//- 💫 DOCS > USAGE > VISUALIZERS > JUPYTER p | displaCy is able to detect whether you're working in a | #[+a("https://jupyter.org") Jupyter] notebook, and will return markup | that can be rendered in a cell straight away. When you export your | notebook, the visualizations will be included as HTML. +code("Jupyter Example"). # don't forget to install a model, e.g.: spacy download en import spacy from spacy import displacy doc = nlp(u'Rats are various medium-sized, long-tailed rodents.') displacy.render(doc, style='dep') doc2 = nlp(LONG_NEWS_ARTICLE) displacy.render(doc2, style='ent') +aside("Enabling or disabling Jupyter mode") | To explicitly enable or disable "Jupyter mode", you can use the | #[code jupyter] keyword argument – e.g. to return raw HTML in a notebook, | or to force Jupyter rendering if auto-detection fails. +image("/assets/img/displacy_jupyter.jpg", 700, false, "Example of using the displaCy dependency and named entity visualizer in a Jupyter notebook") p | Internally, displaCy imports #[code display] and #[code HTML] from | #[code IPython.core.display] and returns a Jupyter HTML object. If you | were doing it manually, it'd look like this: +code. from IPython.core.display import display, HTML html = displacy.render(doc, style='dep') return display(HTML(html))