//- 💫 DOCS > USAGE > MODELS LIST include ../../_includes/_mixins p | Model differences are mostly statistical. In general, we do expect larger | models to be "better" and more accurate overall. Ultimately, it depends on | your use case and requirements, and we recommend starting with the default | models (marked with a star below). +aside | Models are now available as #[code .tar.gz] archives #[+a(gh("spacy-models")) from GitHub], | attached to individual releases. They can be downloaded and loaded manually, | or using spaCy's #[code download] and #[code link] commands. All models | follow the naming convention of #[code [language]_[type]_[genre]_[size]]. | #[br]#[br] +button(gh("spacy-models"), true, "primary").u-text-tag | View model releases +table(["Name", "Language", "Voc", "Dep", "Ent", "Vec", "Size", "License"]) for models, lang in MODELS for model, i in models +model-row(model.id, model.lang, model.feats, model.size, model.license, model.def || models.length == 1, i == 0)