//- 💫 DOCS > USAGE > TUTORIALS include ../../_includes/_mixins p | Have you written a tutorial on spaCy, or did you find one that should be | featured here? #[a(href="mailto:#{EMAIL}") Let us know!] +h(2, "first-steps") First steps p | These tutorials help you get started. They describe how to set up your | environment and start using spaCy. +grid each details, title in first_steps +card(title, details) +h(2, "features") Deep dives p | These tutorials take a closer look at particular features of spaCy, or | particular types of NLP problems. Most come with more explanatory text, | to help introduce you to new concepts. +grid each details, title in deep_dives +card(title, details) +h(2, "code") Programs and scripts p | These tutorials give you all the code and nothing but the code — they're | Python scripts you can modify and run. +grid each details, title in code +card(title, details)