//- 💫 DOCS > USAGE > VECTORS & SIMILARITY > GPU p | If you're using a GPU, it's much more efficient to keep the word vectors | on the device. You can do that by setting the | #[+api("vectors#attributes") #[code Vectors.data]] attribute to a | #[code cupy.ndarray] object if you're using spaCy | or #[+a("https://chainer.org") Chainer], or a | #[code torch.Tensor] object if you're using | #[+a("http://pytorch.org") PyTorch]. The #[code data] object just needs | to support #[code __iter__] and #[code __getitem__], so if you're using | another library such as #[+a("https://www.tensorflow.org") TensorFlow], | you could also create a wrapper for your vectors data. +code("spaCy, Thinc or Chainer"). import cupy.cuda from spacy.vectors import Vectors vector_table = numpy.zeros((3, 300), dtype='f') vectors = Vectors([u'dog', u'cat', u'orange'], vector_table) with cupy.cuda.Device(0): vectors.data = cupy.asarray(vectors.data) +code("PyTorch"). import torch from spacy.vectors import Vectors vector_table = numpy.zeros((3, 300), dtype='f') vectors = Vectors([u'dog', u'cat', u'orange'], vector_table) vectors.data = torch.Tensor(vectors.data).cuda(0)