from typing import Optional, List, Dict, Any, Union, IO import math from tqdm import tqdm import numpy from ast import literal_eval from pathlib import Path from preshed.counter import PreshCounter import tarfile import gzip import zipfile import srsly import warnings from wasabi import msg, Printer import typer from ._util import app, init_cli, Arg, Opt from ..vectors import Vectors from ..errors import Errors, Warnings from ..language import Language from ..util import ensure_path, get_lang_class, load_model, OOV_RANK try: import ftfy except ImportError: ftfy = None DEFAULT_OOV_PROB = -20 @init_cli.command("vocab") @app.command( "init-model", context_settings={"allow_extra_args": True, "ignore_unknown_options": True}, hidden=True, # hide this from main CLI help but still allow it to work with warning ) def init_model_cli( # fmt: off ctx: typer.Context, # This is only used to read additional arguments lang: str = Arg(..., help="Pipeline language"), output_dir: Path = Arg(..., help="Pipeline output directory"), freqs_loc: Optional[Path] = Arg(None, help="Location of words frequencies file", exists=True), clusters_loc: Optional[Path] = Opt(None, "--clusters-loc", "-c", help="Optional location of brown clusters data", exists=True), jsonl_loc: Optional[Path] = Opt(None, "--jsonl-loc", "-j", help="Location of JSONL-formatted attributes file", exists=True), vectors_loc: Optional[Path] = Opt(None, "--vectors-loc", "-v", help="Optional vectors file in Word2Vec format", exists=True), prune_vectors: int = Opt(-1, "--prune-vectors", "-V", help="Optional number of vectors to prune to"), truncate_vectors: int = Opt(0, "--truncate-vectors", "-t", help="Optional number of vectors to truncate to when reading in vectors file"), vectors_name: Optional[str] = Opt(None, "--vectors-name", "-vn", help="Optional name for the word vectors, e.g. en_core_web_lg.vectors"), model_name: Optional[str] = Opt(None, "--meta-name", "-mn", help="Optional name of the package for the pipeline meta"), base_model: Optional[str] = Opt(None, "--base", "-b", help="Name of or path to base pipeline to start with (mostly relevant for pipelines with custom tokenizers)") # fmt: on ): """ Create a new blank pipeline directory with vocab and vectors from raw data. If vectors are provided in Word2Vec format, they can be either a .txt or zipped as a .zip or .tar.gz. DOCS: """ if == "init-model": msg.warn( "The init-model command is now called 'init vocab'. You can run " "'python -m spacy init --help' for an overview of the other " "available initialization commands." ) init_model( lang, output_dir, freqs_loc=freqs_loc, clusters_loc=clusters_loc, jsonl_loc=jsonl_loc, vectors_loc=vectors_loc, prune_vectors=prune_vectors, truncate_vectors=truncate_vectors, vectors_name=vectors_name, model_name=model_name, base_model=base_model, silent=False, ) def init_model( lang: str, output_dir: Path, freqs_loc: Optional[Path] = None, clusters_loc: Optional[Path] = None, jsonl_loc: Optional[Path] = None, vectors_loc: Optional[Path] = None, prune_vectors: int = -1, truncate_vectors: int = 0, vectors_name: Optional[str] = None, model_name: Optional[str] = None, base_model: Optional[str] = None, silent: bool = True, ) -> Language: msg = Printer(no_print=silent, pretty=not silent) if jsonl_loc is not None: if freqs_loc is not None or clusters_loc is not None: settings = ["-j"] if freqs_loc: settings.append("-f") if clusters_loc: settings.append("-c") msg.warn( "Incompatible arguments", "The -f and -c arguments are deprecated, and not compatible " "with the -j argument, which should specify the same " "information. Either merge the frequencies and clusters data " "into the JSONL-formatted file (recommended), or use only the " "-f and -c files, without the other lexical attributes.", ) jsonl_loc = ensure_path(jsonl_loc) lex_attrs = srsly.read_jsonl(jsonl_loc) else: clusters_loc = ensure_path(clusters_loc) freqs_loc = ensure_path(freqs_loc) if freqs_loc is not None and not freqs_loc.exists():"Can't find words frequencies file", freqs_loc, exits=1) lex_attrs = read_attrs_from_deprecated(msg, freqs_loc, clusters_loc) with msg.loading("Creating blank pipeline..."): nlp = create_model(lang, lex_attrs, name=model_name, base_model=base_model) msg.good("Successfully created blank pipeline") if vectors_loc is not None: add_vectors( msg, nlp, vectors_loc, truncate_vectors, prune_vectors, vectors_name ) vec_added = len(nlp.vocab.vectors) lex_added = len(nlp.vocab) msg.good( "Sucessfully compiled vocab", f"{lex_added} entries, {vec_added} vectors", ) if not output_dir.exists(): output_dir.mkdir() nlp.to_disk(output_dir) return nlp def open_file(loc: Union[str, Path]) -> IO: """Handle .gz, .tar.gz or unzipped files""" loc = ensure_path(loc) if tarfile.is_tarfile(str(loc)): return, "r:gz") elif[-1].endswith("gz"): return (line.decode("utf8") for line in, "r")) elif[-1].endswith("zip"): zip_file = zipfile.ZipFile(str(loc)) names = zip_file.namelist() file_ =[0]) return (line.decode("utf8") for line in file_) else: return"r", encoding="utf8") def read_attrs_from_deprecated( msg: Printer, freqs_loc: Optional[Path], clusters_loc: Optional[Path] ) -> List[Dict[str, Any]]: if freqs_loc is not None: with msg.loading("Counting frequencies..."): probs, _ = read_freqs(freqs_loc) msg.good("Counted frequencies") else: probs, _ = ({}, DEFAULT_OOV_PROB) # noqa: F841 if clusters_loc: with msg.loading("Reading clusters..."): clusters = read_clusters(clusters_loc) msg.good("Read clusters") else: clusters = {} lex_attrs = [] sorted_probs = sorted(probs.items(), key=lambda item: item[1], reverse=True) if len(sorted_probs): for i, (word, prob) in tqdm(enumerate(sorted_probs)): attrs = {"orth": word, "id": i, "prob": prob} # Decode as a little-endian string, so that we can do & 15 to get # the first 4 bits. See _parse_features.pyx if word in clusters: attrs["cluster"] = int(clusters[word][::-1], 2) else: attrs["cluster"] = 0 lex_attrs.append(attrs) return lex_attrs def create_model( lang: str, lex_attrs: List[Dict[str, Any]], name: Optional[str] = None, base_model: Optional[Union[str, Path]] = None, ) -> Language: if base_model: nlp = load_model(base_model) # keep the tokenizer but remove any existing pipeline components due to # potentially conflicting vectors for pipe in nlp.pipe_names: nlp.remove_pipe(pipe) else: lang_class = get_lang_class(lang) nlp = lang_class() for lexeme in nlp.vocab: lexeme.rank = OOV_RANK for attrs in lex_attrs: if "settings" in attrs: continue lexeme = nlp.vocab[attrs["orth"]] lexeme.set_attrs(**attrs) if len(nlp.vocab): oov_prob = min(lex.prob for lex in nlp.vocab) - 1 else: oov_prob = DEFAULT_OOV_PROB nlp.vocab.cfg.update({"oov_prob": oov_prob}) if name: nlp.meta["name"] = name return nlp def add_vectors( msg: Printer, nlp: Language, vectors_loc: Optional[Path], truncate_vectors: int, prune_vectors: int, name: Optional[str] = None, ) -> None: vectors_loc = ensure_path(vectors_loc) if vectors_loc and[-1].endswith(".npz"): nlp.vocab.vectors = Vectors(data=numpy.load("rb"))) for lex in nlp.vocab: if lex.rank and lex.rank != OOV_RANK: nlp.vocab.vectors.add(lex.orth, row=lex.rank) else: if vectors_loc: with msg.loading(f"Reading vectors from {vectors_loc}"): vectors_data, vector_keys = read_vectors( msg, vectors_loc, truncate_vectors ) msg.good(f"Loaded vectors from {vectors_loc}") else: vectors_data, vector_keys = (None, None) if vector_keys is not None: for word in vector_keys: if word not in nlp.vocab: nlp.vocab[word] if vectors_data is not None: nlp.vocab.vectors = Vectors(data=vectors_data, keys=vector_keys) if name is None: # TODO: Is this correct? Does this matter? = f"{nlp.meta['lang']}_{nlp.meta['name']}.vectors" else: = name nlp.meta["vectors"]["name"] = if prune_vectors >= 1: nlp.vocab.prune_vectors(prune_vectors) def read_vectors(msg: Printer, vectors_loc: Path, truncate_vectors: int): f = open_file(vectors_loc) f = ensure_shape(f) shape = tuple(int(size) for size in next(f).split()) if truncate_vectors >= 1: shape = (truncate_vectors, shape[1]) vectors_data = numpy.zeros(shape=shape, dtype="f") vectors_keys = [] for i, line in enumerate(tqdm(f)): line = line.rstrip() pieces = line.rsplit(" ", vectors_data.shape[1]) word = pieces.pop(0) if len(pieces) != vectors_data.shape[1]:, loc=vectors_loc), exits=1) vectors_data[i] = numpy.asarray(pieces, dtype="f") vectors_keys.append(word) if i == truncate_vectors - 1: break return vectors_data, vectors_keys def ensure_shape(lines): """Ensure that the first line of the data is the vectors shape. If it's not, we read in the data and output the shape as the first result, so that the reader doesn't have to deal with the problem. """ first_line = next(lines) try: shape = tuple(int(size) for size in first_line.split()) except ValueError: shape = None if shape is not None: # All good, give the data yield first_line yield from lines else: # Figure out the shape, make it the first value, and then give the # rest of the data. width = len(first_line.split()) - 1 captured = [first_line] + list(lines) length = len(captured) yield f"{length} {width}" yield from captured def read_freqs( freqs_loc: Path, max_length: int = 100, min_doc_freq: int = 5, min_freq: int = 50 ): counts = PreshCounter() total = 0 with as f: for i, line in enumerate(f): freq, doc_freq, key = line.rstrip().split("\t", 2) freq = int(freq) + 1, freq) total += freq counts.smooth() log_total = math.log(total) probs = {} with as f: for line in tqdm(f): freq, doc_freq, key = line.rstrip().split("\t", 2) doc_freq = int(doc_freq) freq = int(freq) if doc_freq >= min_doc_freq and freq >= min_freq and len(key) < max_length: try: word = literal_eval(key) except SyntaxError: # Take odd strings literally. word = literal_eval(f"'{key}'") smooth_count = counts.smoother(int(freq)) probs[word] = math.log(smooth_count) - log_total oov_prob = math.log(counts.smoother(0)) - log_total return probs, oov_prob def read_clusters(clusters_loc: Path) -> dict: clusters = {} if ftfy is None: warnings.warn(Warnings.W004) with as f: for line in tqdm(f): try: cluster, word, freq = line.split() if ftfy is not None: word = ftfy.fix_text(word) except ValueError: continue # If the clusterer has only seen the word a few times, its # cluster is unreliable. if int(freq) >= 3: clusters[word] = cluster else: clusters[word] = "0" # Expand clusters with re-casing for word, cluster in list(clusters.items()): if word.lower() not in clusters: clusters[word.lower()] = cluster if word.title() not in clusters: clusters[word.title()] = cluster if word.upper() not in clusters: clusters[word.upper()] = cluster return clusters