//- 💫 DOCS > API > LANGUAGE MODELS include ../../_includes/_mixins p You can download data packs that add the following capabilities to spaCy. +aside-code("Download language models", "bash"). python -m spacy.en.download all python -m spacy.de.download all +table([ "Language", "Token", "SBD", "Lemma", "POS", "NER", "Dep", "Vector", "Sentiment"]) +row +cell English #[code en] each icon in [ "pro", "pro", "pro", "pro", "pro", "pro", "pro", "con" ] +cell.u-text-center #[+procon(icon)] +row +cell German #[code de] each icon in [ "pro", "pro", "con", "pro", "pro", "pro", "pro", "con" ] +cell.u-text-center #[+procon(icon)] p | We're working hard to extend support for more languages and more | capabilities. The next language packs we're planning to add are Spanish, | Chinese, French and Portuguese.