from typing import List, Iterable, Optional, Dict, Tuple, Callable, Set from thinc.types import Floats2d from thinc.api import SequenceCategoricalCrossentropy, set_dropout_rate, Model from thinc.api import Optimizer, Config from thinc.util import to_numpy from itertools import islice from ..errors import Errors from import Example, spans_from_biluo_tags, iob_to_biluo, biluo_to_iob from import validate_examples from ..tokens import Doc from ..language import Language from ..vocab import Vocab from ..scorer import Scorer from .pipe import Pipe default_model_config = """ [model] @architectures = "spacy.BILUOTagger.v1" [model.tok2vec] @architectures = "spacy.HashEmbedCNN.v1" pretrained_vectors = null width = 128 depth = 4 embed_size = 7000 window_size = 1 maxout_pieces = 3 subword_features = true """ DEFAULT_SIMPLE_NER_MODEL = Config().from_str(default_model_config)["model"] @Language.factory( "simple_ner", assigns=["doc.ents"], default_config={"labels": [], "model": DEFAULT_SIMPLE_NER_MODEL}, scores=["ents_p", "ents_r", "ents_f", "ents_per_type"], default_score_weights={"ents_f": 1.0, "ents_p": 0.0, "ents_r": 0.0}, ) def make_simple_ner( nlp: Language, name: str, model: Model, labels: Iterable[str] ) -> "SimpleNER": return SimpleNER(nlp.vocab, model, name, labels=labels) class SimpleNER(Pipe): """Named entity recognition with a tagging model. The model should include validity constraints to ensure that only valid tag sequences are returned.""" def __init__( self, vocab: Vocab, model: Model, name: str = "simple_ner", *, labels: Iterable[str], ) -> None: self.vocab = vocab self.model = model = name self.cfg = {"labels": []} for label in labels: self.add_label(label) self.loss_func = SequenceCategoricalCrossentropy( names=self.get_tag_names(), normalize=True, missing_value=None ) assert self.model is not None @property def is_biluo(self) -> bool: return"biluo") @property def labels(self) -> Tuple[str]: return tuple(self.cfg["labels"]) def add_label(self, label: str) -> None: """Add a new label to the pipe. label (str): The label to add. DOCS: """ if not isinstance(label, str): raise ValueError(Errors.E187) if label not in self.labels: self.cfg["labels"].append(label) self.vocab.strings.add(label) def get_tag_names(self) -> List[str]: if self.is_biluo: return ( [f"B-{label}" for label in self.labels] + [f"I-{label}" for label in self.labels] + [f"L-{label}" for label in self.labels] + [f"U-{label}" for label in self.labels] + ["O"] ) else: return ( [f"B-{label}" for label in self.labels] + [f"I-{label}" for label in self.labels] + ["O"] ) def predict(self, docs: List[Doc]) -> List[Floats2d]: scores = self.model.predict(docs) return scores def set_annotations(self, docs: List[Doc], scores: List[Floats2d]) -> None: """Set entities on a batch of documents from a batch of scores.""" tag_names = self.get_tag_names() for i, doc in enumerate(docs): actions = to_numpy(scores[i].argmax(axis=1)) tags = [tag_names[actions[j]] for j in range(len(doc))] if not self.is_biluo: tags = iob_to_biluo(tags) doc.ents = spans_from_biluo_tags(doc, tags) def update( self, examples: List[Example], *, set_annotations: bool = False, drop: float = 0.0, sgd: Optional[Optimizer] = None, losses: Optional[Dict[str, float]] = None, ) -> Dict[str, float]: if losses is None: losses = {} losses.setdefault("ner", 0.0) validate_examples(examples, "SimpleNER.update") if not any(_has_ner(eg) for eg in examples): return losses docs = [eg.predicted for eg in examples] set_dropout_rate(self.model, drop) scores, bp_scores = self.model.begin_update(docs) loss, d_scores = self.get_loss(examples, scores) bp_scores(d_scores) if set_annotations: self.set_annotations(docs, scores) if sgd is not None: self.model.finish_update(sgd) losses["ner"] += loss return losses def get_loss(self, examples: List[Example], scores) -> Tuple[List[Floats2d], float]: validate_examples(examples, "SimpleNER.get_loss") truths = [] for eg in examples: tags = eg.get_aligned_ner() gold_tags = [(tag if tag != "-" else None) for tag in tags] if not self.is_biluo: gold_tags = biluo_to_iob(gold_tags) truths.append(gold_tags) for i in range(len(scores)): if len(scores[i]) != len(truths[i]): raise ValueError( f"Mismatched output and gold sizes.\n" f"Output: {len(scores[i])}, gold: {len(truths[i])}." f"Input: {len(examples[i].doc)}" ) d_scores, loss = self.loss_func(scores, truths) return loss, d_scores def begin_training( self, get_examples: Callable[[], Iterable[Example]], pipeline: Optional[List[Tuple[str, Callable[[Doc], Doc]]]] = None, sgd: Optional[Optimizer] = None, ): self._ensure_examples(get_examples) all_labels = set() for example in get_examples(): all_labels.update(_get_labels(example)) for label in sorted(all_labels): if label != "": self.add_label(label) doc_sample = [] label_sample = [] self._require_labels() for example in islice(get_examples(), 10): doc_sample.append(example.x) gold_tags = example.get_aligned_ner() if not self.is_biluo: gold_tags = biluo_to_iob(gold_tags) gold_array = [ [1.0 if tag == gold_tag else 0.0 for tag in self.get_tag_names()] for gold_tag in gold_tags ] label_sample.append(self.model.ops.asarray(gold_array, dtype="float32")) assert len(doc_sample) > 0, Errors.E923.format( assert len(label_sample) > 0, Errors.E923.format( self.model.initialize(X=doc_sample, Y=label_sample) if pipeline is not None: self.init_multitask_objectives(get_examples, pipeline, sgd=sgd, **self.cfg) self.loss_func = SequenceCategoricalCrossentropy( names=self.get_tag_names(), normalize=True, missing_value=None ) return sgd def init_multitask_objectives(self, *args, **kwargs): pass def score(self, examples, **kwargs): validate_examples(examples, "SimpleNER.score") return Scorer.score_spans(examples, "ents", **kwargs) def _has_ner(example: Example) -> bool: for ner_tag in example.get_aligned_ner(): if ner_tag != "-" and ner_tag is not None: return True else: return False def _get_labels(example: Example) -> Set[str]: labels = set() for ner_tag in example.get_aligned("ENT_TYPE", as_string=True): if ner_tag != "O" and ner_tag != "-" and ner_tag != "": labels.add(ner_tag) return labels