{ "sidebar": { "Get started": { "Installation": "./", "Models & Languages": "models", "Facts & Figures": "facts-figures", "spaCy 101": "spacy-101", "New in v2.0": "v2" }, "Guides": { "Linguistic Features": "linguistic-features", "Processing Pipelines": "processing-pipelines", "Vectors & Similarity": "vectors-similarity", "Text Classification": "text-classification", "Deep Learning": "deep-learning", "Training Models": "training", "Adding Languages": "adding-languages", "Visualizers": "visualizers" }, "In-depth": { "Code Examples": "examples", "Resources": "resources" } }, "index": { "title": "Install spaCy", "next": "models", "quickstart": true, "changelog": true, "menu": { "Quickstart": "quickstart", "Instructions": "instructions", "Troubleshooting": "troubleshooting", "Changelog": "changelog" } }, "models": { "title": "Models & Languages", "next": "facts-figures", "quickstart": true, "menu": { "Quickstart": "quickstart", "Available Models": "available", "Installation & Usage": "install", "Language Support": "languages", "Production Use": "production" } }, "facts-figures": { "title": "Facts & Figures", "teaser": "The hard numbers for spaCy and how it compares to other libraries and tools.", "next": "spacy-101", "menu": { "Feature comparison": "comparison", "Benchmarks": "benchmarks", "Powered by spaCy": "powered-by", "Other Libraries": "other-libraries" } }, "spacy-101": { "title": "spaCy 101: Everything you need to know", "teaser": "The most important concepts, explained in simple terms.", "next": "index", "quickstart": true, "preview": "101", "menu": { "Features": "features", "Lightning tour": "lightning-tour", "Architecture": "architecture", "Community & FAQ": "community-faq" } }, "v2": { "title": "What's New in v2.0", "teaser": "New features, backwards incompatibilities and migration guide.", "menu": { "New features": "features", "Backwards Incompatibilities": "incompat", "Migrating from v1.x": "migrating", "Benchmarks": "benchmarks" } }, "linguistic-features": { "title": "Linguistic Features", "teaser": "Using spaCy to extract linguistic features like part-of-speech tags, dependency labels and named entities, customising the tokenizer and working with the rule-based matcher.", "next": "processing-pipelines", "menu": { "POS Tagging": "pos-tagging", "Dependency Parse": "dependency-parse", "Named Entities": "named-entities", "Tokenization": "tokenization", "Rule-based Matching": "rule-based-matching" } }, "processing-pipelines": { "title": "Language Processing Pipelines", "next": "vectors-similarity", "menu": { "How Pipelines Work": "pipelines", "Custom Components": "custom-components", "Developing Extensions": "extensions", "Multi-Threading": "multithreading", "Serialization": "serialization" } }, "vectors-similarity": { "title": "Word Vectors and Semantic Similarity", "next": "text-classification", "menu": { "Basics": "basics", "Similarity in Context": "in-context", "Custom Vectors": "custom", "GPU Usage": "gpu" } }, "deep-learning": { "title": "Deep Learning", "teaser": "Using spaCy to pre-process text for deep learning, and how to plug in your own machine learning models.", "next": "training", "menu": { "Pre-processing Text": "pre-processing", "spaCy and Thinc": "thinc", "TensorFlow / Keras": "tensorflow-keras", "scikit-learn": "scikit-learn", "PyTorch": "pytorch", "DyNet": "dynet" } }, "text-classification": { "title": "Text Classification", "next": "training" }, "training": { "title": "Training spaCy's Statistical Models", "next": "adding-languages", "menu": { "Basics": "basics", "NER": "ner", "Tagger & Parser": "tagger-parser", "Similarity": "similarity", "Text Classification": "textcat", "Saving & Loading": "saving-loading" } }, "adding-languages": { "title": "Adding Languages", "teaser": "Adding full support for a language touches many different parts of the spaCy library. This guide explains how to fit everything together, and points you to the specific workflows for each component.", "next": "training", "menu": { "Language data": "language-data", "Testing": "testing", "Training": "training" } }, "visualizers": { "title": "Visualizers", "tag_new": 2, "teaser": "Visualize dependencies and entities in your browser and notebook, or export HTML.", "next": "resources", "menu": { "Dependencies": "dep", "Entities": "ent", "Jupyter Notebooks": "jupyter", "Rendering HTML": "html" } }, "resources": { "title": "Resources", "teaser": "Libraries, demos, books, courses and research systems featuring spaCy.", "menu": { "Third-party libraries": "libraries", "Extensions": "extensions", "Demos & Visualizations": "demos", "Books & Courses": "books", "Jupyter Notebooks": "notebooks", "Research": "research" } }, "examples": { "title": "Code Examples", "teaser": "Full code examples you can modify and run.", "next": "resources", "menu": { "Information Extraction": "information-extraction", "Pipeline": "pipeline", "Training": "training", "Vectors & Similarity": "vectors", "Deep Learning": "deep-learning" } } }