# coding: utf-8 from __future__ import unicode_literals, print_function import contextlib from pathlib import Path from fabric.api import local, lcd, env, settings, prefix from os import path, environ import shutil PWD = path.dirname(__file__) ENV = environ['VENV_DIR'] if 'VENV_DIR' in environ else '.env' VENV_DIR = Path(PWD) / ENV @contextlib.contextmanager def virtualenv(name, create=False, python='/usr/bin/python3.6'): python = Path(python).resolve() env_path = VENV_DIR if create: if env_path.exists(): shutil.rmtree(str(env_path)) local('{python} -m venv {env_path}'.format(python=python, env_path=VENV_DIR)) def wrapped_local(cmd, env_vars=[], capture=False, direct=False): return local('source {}/bin/activate && {}'.format(env_path, cmd), shell='/bin/bash', capture=False) yield wrapped_local def env(lang='python3.6'): if VENV_DIR.exists(): local('rm -rf {env}'.format(env=VENV_DIR)) if lang.startswith('python3'): local('{lang} -m venv {env}'.format(lang=lang, env=VENV_DIR)) else: local('{lang} -m pip install virtualenv --no-cache-dir'.format(lang=lang)) local('{lang} -m virtualenv {env} --no-cache-dir'.format(lang=lang, env=VENV_DIR)) with virtualenv(VENV_DIR) as venv_local: print(venv_local('python --version', capture=True)) venv_local('pip install --upgrade setuptools --no-cache-dir') venv_local('pip install pytest --no-cache-dir') venv_local('pip install wheel --no-cache-dir') venv_local('pip install -r requirements.txt --no-cache-dir') venv_local('pip install pex --no-cache-dir') def install(): with virtualenv(VENV_DIR) as venv_local: venv_local('pip install dist/*.tar.gz') def make(): with lcd(path.dirname(__file__)): local('export PYTHONPATH=`pwd` && source .env/bin/activate && python setup.py build_ext --inplace', shell='/bin/bash') def sdist(): with virtualenv(VENV_DIR) as venv_local: with lcd(path.dirname(__file__)): local('python setup.py sdist') def wheel(): with virtualenv(VENV_DIR) as venv_local: with lcd(path.dirname(__file__)): venv_local('python setup.py bdist_wheel') def pex(): with virtualenv(VENV_DIR) as venv_local: with lcd(path.dirname(__file__)): sha = local('git rev-parse --short HEAD', capture=True) venv_local('pex dist/*.whl -e spacy -o dist/spacy-%s.pex' % sha, direct=True) def clean(): with lcd(path.dirname(__file__)): with virtualenv(VENV_DIR) as venv_local: venv_local('python setup.py clean --all') def test(): with virtualenv(VENV_DIR) as venv_local: with lcd(path.dirname(__file__)): venv_local('pytest -x spacy/tests') def train(): args = environ.get('SPACY_TRAIN_ARGS', '') with virtualenv(VENV_DIR) as venv_local: venv_local('spacy train {args}'.format(args=args))