include ../_includes/_mixins - var featured_counter = 0 - var post_counter = 0 //- Blog //- ============================================================================ //- Display all blog posts in order and highlight the first post set to `featured: true` as the fourth post +grid('padding') each post, slug in if slug != 'index' if post.featured && featured_counter === 0 +grid-col(style='order: -1').divider-both !=partial('../_includes/_teaser', { teaser: post, slug: slug, is_featured: true, _root: '/blog/' }) - featured_counter++ else +grid-col('third', 'space-between')(style=assignOrder(post_counter, 3, 1)) !=partial('../_includes/_teaser', { teaser: post, slug: slug, _root: '/blog/' }) - post_counter++ if post_counter === 6 !=partial('../_includes/_newsletter', { divider: 'both' })