from typing import List from thinc.api import Model, Linear, with_array, softmax_activation, padded2list from thinc.api import chain, list2padded, configure_normal_init from thinc.api import Dropout from thinc.types import Floats2d from ...tokens import Doc from .._biluo import BILUO from .._iob import IOB from ...util import registry @registry.architectures.register("spacy.BILUOTagger.v1") def BiluoTagger( tok2vec: Model[List[Doc], List[Floats2d]] ) -> Model[List[Doc], List[Floats2d]]: """Construct a simple NER tagger, that predicts BILUO tag scores for each token and uses greedy decoding with transition-constraints to return a valid BILUO tag sequence. A BILUO tag sequence encodes a sequence of non-overlapping labelled spans into tags assigned to each token. The first token of a span is given the tag B-LABEL, the last token of the span is given the tag L-LABEL, and tokens within the span are given the tag I-LABEL. Single-token spans are given the tag U-LABEL. All other tokens are assigned the tag O. The BILUO tag scheme generally results in better linear separation between classes, especially for non-CRF models, because there are more distinct classes for the different situations (Ratinov et al., 2009). """ biluo = BILUO() linear = Linear( nO=None, nI=tok2vec.get_dim("nO"), init_W=configure_normal_init(mean=0.02) ) model = chain( tok2vec, list2padded(), with_array(chain(Dropout(0.1), linear)), biluo, with_array(softmax_activation()), padded2list(), ) return Model( "biluo-tagger", forward, init=init, layers=[model, linear], refs={"tok2vec": tok2vec, "linear": linear, "biluo": biluo}, dims={"nO": None}, attrs={"get_num_actions": biluo.attrs["get_num_actions"]}, ) @registry.architectures.register("spacy.IOBTagger.v1") def IOBTagger( tok2vec: Model[List[Doc], List[Floats2d]] ) -> Model[List[Doc], List[Floats2d]]: """Construct a simple NER tagger, that predicts IOB tag scores for each token and uses greedy decoding with transition-constraints to return a valid IOB tag sequence. An IOB tag sequence encodes a sequence of non-overlapping labelled spans into tags assigned to each token. The first token of a span is given the tag B-LABEL, and subsequent tokens are given the tag I-LABEL. All other tokens are assigned the tag O. """ biluo = IOB() linear = Linear(nO=None, nI=tok2vec.get_dim("nO")) model = chain( tok2vec, list2padded(), with_array(linear), biluo, with_array(softmax_activation()), padded2list(), ) return Model( "iob-tagger", forward, init=init, layers=[model], refs={"tok2vec": tok2vec, "linear": linear, "biluo": biluo}, dims={"nO": None}, attrs={"get_num_actions": biluo.attrs["get_num_actions"]}, ) def init(model: Model[List[Doc], List[Floats2d]], X=None, Y=None) -> None: if model.has_dim("nO") is None and Y: model.set_dim("nO", Y[0].shape[1]) nO = model.get_dim("nO") biluo = model.get_ref("biluo") linear = model.get_ref("linear") biluo.set_dim("nO", nO) if linear.has_dim("nO") is None: linear.set_dim("nO", nO) model.layers[0].initialize(X=X, Y=Y) def forward(model: Model, X: List[Doc], is_train: bool): return model.layers[0](X, is_train) __all__ = ["BiluoTagger"]