import React, { Fragment, useState } from 'react' import { StaticQuery, graphql } from 'gatsby' import { Quickstart, QS } from '../components/quickstart' const DEFAULT_LANG = 'en' const DEFAULT_OPT = 'efficiency' const data = [ { id: 'lang', title: 'Language', defaultValue: DEFAULT_LANG, }, { id: 'load', title: 'Loading style', options: [ { id: 'spacy', title: 'Use spacy.load()', help: "Use spaCy's built-in loader to load the package by name", checked: true, }, { id: 'module', title: 'Import as module', help: 'Import the package explicitly as a Python module', }, ], }, { id: 'optimize', title: 'Select for', options: [ { id: 'efficiency', title: 'efficiency', checked: DEFAULT_OPT === 'efficiency', help: 'Faster and smaller pipeline, but less accurate', }, { id: 'accuracy', title: 'accuracy', checked: DEFAULT_OPT === 'accuracy', help: 'Larger and slower pipeline, but more accurate', }, ], }, { id: 'config', title: 'Options', multiple: true, options: [{ id: 'example', title: 'Show text example' }], }, ] const QuickstartInstall = ({ id, title, description, children }) => { const [lang, setLang] = useState(DEFAULT_LANG) const [efficiency, setEfficiency] = useState(DEFAULT_OPT === 'efficiency') const setters = { lang: setLang, optimize: v => setEfficiency(v.includes('efficiency')), } return ( { const models = site.siteMetadata.languages.filter(({ models }) => models !== null) data[0].dropdown = models .sort((a, b) => .map(({ code, name }) => ({ id: code, title: name, })) return ( {{ code, models, example }) => { const pkg = efficiency ? models[0] : models[models.length - 1] const exampleText = example || 'No text available yet' return lang !== code ? null : ( python -m spacy download {pkg} import spacy nlp = spacy.load("{pkg}") import {pkg} nlp = {pkg}.load() doc = nlp("{exampleText}") print([ {code === 'xx' ? '(ent.text, ent.label) for ent in doc.ents' : '(w.text, w.pos_) for w in doc'} ]) ) })} {children} ) }} /> ) } export default QuickstartInstall const query = graphql` query QuickstartModelsQuery { site { siteMetadata { languages { code name models example } } } } `