import re import time from collections import Counter from pathlib import Path from typing import Callable, Iterable, List, Optional, Union import srsly from thinc.api import ( Config, Model, Optimizer, fix_random_seed, set_dropout_rate, set_gpu_allocator, ) from thinc.config import ConfigValidationError from wasabi import Printer from ..errors import Errors from ..schemas import ConfigSchemaPretrain from ..tokens import Doc from ..util import dot_to_object, load_model_from_config, registry from .example import Example def pretrain( config: Config, output_dir: Path, resume_path: Optional[Path] = None, epoch_resume: Optional[int] = None, use_gpu: int = -1, silent: bool = True, skip_last: bool = False, ): msg = Printer(no_print=silent) if config["training"]["seed"] is not None: fix_random_seed(config["training"]["seed"]) allocator = config["training"]["gpu_allocator"] if use_gpu >= 0 and allocator: set_gpu_allocator(allocator) # ignore in pretraining because we're creating it now config["initialize"]["init_tok2vec"] = None nlp = load_model_from_config(config) _config = nlp.config.interpolate() P = registry.resolve(_config["pretraining"], schema=ConfigSchemaPretrain) corpus = dot_to_object(_config, P["corpus"]) corpus = registry.resolve({"corpus": corpus})["corpus"] batcher = P["batcher"] model = create_pretraining_model(nlp, P) optimizer = P["optimizer"] # Load in pretrained weights to resume from if resume_path is not None: epoch_resume = _resume_model(model, resume_path, epoch_resume, silent=silent) else: # Without '--resume-path' the '--epoch-resume' argument is ignored epoch_resume = 0 objective = model.attrs["loss"] # TODO: move this to logger function? tracker = ProgressTracker(frequency=10000) if P["n_save_epoch"]: msg.divider( f"Pre-training tok2vec layer - starting at epoch {epoch_resume} - saving every {P['n_save_epoch']} epoch" ) else: msg.divider(f"Pre-training tok2vec layer - starting at epoch {epoch_resume}") row_settings = {"widths": (3, 10, 10, 6, 4), "aligns": ("r", "r", "r", "r", "r")} msg.row(("#", "# Words", "Total Loss", "Loss", "w/s"), **row_settings) def _save_model(epoch, is_temp=False, is_last=False): is_temp_str = ".temp" if is_temp else "" with model.use_params(optimizer.averages): if is_last: save_path = output_dir / f"model-last.bin" else: save_path = output_dir / f"model{epoch}{is_temp_str}.bin" with (save_path).open("wb") as file_: file_.write(model.get_ref("tok2vec").to_bytes()) log = { "nr_word": tracker.nr_word, "loss": tracker.loss, "epoch_loss": tracker.epoch_loss, "epoch": epoch, } with (output_dir / "log.jsonl").open("a") as file_: file_.write(srsly.json_dumps(log) + "\n") # TODO: I think we probably want this to look more like the # 'create_train_batches' function? try: for epoch in range(epoch_resume, P["max_epochs"]): for batch_id, batch in enumerate(batcher(corpus(nlp))): docs = ensure_docs(batch) loss = make_update(model, docs, optimizer, objective) progress = tracker.update(epoch, loss, docs) if progress: msg.row(progress, **row_settings) if P["n_save_every"] and (batch_id % P["n_save_every"] == 0): _save_model(epoch, is_temp=True) if P["n_save_epoch"]: if epoch % P["n_save_epoch"] == 0 or epoch == P["max_epochs"] - 1: _save_model(epoch) else: _save_model(epoch) tracker.epoch_loss = 0.0 finally: if not skip_last: _save_model(P["max_epochs"], is_last=True) def ensure_docs(examples_or_docs: Iterable[Union[Doc, Example]]) -> List[Doc]: docs = [] for eg_or_doc in examples_or_docs: if isinstance(eg_or_doc, Doc): docs.append(eg_or_doc) else: docs.append(eg_or_doc.reference) return docs def _resume_model( model: Model, resume_path: Path, epoch_resume: Optional[int], silent: bool = True ) -> int: msg = Printer(no_print=silent)"Resume training tok2vec from: {resume_path}") with"rb") as file_: weights_data = model.get_ref("tok2vec").from_bytes(weights_data) if epoch_resume is None: # Parse the epoch number from the given weight file model_name ="model\d+\.bin", str(resume_path)) if model_name: # Default weight file name so read epoch_start from it by cutting off 'model' and '.bin' epoch_resume = int([5:][:-4]) + 1 else: # No epoch given and couldn't infer it raise ValueError(Errors.E1020)"Resuming from epoch: {epoch_resume}") return epoch_resume def make_update( model: Model, docs: Iterable[Doc], optimizer: Optimizer, objective_func: Callable ) -> float: """Perform an update over a single batch of documents. docs (iterable): A batch of `Doc` objects. optimizer (callable): An optimizer. RETURNS loss: A float for the loss. """ predictions, backprop = model.begin_update(docs) loss, gradients = objective_func(model.ops, docs, predictions) backprop(gradients) model.finish_update(optimizer) # Don't want to return a cupy object here # The gradients are modified in-place by the BERT MLM, # so we get an accurate loss return float(loss) def create_pretraining_model(nlp, pretrain_config): """Define a network for the pretraining. We simply add an output layer onto the tok2vec input model. The tok2vec input model needs to be a model that takes a batch of Doc objects (as a list), and returns a list of arrays. Each array in the output needs to have one row per token in the doc. The actual tok2vec layer is stored as a reference, and only this bit will be serialized to file and read back in when calling the 'train' command. """ with nlp.select_pipes(enable=[]): nlp.initialize() tok2vec = get_tok2vec_ref(nlp, pretrain_config) # If the config referred to a Tok2VecListener, grab the original model instead if type(tok2vec).__name__ == "Tok2VecListener": original_tok2vec = ( tok2vec.upstream_name if tok2vec.upstream_name != "*" else "tok2vec" ) tok2vec = nlp.get_pipe(original_tok2vec).model try: tok2vec.initialize(X=[nlp.make_doc("Give it a doc to infer shapes")]) except ValueError: component = pretrain_config["component"] layer = pretrain_config["layer"] raise ValueError(Errors.E874.format(component=component, layer=layer)) create_function = pretrain_config["objective"] model = create_function(nlp.vocab, tok2vec) model.initialize(X=[nlp.make_doc("Give it a doc to infer shapes")]) set_dropout_rate(model, pretrain_config["dropout"]) return model def get_tok2vec_ref(nlp, pretrain_config): tok2vec_component = pretrain_config["component"] if tok2vec_component is None: desc = ( f"To use pretrained tok2vec weights, [pretraining.component] " f"needs to specify the component that should load them." ) err = "component can't be null" errors = [{"loc": ["pretraining", "component"], "msg": err}] raise ConfigValidationError( config=nlp.config["pretraining"], errors=errors, desc=desc ) layer = nlp.get_pipe(tok2vec_component).model if pretrain_config["layer"]: layer = layer.get_ref(pretrain_config["layer"]) return layer class ProgressTracker: def __init__(self, frequency=1000000): self.loss = 0.0 self.prev_loss = 0.0 self.nr_word = 0 self.words_per_epoch = Counter() self.frequency = frequency self.last_time = time.time() self.last_update = 0 self.epoch_loss = 0.0 def update(self, epoch, loss, docs): self.loss += loss self.epoch_loss += loss words_in_batch = sum(len(doc) for doc in docs) self.words_per_epoch[epoch] += words_in_batch self.nr_word += words_in_batch words_since_update = self.nr_word - self.last_update if words_since_update >= self.frequency: wps = words_since_update / (time.time() - self.last_time) self.last_update = self.nr_word self.last_time = time.time() loss_per_word = self.loss - self.prev_loss status = ( epoch, self.nr_word, _smart_round(self.loss, width=10), _smart_round(loss_per_word, width=6), int(wps), ) self.prev_loss = float(self.loss) return status else: return None def _smart_round( figure: Union[float, int], width: int = 10, max_decimal: int = 4 ) -> str: """Round large numbers as integers, smaller numbers as decimals.""" n_digits = len(str(int(figure))) n_decimal = width - (n_digits + 1) if n_decimal <= 1: return str(int(figure)) else: n_decimal = min(n_decimal, max_decimal) format_str = "%." + str(n_decimal) + "f" return format_str % figure