//- 💫 MIXINS > BASE //- Section id - [string] anchor assigned to section (used for breadcrumb navigation) mixin section(id) section.o-section(id="section-" + id data-section=id) block //- Aside wrapper label - [string] aside label mixin aside-wrapper(label) aside.c-aside .c-aside__content(role="complementary")&attributes(attributes) if label h4.u-text-label.u-text-label--dark=label block //- SVG from map (uses embedded SVG sprite) name - [string] SVG symbol id width - [integer] width in px height - [integer] height in px (default: same as width) mixin svg(name, width, height) svg(aria-hidden="true" viewBox="0 0 #{width} #{height || width}" width=width height=(height || width))&attributes(attributes) use(xlink:href="#svg_#{name}") //- Icon name - [string] icon name (will be used as symbol id: #svg_{name}) width - [integer] icon width (default: 20) height - [integer] icon height (defaults to width) mixin icon(name, width, height) - var width = width || 20 - var height = height || width +svg(name, width, height).o-icon(style="min-width: #{width}px")&attributes(attributes) //- Pro/Con/Neutral icon icon - [string] "pro", "con" or "neutral" (default: "neutral") size - [integer] icon size (optional) mixin procon(icon, label, show_label, size) - var colors = { yes: "green", no: "red", neutral: "subtle" } span.u-nowrap +icon(icon, size || 20)(class="u-color-#{colors[icon] || 'subtle'}").o-icon--inline&attributes(attributes) span.u-text-small(class=show_label ? null : "u-hidden")=(label || icon) //- Headlines Helper Mixin level - [integer] 1, 2, 3, 4, or 5 mixin headline(level) if level == 1 h1.u-heading-1&attributes(attributes) block else if level == 2 h2.u-heading-2&attributes(attributes) block else if level == 3 h3.u-heading-3&attributes(attributes) block else if level == 4 h4.u-heading-4&attributes(attributes) block else if level == 5 h5.u-heading-5&attributes(attributes) block //- Permalink rendering id - [string] permalink ID used for link anchor mixin permalink(id) if id a.u-permalink(href="##{id}") block else block //- Quickstart widget quickstart.js with manual markup, inspired by PyTorch's "Getting started" groups - [object] option groups, uses global variable QUICKSTART headline - [string] optional text to be rendered as widget headline mixin quickstart(groups, headline, description, hide_results) .c-quickstart.o-block-small#qs .c-quickstart__content if headline +h(2)=headline if description p=description for group in groups .c-quickstart__group.u-text-small(data-qs-group=group.id) if group.title .c-quickstart__legend=group.title if group.help | #[+help(group.help)] .c-quickstart__fields for option in group.options input.c-quickstart__input(class="c-quickstart__input--" + (group.input_style ? group.input_style : group.multiple ? "check" : "radio") type=group.multiple ? "checkbox" : "radio" name=group.id id="qs-#{option.id}" value=option.id checked=option.checked) label.c-quickstart__label.u-text-tiny(for="qs-#{option.id}")!=option.title if option.meta | #[span.c-quickstart__label__meta (#{option.meta})] if option.help | #[+help(option.help)] if hide_results block else pre.c-code-block code.c-code-block__content.c-quickstart__code(data-qs-results="") block //- Quickstart code item data - [object] Rendering conditions (keyed by option group ID, value: option) style - [string] modifier ID for line style mixin qs(data, style) - args = {} for value, setting in data - args['data-qs-' + setting] = value span.c-quickstart__line(class="c-quickstart__line--#{style || 'bash'}")&attributes(args) block //- Terminal-style code window label - [string] title displayed in top bar of terminal window mixin terminal(label) .x-terminal .x-terminal__icons: span .u-padding-small.u-text-label.u-text-center=label +code.x-terminal__code block //- Chart.js id - [string] chart ID, will be assigned as #chart_{id} mixin chart(id, height) figure.o-block&attributes(attributes) canvas(id="chart_#{id}" width="800" height=(height || "400") style="max-width: 100%") //- Gitter chat button and widget button - [string] text shown on button label - [string] title of chat window (default: same as button) mixin gitter(button, label) aside.js-gitter.c-chat.is-collapsed(data-title=(label || button)) button.js-gitter-button.c-chat__button.u-text-tag +icon("chat", 16).o-icon--inline !=button //- Badge image - [string] path to badge image url - [string] badge link mixin badge(image, url) +a(url).u-padding-small.u-hide-link&attributes(attributes) img.o-badge(src=image alt=url height="20") //- spaCy logo mixin logo() +svg("spacy", 675, 215).o-logo&attributes(attributes) //- Landing mixin landing-header() header.c-landing .c-landing__wrapper .c-landing__content block mixin landing-banner(headline, label) .c-landing__banner.u-padding.o-block.u-color-light +grid.c-landing__banner__content.o-no-block +grid-col("third") h3.u-heading.u-heading-1 if label div span.u-text-label.u-text-label--light=label !=headline +grid-col("two-thirds").c-landing__banner__text block mixin landing-logos(title, logos) .o-content.u-text-center&attributes(attributes) h3.u-heading.u-text-label.u-color-dark=title each row, i in logos - var is_last = i == logos.length - 1 +grid("center").o-inline-list.o-no-block(class=is_last ? "o-no-block" : null) each details, name in row +a(details[0]).u-padding-medium +icon(name, details[1], details[2]) if is_last block //- Under construction (temporary) Marks sections that still need to be completed for the v2.0 release. mixin under-construction() +infobox("Under construction", "🚧") | This section is still being written and will be updated for the v2.0 | release. Is there anything that you think should definitely mentioned or | explained here? Any examples you'd like to see? #[strong Let us know] | on the #[+a(gh("spacy") + "/issues/1105") v2.0 alpha thread] on GitHub! //- Alpha infobox (temporary) Added in the templates to notify user that they're visiting the alpha site. mixin alpha-info() +infobox("You are viewing the spaCy v2.0.0 alpha docs", "⚠️") strong This page is part of the alpha documentation for spaCy v2.0. | It does not reflect the state of the latest stable release. | Because v2.0 is still under development, the implementation | may differ from the intended state described here. See the | #[+a(gh("spaCy") + "/releases/tag/v2.0.0-alpha") release notes] | for details on how to install and test the new version. To | read the official docs for spaCy v1.x, | #[+a("https://spacy.io/docs") go here].