meta) create_file(readme_path, readme) create_file(package_path / model_name_v / "", readme) msg.good("Generated from meta.json") else:"Using existing from pipeline directory") imports = [] for code_path in code_paths: imports.append(code_path.stem) shutil.copy(str(code_path), str(package_path)) create_file(main_path / "meta.json", srsly.json_dumps(meta, indent=2)) create_file(main_path / "", TEMPLATE_SETUP) create_file(main_path / "", TEMPLATE_MANIFEST) init_py = TEMPLATE_INIT.format( imports="\n".join(f"from . import {m}" for m in imports) ) create_file(package_path / "", init_py) msg.good(f"Successfully created package directory '{model_name_v}'", main_path) if create_sdist: with util.working_dir(main_path): util.run_command([sys.executable, "", "sdist"], capture=False) zip_file = main_path / "dist" / f"{model_name_v}{SDIST_SUFFIX}" msg.good(f"Successfully created zipped Python package", zip_file) if create_wheel: with util.working_dir(main_path): util.run_command([sys.executable, "", "bdist_wheel"], capture=False) wheel_name_squashed = re.sub("_+", "_", model_name_v) wheel = main_path / "dist" / f"{wheel_name_squashed}{WHEEL_SUFFIX}" msg.good(f"Successfully created binary wheel", wheel) if "__" in model_name: msg.warn( f"Model name ('{model_name}') contains a run of underscores. " "Runs of underscores are not significant in installed package names.", ) def has_wheel() -> bool: try: import wheel # noqa: F401 return True except ImportError: return False def get_third_party_dependencies( config: Config, exclude: List[str] = util.SimpleFrozenList() ) -> List[str]: """If the config includes references to registered functions that are provided by third-party packages (spacy-transformers, other libraries), we want to include them in meta["requirements"] so that the package specifies them as dependencies and the user won't have to do it manually. We do this by: - traversing the config to check for registered function (@ keys) - looking up the functions and getting their module - looking up the module version and generating an appropriate version range config (Config): The pipeline config. exclude (list): List of packages to exclude (e.g. that already exist in meta). RETURNS (list): The versioned requirements. """ own_packages = ("spacy", "spacy-legacy", "spacy-nightly", "thinc", "srsly") distributions = util.packages_distributions() funcs = defaultdict(set) # We only want to look at runtime-relevant sections, not [training] or [initialize] for section in ("nlp", "components"): for path, value in util.walk_dict(config[section]): if path[-1].startswith("@"): # collect all function references by registry funcs[path[-1][1:]].add(value) for component in config.get("components", {}).values(): if "factory" in component: funcs["factories"].add(component["factory"]) modules = set() lang = config["nlp"]["lang"] for reg_name, func_names in funcs.items(): for func_name in func_names: # Try the lang-specific version and fall back try: func_info = util.registry.find(reg_name, lang + "." + func_name) except RegistryError: try: func_info = util.registry.find(reg_name, func_name) except RegistryError as regerr: # lang-specific version being absent is not actually an issue raise regerr from None module_name = func_info.get("module") # type: ignore[attr-defined] if module_name: # the code is part of a module, not a --code file modules.add(func_info["module"].split(".")[0]) # type: ignore[index] dependencies = [] for module_name in modules: if module_name in distributions: dist = distributions.get(module_name) if dist: pkg = dist[0] if pkg in own_packages or pkg in exclude: continue version = util.get_package_version(pkg) version_range = util.get_minor_version_range(version) # type: ignore[arg-type] dependencies.append(f"{pkg}{version_range}") return dependencies def get_build_formats(formats: List[str]) -> Tuple[bool, bool]: supported = ["sdist", "wheel", "none"] for form in formats: if form not in supported: msg = Printer() err = f"Unknown build format: {form}. Supported: {', '.join(supported)}", exits=1) if not formats or "none" in formats: return (False, False) return ("sdist" in formats, "wheel" in formats) def create_file(file_path: Path, contents: str) -> None: file_path.touch()"w", encoding="utf-8").write(contents) def get_meta( model_path: Union[str, Path], existing_meta: Dict[str, Any] ) -> Dict[str, Any]: meta: Dict[str, Any] = { "lang": "en", "name": "pipeline", "version": "0.0.0", "description": "", "author": "", "email": "", "url": "", "license": "MIT", } nlp = util.load_model_from_path(Path(model_path)) meta.update(nlp.meta) meta.update(existing_meta) meta["spacy_version"] = util.get_minor_version_range(about.__version__) meta["vectors"] = { "width": nlp.vocab.vectors_length, "vectors": len(nlp.vocab.vectors), "keys": nlp.vocab.vectors.n_keys, "name":, } if about.__title__ != "spacy": meta["parent_package"] = about.__title__ meta.setdefault("requirements", []) # Update the requirements with all third-party packages in the config existing_reqs = [util.split_requirement(req)[0] for req in meta["requirements"]] reqs = get_third_party_dependencies(nlp.config, exclude=existing_reqs) meta["requirements"].extend(reqs) return meta def generate_meta(existing_meta: Dict[str, Any], msg: Printer) -> Dict[str, Any]: meta = existing_meta or {} settings = [ ("lang", "Pipeline language", meta.get("lang", "en")), ("name", "Pipeline name", meta.get("name", "pipeline")), ("version", "Package version", meta.get("version", "0.0.0")), ("description", "Package description", meta.get("description", None)), ("author", "Author", meta.get("author", None)), ("email", "Author email", meta.get("email", None)), ("url", "Author website", meta.get("url", None)), ("license", "License", meta.get("license", "MIT")), ] msg.divider("Generating meta.json") msg.text( "Enter the package settings for your pipeline. The following information " "will be read from your pipeline data: pipeline, vectors." ) for setting, desc, default in settings: response = get_raw_input(desc, default) meta[setting] = default if response == "" and default else response return meta def generate_readme(meta: Dict[str, Any]) -> str: """ Generate a Markdown-formatted README text from a model meta.json. Used within the GitHub release notes and as content for file added to model packages. """ md = MarkdownRenderer() lang = meta["lang"] name = f"{lang}_{meta['name']}" version = meta["version"] pipeline = ", ".join([md.code(p) for p in meta.get("pipeline", [])]) components = ", ".join([md.code(p) for p in meta.get("components", [])]) vecs = meta.get("vectors", {}) vectors = f"{vecs.get('keys', 0)} keys, {vecs.get('vectors', 0)} unique vectors ({ vecs.get('width', 0)} dimensions)" author = meta.get("author") or "n/a" notes = meta.get("notes", "") license_name = meta.get("license") sources = _format_sources(meta.get("sources")) description = meta.get("description") label_scheme = _format_label_scheme(cast(Dict[str, Any], meta.get("labels"))) accuracy = _format_accuracy(cast(Dict[str, Any], meta.get("performance"))) table_data = [ (md.bold("Name"), md.code(name)), (md.bold("Version"), md.code(version)), (md.bold("spaCy"), md.code(meta["spacy_version"])), (md.bold("Default Pipeline"), pipeline), (md.bold("Components"), components), (md.bold("Vectors"), vectors), (md.bold("Sources"), sources or "n/a"), (md.bold("License"), md.code(license_name) if license_name else "n/a"), (md.bold("Author"),, meta["url"]) if "url" in meta else author), ] # Put together Markdown body if description: md.add(description) md.add(md.table(table_data, ["Feature", "Description"])) if label_scheme: md.add(md.title(3, "Label Scheme")) md.add(label_scheme) if accuracy: md.add(md.title(3, "Accuracy")) md.add(accuracy) if notes: md.add(notes) return md.text def _format_sources(data: Any) -> str: if not data or not isinstance(data, list): return "n/a" sources = [] for source in data: if not isinstance(source, dict): source = {"name": source} name = source.get("name") if not name: continue url = source.get("url") author = source.get("author") result = name if not url else "[{}]({})".format(name, url) if author: result += " ({})".format(author) sources.append(result) return "<br />".join(sources) def _format_accuracy(data: Dict[str, Any], exclude: List[str] = ["speed"]) -> str: if not data: return "" md = MarkdownRenderer() scalars = [(k, v) for k, v in data.items() if isinstance(v, (int, float))] scores = [ (md.code(acc.upper()), f"{score*100:.2f}") for acc, score in scalars if acc not in exclude ] md.add(md.table(scores, ["Type", "Score"])) return md.text def _format_label_scheme(data: Dict[str, Any]) -> str: if not data: return "" md = MarkdownRenderer() n_labels = 0 n_pipes = 0 label_data = [] for pipe, labels in data.items(): if not labels: continue col1 = md.bold(md.code(pipe)) col2 = ", ".join( [md.code(str(label).replace("|", "\\|")) for label in labels] ) # noqa: W605 label_data.append((col1, col2)) n_labels += len(labels) n_pipes += 1 if not label_data: return "" label_info = f"View label scheme ({n_labels} labels for {n_pipes} components)" md.add("<details>") md.add(f"<summary>{label_info}</summary>") md.add(md.table(label_data, ["Component", "Labels"])) md.add("</details>") return md.text def _is_permitted_package_name(package_name: str) -> bool: # regex from: permitted_match = r"^([A-Z0-9]|[A-Z0-9][A-Z0-9._-]*[A-Z0-9])$", package_name, re.IGNORECASE ) return permitted_match is not None TEMPLATE_SETUP = """ #!/usr/bin/env python import io import json from os import path, walk from shutil import copy from setuptools import setup def load_meta(fp): with, encoding='utf8') as f: return json.load(f) def load_readme(fp): if path.exists(fp): with, encoding='utf8') as f: return return "" def list_files(data_dir): output = [] for root, _, filenames in walk(data_dir): for filename in filenames: if not filename.startswith('.'): output.append(path.join(root, filename)) output = [path.relpath(p, path.dirname(data_dir)) for p in output] output.append('meta.json') return output def list_requirements(meta): parent_package = meta.get('parent_package', 'spacy') requirements = [parent_package + meta['spacy_version']] if 'setup_requires' in meta: requirements += meta['setup_requires'] if 'requirements' in meta: requirements += meta['requirements'] return requirements def setup_package(): root = path.abspath(path.dirname(__file__)) meta_path = path.join(root, 'meta.json') meta = load_meta(meta_path) readme_path = path.join(root, '') readme = load_readme(readme_path) model_name = str(meta['lang'] + '_' + meta['name']) model_dir = path.join(model_name, model_name + '-' + meta['version']) copy(meta_path, path.join(model_name)) copy(meta_path, model_dir) setup( name=model_name, description=meta.get('description'), long_description=readme, author=meta.get('author'), author_email=meta.get('email'), url=meta.get('url'), version=meta['version'], license=meta.get('license'), packages=[model_name], package_data={model_name: list_files(model_dir)}, install_requires=list_requirements(meta), zip_safe=False, entry_points={'spacy_models': ['{m} = {m}'.format(m=model_name)]} ) if __name__ == '__main__': setup_package() """.lstrip() TEMPLATE_MANIFEST = """ include meta.json include LICENSE include LICENSES_SOURCES include """.strip() TEMPLATE_INIT = """ from pathlib import Path from spacy.util import load_model_from_init_py, get_model_meta {imports} __version__ = get_model_meta(Path(__file__).parent)['version'] def load(**overrides): return load_model_from_init_py(__file__, **overrides) """.lstrip() FILENAMES_DOCS = ["LICENSE", "LICENSES_SOURCES", ""]