from keras.models import model_from_json import numpy class KerasSimilarityShim(object): @classmethod def load(cls, path, nlp, get_features=None): if get_features is None: get_features = doc2ids with (path / 'config.json').open() as file_: config = json.load(file_) model = model_from_json(config['model']) with (path / 'model').open('rb') as file_: weights = pickle.load(file_) embeddings = get_embeddings(nlp.vocab) model.set_weights([embeddings] + weights) return cls(model, get_features=get_features) def __init__(self, model, get_features=None): self.model = model self.get_features = get_features def __call__(self, doc): doc.user_hooks['similarity'] = self.predict doc.user_span_hooks['similarity'] = self.predict def predict(self, doc1, doc2): x1 = self.get_features(doc1) x2 = self.get_features(doc2) scores = self.model.predict([x1, x2]) return scores[0] def get_embeddings(vocab): max_rank = max(lex.rank+1 for lex in vocab if lex.has_vector) vectors = numpy.ndarray((max_rank+1, vocab.vectors_length), dtype='float32') for lex in vocab: if lex.has_vector: vectors[lex.rank + 1] = lex.vector return vectors def get_word_ids(docs, tree_truncate=False, max_length=100): Xs = numpy.zeros((len(docs), max_length), dtype='int32') for i, doc in enumerate(docs): j = 0 queue = [sent.root for sent in doc.sents] words = [] while len(words) <= max_length and queue: word = queue.pop(0) if word.has_vector and not word.is_punct and not word.is_space: words.append(word) queue.extend(list(word.lefts)) queue.extend(list(word.rights)) words.sort() for j, token in enumerate(words): Xs[i, j] = token.rank + 1 j += 1 if j >= max_length: break return Xs def create_similarity_pipeline(nlp): return [SimilarityModel.load( nlp.path / 'similarity', nlp, feature_extracter=get_features)]