# cython: profile=True import re import random import numpy import tempfile import shutil import itertools from pathlib import Path import srsly import warnings from .. import util from . import nonproj from ..tokens import Doc, Span from ..errors import Errors, AlignmentError, Warnings from ..gold.annotation import TokenAnnotation from ..gold.iob_utils import offsets_from_biluo_tags, biluo_tags_from_offsets from ..gold.align import align punct_re = re.compile(r"\W") def is_punct_label(label): return label == "P" or label.lower() == "punct" cdef class GoldParse: """Collection for training annotations. DOCS: https://spacy.io/api/goldparse """ @classmethod def from_annotation(cls, doc, doc_annotation, token_annotation, make_projective=False): return cls(doc, words=token_annotation.words, tags=token_annotation.tags, pos=token_annotation.pos, morphs=token_annotation.morphs, lemmas=token_annotation.lemmas, heads=token_annotation.heads, deps=token_annotation.deps, entities=token_annotation.entities, sent_starts=token_annotation.sent_starts, cats=doc_annotation.cats, links=doc_annotation.links, make_projective=make_projective) def get_token_annotation(self): ids = None if self.words: ids = list(range(len(self.words))) return TokenAnnotation(ids=ids, words=self.words, tags=self.tags, pos=self.pos, morphs=self.morphs, lemmas=self.lemmas, heads=self.heads, deps=self.labels, entities=self.ner, sent_starts=self.sent_starts) def __init__(self, doc, words=None, tags=None, pos=None, morphs=None, lemmas=None, heads=None, deps=None, entities=None, sent_starts=None, make_projective=False, cats=None, links=None): """Create a GoldParse. The fields will not be initialized if len(doc) is zero. doc (Doc): The document the annotations refer to. words (iterable): A sequence of unicode word strings. tags (iterable): A sequence of strings, representing tag annotations. pos (iterable): A sequence of strings, representing UPOS annotations. morphs (iterable): A sequence of strings, representing morph annotations. lemmas (iterable): A sequence of strings, representing lemma annotations. heads (iterable): A sequence of integers, representing syntactic head offsets. deps (iterable): A sequence of strings, representing the syntactic relation types. entities (iterable): A sequence of named entity annotations, either as BILUO tag strings, or as `(start_char, end_char, label)` tuples, representing the entity positions. sent_starts (iterable): A sequence of sentence position tags, 1 for the first word in a sentence, 0 for all others. cats (dict): Labels for text classification. Each key in the dictionary may be a string or an int, or a `(start_char, end_char, label)` tuple, indicating that the label is applied to only part of the document (usually a sentence). Unlike entity annotations, label annotations can overlap, i.e. a single word can be covered by multiple labelled spans. The TextCategorizer component expects true examples of a label to have the value 1.0, and negative examples of a label to have the value 0.0. Labels not in the dictionary are treated as missing - the gradient for those labels will be zero. links (dict): A dict with `(start_char, end_char)` keys, and the values being dicts with kb_id:value entries, representing the external IDs in a knowledge base (KB) mapped to either 1.0 or 0.0, indicating positive and negative examples respectively. RETURNS (GoldParse): The newly constructed object. """ self.mem = Pool() self.loss = 0 self.length = len(doc) self.cats = {} if cats is None else dict(cats) self.links = {} if links is None else dict(links) # temporary doc for aligning entity annotation entdoc = None # avoid allocating memory if the doc does not contain any tokens if self.length == 0: self.words = [] self.tags = [] self.heads = [] self.labels = [] self.ner = [] self.morphs = [] # set a minimal orig so that the scorer can score an empty doc self.orig = TokenAnnotation(ids=[]) else: if not words: words = [token.text for token in doc] if not tags: tags = [None for _ in words] if not pos: pos = [None for _ in words] if not morphs: morphs = [None for _ in words] if not lemmas: lemmas = [None for _ in words] if not heads: heads = [None for _ in words] if not deps: deps = [None for _ in words] if not sent_starts: sent_starts = [None for _ in words] if entities is None: entities = ["-" for _ in words] elif len(entities) == 0: entities = ["O" for _ in words] else: # Translate the None values to '-', to make processing easier. # See Issue #2603 entities = [(ent if ent is not None else "-") for ent in entities] if not isinstance(entities[0], str): # Assume we have entities specified by character offset. # Create a temporary Doc corresponding to provided words # (to preserve gold tokenization) and text (to preserve # character offsets). entdoc_words, entdoc_spaces = util.get_words_and_spaces(words, doc.text) entdoc = Doc(doc.vocab, words=entdoc_words, spaces=entdoc_spaces) entdoc_entities = biluo_tags_from_offsets(entdoc, entities) # There may be some additional whitespace tokens in the # temporary doc, so check that the annotations align with # the provided words while building a list of BILUO labels. entities = [] words_offset = 0 for i in range(len(entdoc_words)): if words[i + words_offset] == entdoc_words[i]: entities.append(entdoc_entities[i]) else: words_offset -= 1 if len(entities) != len(words): warnings.warn(Warnings.W029.format(text=doc.text)) entities = ["-" for _ in words] # These are filled by the tagger/parser/entity recogniser self.c.tags = self.mem.alloc(len(doc), sizeof(int)) self.c.heads = self.mem.alloc(len(doc), sizeof(int)) self.c.labels = self.mem.alloc(len(doc), sizeof(attr_t)) self.c.has_dep = self.mem.alloc(len(doc), sizeof(int)) self.c.sent_start = self.mem.alloc(len(doc), sizeof(int)) self.c.ner = self.mem.alloc(len(doc), sizeof(Transition)) self.words = [None] * len(doc) self.tags = [None] * len(doc) self.pos = [None] * len(doc) self.morphs = [None] * len(doc) self.lemmas = [None] * len(doc) self.heads = [None] * len(doc) self.labels = [None] * len(doc) self.ner = [None] * len(doc) self.sent_starts = [None] * len(doc) # This needs to be done before we align the words if make_projective and any(heads) and any(deps) : heads, deps = nonproj.projectivize(heads, deps) # Do many-to-one alignment for misaligned tokens. # If we over-segment, we'll have one gold word that covers a sequence # of predicted words # If we under-segment, we'll have one predicted word that covers a # sequence of gold words. # If we "mis-segment", we'll have a sequence of predicted words covering # a sequence of gold words. That's many-to-many -- we don't do that # except for NER spans where the start and end can be aligned. cost, i2j, j2i, i2j_multi, j2i_multi = align([t.orth_ for t in doc], words) self.cand_to_gold = [(j if j >= 0 else None) for j in i2j] self.gold_to_cand = [(i if i >= 0 else None) for i in j2i] self.orig = TokenAnnotation(ids=list(range(len(words))), words=words, tags=tags, pos=pos, morphs=morphs, lemmas=lemmas, heads=heads, deps=deps, entities=entities, sent_starts=sent_starts, brackets=[]) for i, gold_i in enumerate(self.cand_to_gold): if doc[i].text.isspace(): self.words[i] = doc[i].text self.tags[i] = "_SP" self.pos[i] = "SPACE" self.morphs[i] = None self.lemmas[i] = None self.heads[i] = None self.labels[i] = None self.ner[i] = None self.sent_starts[i] = 0 if gold_i is None: if i in i2j_multi: self.words[i] = words[i2j_multi[i]] self.tags[i] = tags[i2j_multi[i]] self.pos[i] = pos[i2j_multi[i]] self.morphs[i] = morphs[i2j_multi[i]] self.lemmas[i] = lemmas[i2j_multi[i]] self.sent_starts[i] = sent_starts[i2j_multi[i]] is_last = i2j_multi[i] != i2j_multi.get(i+1) # Set next word in multi-token span as head, until last if not is_last: self.heads[i] = i+1 self.labels[i] = "subtok" else: head_i = heads[i2j_multi[i]] if head_i: self.heads[i] = self.gold_to_cand[head_i] self.labels[i] = deps[i2j_multi[i]] ner_tag = entities[i2j_multi[i]] # Assign O/- for many-to-one O/- NER tags if ner_tag in ("O", "-"): self.ner[i] = ner_tag else: self.words[i] = words[gold_i] self.tags[i] = tags[gold_i] self.pos[i] = pos[gold_i] self.morphs[i] = morphs[gold_i] self.lemmas[i] = lemmas[gold_i] self.sent_starts[i] = sent_starts[gold_i] if heads[gold_i] is None: self.heads[i] = None else: self.heads[i] = self.gold_to_cand[heads[gold_i]] self.labels[i] = deps[gold_i] self.ner[i] = entities[gold_i] # Assign O/- for one-to-many O/- NER tags for j, cand_j in enumerate(self.gold_to_cand): if cand_j is None: if j in j2i_multi: i = j2i_multi[j] ner_tag = entities[j] if ner_tag in ("O", "-"): self.ner[i] = ner_tag # If there is entity annotation and some tokens remain unaligned, # align all entities at the character level to account for all # possible token misalignments within the entity spans if any([e not in ("O", "-") for e in entities]) and None in self.ner: # If the temporary entdoc wasn't created above, initialize it if not entdoc: entdoc_words, entdoc_spaces = util.get_words_and_spaces(words, doc.text) entdoc = Doc(doc.vocab, words=entdoc_words, spaces=entdoc_spaces) # Get offsets based on gold words and BILUO entities entdoc_offsets = offsets_from_biluo_tags(entdoc, entities) aligned_offsets = [] aligned_spans = [] # Filter offsets to identify those that align with doc tokens for offset in entdoc_offsets: span = doc.char_span(offset[0], offset[1]) if span and not span.text.isspace(): aligned_offsets.append(offset) aligned_spans.append(span) # Convert back to BILUO for doc tokens and assign NER for all # aligned spans biluo_tags = biluo_tags_from_offsets(doc, aligned_offsets, missing=None) for span in aligned_spans: for i in range(span.start, span.end): self.ner[i] = biluo_tags[i] # Prevent whitespace that isn't within entities from being tagged as # an entity. for i in range(len(self.ner)): if self.tags[i] == "_SP": prev_ner = self.ner[i-1] if i >= 1 else None next_ner = self.ner[i+1] if (i+1) < len(self.ner) else None if prev_ner == "O" or next_ner == "O": self.ner[i] = "O" cycle = nonproj.contains_cycle(self.heads) if cycle is not None: raise ValueError(Errors.E069.format(cycle=cycle, cycle_tokens=" ".join([f"'{self.words[tok_id]}'" for tok_id in cycle]), doc_tokens=" ".join(words[:50]))) def __len__(self): """Get the number of gold-standard tokens. RETURNS (int): The number of gold-standard tokens. """ return self.length @property def is_projective(self): """Whether the provided syntactic annotations form a projective dependency tree. """ return not nonproj.is_nonproj_tree(self.heads)