from typing import Optional, List, Dict from ...lemmatizer import Lemmatizer from ...symbols import POS, NOUN, VERB, ADJ, ADV, PRON, DET, AUX, PUNCT, ADP from ...symbols import SCONJ, CCONJ class FrenchLemmatizer(Lemmatizer): """ French language lemmatizer applies the default rule based lemmatization procedure with some modifications for better French language support. The parts of speech 'ADV', 'PRON', 'DET', 'ADP' and 'AUX' are added to use the rule-based lemmatization. As a last resort, the lemmatizer checks in the lookup table. """ def __call__( self, string: str, univ_pos: str, morphology: Optional[dict] = None ) -> List[str]: lookup_table = self.lookups.get_table("lemma_lookup", {}) if "lemma_rules" not in self.lookups: return [lookup_table.get(string, string)] if univ_pos in (NOUN, "NOUN", "noun"): univ_pos = "noun" elif univ_pos in (VERB, "VERB", "verb"): univ_pos = "verb" elif univ_pos in (ADJ, "ADJ", "adj"): univ_pos = "adj" elif univ_pos in (ADP, "ADP", "adp"): univ_pos = "adp" elif univ_pos in (ADV, "ADV", "adv"): univ_pos = "adv" elif univ_pos in (AUX, "AUX", "aux"): univ_pos = "aux" elif univ_pos in (CCONJ, "CCONJ", "cconj"): univ_pos = "cconj" elif univ_pos in (DET, "DET", "det"): univ_pos = "det" elif univ_pos in (PRON, "PRON", "pron"): univ_pos = "pron" elif univ_pos in (PUNCT, "PUNCT", "punct"): univ_pos = "punct" elif univ_pos in (SCONJ, "SCONJ", "sconj"): univ_pos = "sconj" else: return [self.lookup(string)] index_table = self.lookups.get_table("lemma_index", {}) exc_table = self.lookups.get_table("lemma_exc", {}) rules_table = self.lookups.get_table("lemma_rules", {}) lemmas = self.lemmatize( string, index_table.get(univ_pos, {}), exc_table.get(univ_pos, {}), rules_table.get(univ_pos, []), ) return lemmas def lookup(self, string: str, orth: Optional[int] = None) -> str: lookup_table = self.lookups.get_table("lemma_lookup", {}) if orth is not None and orth in lookup_table: return lookup_table[orth][0] return string def lemmatize( self, string: str, index: Dict[str, List[str]], exceptions: Dict[str, Dict[str, List[str]]], rules: Dict[str, List[List[str]]], ) -> List[str]: lookup_table = self.lookups.get_table("lemma_lookup", {}) string = string.lower() forms = [] if string in index: forms.append(string) return forms forms.extend(exceptions.get(string, [])) oov_forms = [] if not forms: for old, new in rules: if string.endswith(old): form = string[: len(string) - len(old)] + new if not form: pass elif form in index or not form.isalpha(): forms.append(form) else: oov_forms.append(form) if not forms: forms.extend(oov_forms) if not forms and string in lookup_table.keys(): forms.append(lookup_table[string][0]) if not forms: forms.append(string) return list(set(forms)) def is_base_form(univ_pos: str, morphology: Optional[dict] = None) -> bool: """ Check whether we're dealing with an uninflected paradigm, so we can avoid lemmatization entirely. """ morphology = {} if morphology is None else morphology others = [ key for key in morphology if key not in (POS, "Number", "POS", "VerbForm", "Tense") ] if univ_pos == "noun" and morphology.get("Number") == "sing": return True elif univ_pos == "verb" and morphology.get("VerbForm") == "inf": return True # This maps 'VBP' to base form -- probably just need 'IS_BASE' # morphology elif univ_pos == "verb" and ( morphology.get("VerbForm") == "fin" and morphology.get("Tense") == "pres" and morphology.get("Number") is None and not others ): return True elif univ_pos == "adj" and morphology.get("Degree") == "pos": return True elif "VerbForm=inf" in morphology: return True elif "VerbForm=none" in morphology: return True elif "Number=sing" in morphology: return True elif "Degree=pos" in morphology: return True else: return False