//- 💫 DOCS > USAGE > FACTS & FIGURES > BENCHMARKS > CHOI ET AL. (2015) +table(["System", "Year", "Language", "Accuracy", "Speed (wps)"]) +row +cell #[strong spaCy v2.x] +cell 2017 +cell Python / Cython +cell("num") #[strong 92.6] +cell("num") #[em n/a] | #[+help("This table shows speed as benchmarked by Choi et al. We therefore can't provide comparable figures, as we'd be running the benchmark on different hardware.").u-color-dark] +row +cell #[strong spaCy v1.x] +cell 2015 +cell Python / Cython +cell("num") 91.8 +cell("num") 13,963 +row +cell ClearNLP +cell 2015 +cell Java +cell("num") 91.7 +cell("num") 10,271 +row +cell CoreNLP +cell 2015 +cell Java +cell("num") 89.6 +cell("num") 8,602 +row +cell MATE +cell 2015 +cell Java +cell("num") 92.5 +cell("num") 550 +row +cell Turbo +cell 2015 +cell C++ +cell("num") 92.4 +cell("num") 349