# cython: infer_types=True # cython: profile=True # coding: utf8 from spacy.errors import Errors, Warnings, user_warning cdef class Candidate: def __init__(self, KnowledgeBase kb, entity_hash, alias_hash, prior_prob): self.kb = kb self.entity_hash = entity_hash self.alias_hash = alias_hash self.prior_prob = prior_prob @property def entity(self): """RETURNS (uint64): hash of the entity's KB ID/name""" return self.entity_hash @property def entity_(self): """RETURNS (unicode): ID/name of this entity in the KB""" return self.kb.vocab.strings[self.entity_hash] @property def alias(self): """RETURNS (uint64): hash of the alias""" return self.alias_hash @property def alias_(self): """RETURNS (unicode): ID of the original alias""" return self.kb.vocab.strings[self.alias_hash] @property def prior_prob(self): return self.prior_prob cdef class KnowledgeBase: def __init__(self, Vocab vocab): self.vocab = vocab self.mem = Pool() self._entry_index = PreshMap() self._alias_index = PreshMap() self.vocab.strings.add("") self._create_empty_vectors(dummy_hash=self.vocab.strings[""]) def __len__(self): return self.get_size_entities() def get_size_entities(self): return self._entries.size() - 1 # not counting dummy element on index 0 def get_size_aliases(self): return self._aliases_table.size() - 1 # not counting dummy element on index 0 def add_entity(self, unicode entity, float prob=0.5, vectors=None, features=None): """ Add an entity to the KB, optionally specifying its log probability based on corpus frequency Return the hash of the entity ID/name at the end """ cdef hash_t entity_hash = self.vocab.strings.add(entity) # Return if this entity was added before if entity_hash in self._entry_index: user_warning(Warnings.W018.format(entity=entity)) return cdef int32_t dummy_value = 342 new_index = self.c_add_entity(entity_hash=entity_hash, prob=prob, vector_rows=&dummy_value, feats_row=dummy_value) self._entry_index[entity_hash] = new_index # TODO self._vectors_table.get_pointer(vectors), # self._features_table.get(features)) return entity_hash def add_alias(self, unicode alias, entities, probabilities): """ For a given alias, add its potential entities and prior probabilies to the KB. Return the alias_hash at the end """ # Throw an error if the length of entities and probabilities are not the same if not len(entities) == len(probabilities): raise ValueError(Errors.E132.format(alias=alias, entities_length=len(entities), probabilities_length=len(probabilities))) # Throw an error if the probabilities sum up to more than 1 prob_sum = sum(probabilities) if prob_sum > 1: raise ValueError(Errors.E133.format(alias=alias, sum=prob_sum)) cdef hash_t alias_hash = self.vocab.strings.add(alias) # Return if this alias was added before if alias_hash in self._alias_index: user_warning(Warnings.W017.format(alias=alias)) return cdef vector[int64_t] entry_indices cdef vector[float] probs for entity, prob in zip(entities, probabilities): entity_hash = self.vocab.strings[entity] if not entity_hash in self._entry_index: raise ValueError(Errors.E134.format(alias=alias, entity=entity)) entry_index = self._entry_index.get(entity_hash) entry_indices.push_back(int(entry_index)) probs.push_back(float(prob)) new_index = self.c_add_aliases(alias_hash=alias_hash, entry_indices=entry_indices, probs=probs) self._alias_index[alias_hash] = new_index return alias_hash def get_candidates(self, unicode alias): """ TODO: where to put this functionality ?""" cdef hash_t alias_hash = self.vocab.strings[alias] alias_index = self._alias_index.get(alias_hash) alias_entry = self._aliases_table[alias_index] return [Candidate(kb=self, entity_hash=self._entries[entry_index].entity_hash, alias_hash=alias_hash, prior_prob=prob) for (entry_index, prob) in zip(alias_entry.entry_indices, alias_entry.probs) if entry_index != 0]