--- title: Trained Models & Pipelines teaser: Downloadable trained pipelines and weights for spaCy menu: - ['Quickstart', 'quickstart'] - ['Conventions', 'conventions'] - ['Pipeline Design', 'design'] --- {/* TODO: include interactive demo */} ### Quickstart {hidden="true"} > #### 📖 Installation and usage > > For more details on how to use trained pipelines with spaCy, see the > [usage guide](/usage/models). <QuickstartModels id="quickstart" /> ## Package naming conventions {id="conventions"} In general, spaCy expects all pipeline packages to follow the naming convention of `[lang]_[name]`. For spaCy's pipelines, we also chose to divide the name into three components: 1. **Type:** Capabilities (e.g. `core` for general-purpose pipeline with tagging, parsing, lemmatization and named entity recognition, or `dep` for only tagging, parsing and lemmatization). 2. **Genre:** Type of text the pipeline is trained on, e.g. `web` or `news`. 3. **Size:** Package size indicator, `sm`, `md`, `lg` or `trf`. `sm` and `trf` pipelines have no static word vectors. For pipelines with default vectors, `md` has a reduced word vector table with 20k unique vectors for ~500k words and `lg` has a large word vector table with ~500k entries. For pipelines with floret vectors, `md` vector tables have 50k entries and `lg` vector tables have 200k entries. For example, [`en_core_web_sm`](/models/en#en_core_web_sm) is a small English pipeline trained on written web text (blogs, news, comments), that includes vocabulary, syntax and entities. ### Package versioning {id="model-versioning"} Additionally, the pipeline package versioning reflects both the compatibility with spaCy, as well as the model version. A package version `a.b.c` translates to: - `a`: **spaCy major version**. For example, `2` for spaCy v2.x. - `b`: **spaCy minor version**. For example, `3` for spaCy v2.3.x. - `c`: **Model version**. Different model config: e.g. from being trained on different data, with different parameters, for different numbers of iterations, with different vectors, etc. For a detailed compatibility overview, see the [`compatibility.json`](https://github.com/explosion/spacy-models/tree/master/compatibility.json). This is also the source of spaCy's internal compatibility check, performed when you run the [`download`](/api/cli#download) command. ## Trained pipeline design {id="design"} The spaCy v3 trained pipelines are designed to be efficient and configurable. For example, multiple components can share a common "token-to-vector" model and it's easy to swap out or disable the lemmatizer. The pipelines are designed to be efficient in terms of speed and size and work well when the pipeline is run in full. When modifying a trained pipeline, it's important to understand how the components **depend on** each other. Unlike spaCy v2, where the `tagger`, `parser` and `ner` components were all independent, some v3 components depend on earlier components in the pipeline. As a result, disabling or reordering components can affect the annotation quality or lead to warnings and errors. Main changes from spaCy v2 models: - The [`Tok2Vec`](/api/tok2vec) component may be a separate, shared component. A component like a tagger or parser can [listen](/api/architectures#Tok2VecListener) to an earlier `tok2vec` or `transformer` rather than having its own separate tok2vec layer. - Rule-based exceptions move from individual components to the `attribute_ruler`. Lemma and POS exceptions move from the tokenizer exceptions to the attribute ruler and the tag map and morph rules move from the tagger to the attribute ruler. - The lemmatizer tables and processing move from the vocab and tagger to a separate `lemmatizer` component. ### CNN/CPU pipeline design {id="design-cnn"}  In the `sm`/`md`/`lg` models: - The `tagger`, `morphologizer` and `parser` components listen to the `tok2vec` component. If the lemmatizer is trainable (v3.3+), `lemmatizer` also listens to `tok2vec`. - The `attribute_ruler` maps `token.tag` to `token.pos` if there is no `morphologizer`. The `attribute_ruler` additionally makes sure whitespace is tagged consistently and copies `token.pos` to `token.tag` if there is no tagger. For English, the attribute ruler can improve its mapping from `token.tag` to `token.pos` if dependency parses from a `parser` are present, but the parser is not required. - The `lemmatizer` component for many languages requires `token.pos` annotation from either `tagger`+`attribute_ruler` or `morphologizer`. - The `ner` component is independent with its own internal tok2vec layer. #### CNN/CPU pipelines with floret vectors The Croatian, Finnish, Korean, Slovenian, Swedish and Ukrainian `md` and `lg` pipelines use [floret vectors](/usage/v3-2#vectors) instead of default vectors. If you're running a trained pipeline on texts and working with [`Doc`](/api/doc) objects, you shouldn't notice any difference with floret vectors. With floret vectors no tokens are out-of-vocabulary, so [`Token.is_oov`](/api/token#attributes) will return `False` for all tokens. If you access vectors directly for similarity comparisons, there are a few differences because floret vectors don't include a fixed word list like the vector keys for default vectors. - If your workflow iterates over the vector keys, you need to use an external word list instead: ```diff - lexemes = [nlp.vocab[orth] for orth in nlp.vocab.vectors] + lexemes = [nlp.vocab[word] for word in external_word_list] ``` - [`Vectors.most_similar`](/api/vectors#most_similar) is not supported because there's no fixed list of vectors to compare your vectors to. ### Transformer pipeline design {id="design-trf"} In the transformer (`trf`) pipelines, the `tagger`, `parser` and `ner` (if present) all listen to the `transformer` component. The `attribute_ruler` and `lemmatizer` have the same configuration as in the CNN models. For spaCy v3.0-v3.6, `trf` pipelines use [`spacy-transformers`](https://github.com/explosion/spacy-transformers) and the transformer output in `doc._.trf_data` is a [`TransformerData`](/api/transformer#transformerdata) object. For spaCy v3.7+, `trf` pipelines use [`spacy-curated-transformers`](https://github.com/explosion/spacy-curated-transformers) and `doc._.trf_data` is a [`DocTransformerOutput`](/api/curatedtransformer#doctransformeroutput) object. ### Modifying the default pipeline {id="design-modify"} For faster processing, you may only want to run a subset of the components in a trained pipeline. The `disable` and `exclude` arguments to [`spacy.load`](/api/top-level#spacy.load) let you control which components are loaded and run. Disabled components are loaded in the background so it's possible to reenable them in the same pipeline in the future with [`nlp.enable_pipe`](/api/language/#enable_pipe). To skip loading a component completely, use `exclude` instead of `disable`. #### Disable part-of-speech tagging and lemmatization To disable part-of-speech tagging and lemmatization, disable the `tagger`, `morphologizer`, `attribute_ruler` and `lemmatizer` components. ```python # Note: English doesn't include a morphologizer nlp = spacy.load("en_core_web_sm", disable=["tagger", "attribute_ruler", "lemmatizer"]) nlp = spacy.load("en_core_web_trf", disable=["tagger", "attribute_ruler", "lemmatizer"]) ``` <Infobox variant="warning" title="Rule-based and POS-lookup lemmatizers require Token.pos"> The lemmatizer depends on `tagger`+`attribute_ruler` or `morphologizer` for a number of languages. If you disable any of these components, you'll see lemmatizer warnings unless the lemmatizer is also disabled. **v3.3**: Catalan, English, French, Russian and Spanish **v3.0-v3.2**: Catalan, Dutch, English, French, Greek, Italian, Macedonian, Norwegian, Polish, Russian and Spanish </Infobox> #### Use senter rather than parser for fast sentence segmentation If you need fast sentence segmentation without dependency parses, disable the `parser` use the `senter` component instead: ```python nlp = spacy.load("en_core_web_sm") nlp.disable_pipe("parser") nlp.enable_pipe("senter") ``` The `senter` component is ~10× faster than the parser and more accurate than the rule-based `sentencizer`. #### Switch from trainable lemmatizer to default lemmatizer Since v3.3, a number of pipelines use a trainable lemmatizer. You can check whether the lemmatizer is trainable: ```python nlp = spacy.load("de_core_web_sm") assert nlp.get_pipe("lemmatizer").is_trainable ``` If you'd like to switch to a non-trainable lemmatizer that's similar to v3.2 or earlier, you can replace the trainable lemmatizer with the default non-trainable lemmatizer: ```python # Requirements: pip install spacy-lookups-data nlp = spacy.load("de_core_web_sm") # Remove existing lemmatizer nlp.remove_pipe("lemmatizer") # Add non-trainable lemmatizer from language defaults # and load lemmatizer tables from spacy-lookups-data nlp.add_pipe("lemmatizer").initialize() ``` #### Switch from rule-based to lookup lemmatization For the Dutch, English, French, Greek, Macedonian, Norwegian and Spanish pipelines, you can swap out a trainable or rule-based lemmatizer for a lookup lemmatizer: ```python # Requirements: pip install spacy-lookups-data nlp = spacy.load("en_core_web_sm") nlp.remove_pipe("lemmatizer") nlp.add_pipe("lemmatizer", config={"mode": "lookup"}).initialize() ``` #### Disable everything except NER For the non-transformer models, the `ner` component is independent, so you can disable everything else: ```python nlp = spacy.load("en_core_web_sm", disable=["tok2vec", "tagger", "parser", "attribute_ruler", "lemmatizer"]) ``` In the transformer models, `ner` listens to the `transformer` component, so you can disable all components related tagging, parsing, and lemmatization. ```python nlp = spacy.load("en_core_web_trf", disable=["tagger", "parser", "attribute_ruler", "lemmatizer"]) ``` #### Move NER to the end of the pipeline <Infobox title="For v3.0.x models only" variant="warning"> As of v3.1, the NER component is at the end of the pipeline by default. </Infobox> For access to `POS` and `LEMMA` features in an `entity_ruler`, move `ner` to the end of the pipeline after `attribute_ruler` and `lemmatizer`: ```python # load without NER nlp = spacy.load("en_core_web_sm", exclude=["ner"]) # source NER from the same pipeline package as the last component nlp.add_pipe("ner", source=spacy.load("en_core_web_sm")) # insert the entity ruler nlp.add_pipe("entity_ruler", before="ner") ```