# coding: utf8 from __future__ import unicode_literals, division, print_function import json from collections import defaultdict import cytoolz from pathlib import Path import dill from ..tokens.doc import Doc from ..scorer import Scorer from ..gold import GoldParse, merge_sents from ..gold import read_json_file as read_gold_json from ..util import prints from .. import util from .. import displacy def train(language, output_dir, train_data, dev_data, n_iter, n_sents, use_gpu, tagger, parser, ner, parser_L1): output_path = util.ensure_path(output_dir) train_path = util.ensure_path(train_data) dev_path = util.ensure_path(dev_data) if not output_path.exists(): prints(output_path, title="Output directory not found", exits=True) if not train_path.exists(): prints(train_path, title="Training data not found", exits=True) if dev_path and not dev_path.exists(): prints(dev_path, title="Development data not found", exits=True) lang = util.get_lang_class(language) parser_cfg = { 'pseudoprojective': True, 'L1': parser_L1, 'n_iter': n_iter, 'lang': language, 'features': lang.Defaults.parser_features} entity_cfg = { 'n_iter': n_iter, 'lang': language, 'features': lang.Defaults.entity_features} tagger_cfg = { 'n_iter': n_iter, 'lang': language, 'features': lang.Defaults.tagger_features} gold_train = list(read_gold_json(train_path, limit=n_sents)) gold_dev = list(read_gold_json(dev_path, limit=n_sents)) if dev_path else None train_model(lang, gold_train, gold_dev, output_path, n_iter, use_gpu=use_gpu) if gold_dev: scorer = evaluate(lang, gold_dev, output_path) print_results(scorer) def train_config(config): config_path = util.ensure_path(config) if not config_path.is_file(): prints(config_path, title="Config file not found", exits=True) config = json.load(config_path) for setting in []: if setting not in config.keys(): prints("%s not found in config file." % setting, title="Missing setting") def train_model(Language, train_data, dev_data, output_path, n_iter, **cfg): print("Itn.\tDep. Loss\tUAS\tNER F.\tTag %\tToken %") nlp = Language(pipeline=['token_vectors', 'tags']) #, 'dependencies']) dropout = util.env_opt('dropout', 0.0) # TODO: Get spaCy using Thinc's trainer and optimizer with nlp.begin_training(train_data, **cfg) as (trainer, optimizer): for itn, epoch in enumerate(trainer.epochs(n_iter, gold_preproc=True)): losses = defaultdict(float) to_render = [] for i, (docs, golds) in enumerate(epoch): state = nlp.update(docs, golds, drop=dropout, sgd=optimizer) losses['dep_loss'] += state.get('parser_loss', 0.0) losses['tag_loss'] += state.get('tagger_loss', 0.0) to_render.insert(0, nlp(docs[-1].text)) to_render[0].user_data['title'] = "Batch %d" % i with Path('/tmp/entities.html').open('w') as file_: html = displacy.render(to_render[:5], style='ent', page=True) file_.write(html) with Path('/tmp/parses.html').open('w') as file_: html = displacy.render(to_render[:5], style='dep', page=True) file_.write(html) if dev_data: with nlp.use_params(optimizer.averages): dev_scores = trainer.evaluate(dev_data).scores else: dev_scores = defaultdict(float) print_progress(itn, losses, dev_scores) with (output_path / 'model.bin').open('wb') as file_: dill.dump(nlp, file_, -1) #nlp.to_disk(output_path, tokenizer=False) def evaluate(Language, gold_tuples, path): with (path / 'model.bin').open('rb') as file_: nlp = dill.load(file_) scorer = Scorer() for raw_text, sents in gold_tuples: sents = merge_sents(sents) for annot_tuples, brackets in sents: if raw_text is None: tokens = Doc(nlp.vocab, words=annot_tuples[1]) state = None for proc in nlp.pipeline: state = proc(tokens, state=state) else: tokens = nlp(raw_text) gold = GoldParse.from_annot_tuples(tokens, annot_tuples) scorer.score(tokens, gold) return scorer def print_progress(itn, losses, dev_scores): # TODO: Fix! scores = {} for col in ['dep_loss', 'uas', 'tags_acc', 'token_acc', 'ents_f']: scores[col] = 0.0 scores.update(losses) scores.update(dev_scores) tpl = '{:d}\t{dep_loss:.3f}\t{uas:.3f}\t{ents_f:.3f}\t{tags_acc:.3f}\t{token_acc:.3f}' print(tpl.format(itn, **scores)) def print_results(scorer): results = { 'TOK': '%.2f' % scorer.token_acc, 'POS': '%.2f' % scorer.tags_acc, 'UAS': '%.2f' % scorer.uas, 'LAS': '%.2f' % scorer.las, 'NER P': '%.2f' % scorer.ents_p, 'NER R': '%.2f' % scorer.ents_r, 'NER F': '%.2f' % scorer.ents_f} util.print_table(results, title="Results")