- var slogan = "Build Tomorrow's Language Technologies" - var tag_line = "spaCy – #{slogan}" - var a_minor_miracle = 'a minor miracle' mixin lede() p. spaCy is a library for industrial-strength NLP in Python and Cython. It features state-of-the-art speed and accuracy, a concise API, and great documentation. If you're a small company doing NLP, we want spaCy to seem like !{a_minor_miracle}. mixin overview() p. Overview text mixin example() p. Example text mixin benchmarks() p. Benchmarks mixin get_started() p. Get Started mixin example(name) details summary span(class="example-name")= name block mixin comparison(name) details summary h4 name block mixin columns(...names) tr each name in names th= name mixin row(...cells) tr each cell in cells td= cell doctype html html(lang="en") head meta(charset="utf-8") title!= tag_line meta(name="description" content="") meta(name="author" content="Matthew Honnibal") link(rel="stylesheet" href="css/style.css") body(id="page" role="document") header(role="banner") h1(class="logo")!= tag_line div(class="slogan")!= slogan nav(role="navigation") ul li: a(href="#") Home li: a(href="#") Docs li: a(href="#") License li: a(href="#") Blog main(id="content" role="main") section(class="intro") +lede nav(role="navigation") ul li: a(href="#overview" class="button") Examples li: a(href="#overview" class="button") Comparisons li: a(href="#example-use" class="button") Demo li: a(href="#get-started" class="button") Install article(class="page landing-page") a(name="example-use"): h3 Usage by Example +example("Load resources and process text") pre.language-python code | from __future__ import unicode_literals, print_function | from spacy.en import English | nlp = English() | doc = nlp('Hello, world. Here are two sentences.') +example("Get tokens and sentences") pre.language-python code | token = doc[0] | sentence = doc.sents[0] | assert token[0] is sentence[0] +example("Use integer IDs for any string") pre.language-python code | hello_id = nlp.vocab.strings['Hello'] | hello_str = nlp.vocab.strings[hello_id] | | assert token.orth == hello_id == 52 | assert token.orth_ == hello_str == 'Hello' +example("Get and set string views and flags") pre.language-python code | assert token.shape_ == 'Xxxx' | for lexeme in nlp.vocab: | if lexeme.is_alpha: | lexeme.shape_ = 'W' | elif lexeme.is_digit: | lexeme.shape_ = 'D' | elif lexeme.is_punct: | lexeme.shape_ = 'P' | else: | lexeme.shape_ = 'M' | assert token.shape_ == 'W' +example("Export to numpy arrays") pre.language-python code | Do me +example("Word vectors") pre.language-python code | Do me +example("Part-of-speech tags") pre.language-python code | Do me +example("Syntactic dependencies") pre.language-python code | Do me +example("Named entities") pre.language-python code | Do me +example("Define custom NER rules") pre.language-python code | Do me +example("Calculate inline mark-up on original string") pre.language-python code | Do me +example("Efficient binary serialization") pre.language-python code | Do me a(name="benchmarks"): h3 Benchmarks +comparison("spaCy vs. NLTK") +comparison("spaCy vs. Pattern") +comparison("spaCy vs. CoreNLP") +comparison("spaCy vs. ClearNLP") +comparison("spaCy vs. OpenNLP") +comparison("spaCy vs. GATE") details summary: h4 Independent Evaluation p | Independent evaluation by Yahoo! Labs and Emory | University, to appear at ACL 2015. Higher is better. table thead +columns("System", "Language", "Accuracy", "Speed") tbody +row("spaCy v0.86", "Cython", "91.9", "13,963") +row("spaCy v0.84", "Cython", "90.6", "13,963") +row("ClearNLP", "Java", "91.7", "10,271") +row("CoreNLP", "Java", "89.6", "8,602") +row("MATE", "Java", "92.5", "550") +row("Turbo", "C++", "92.4", "349") +row("Yara", "Java", "92.3", "340") p | Accuracy is % unlabelled arcs correct, speed is tokens per second. p | Joel Tetreault and Amanda Stent (Yahoo! Labs) and Jin-ho Choi (Emory) | performed a detailed comparison of the best parsers available. | All numbers above are taken from the pre-print they kindly made | available to me, except for spaCy v0.86. p | I'm particularly grateful to the authors for discussion of their | results, which led to the improvement in accuracy between v0.84 and | v0.86. A tip from Jin-ho developer of ClearNLP) was particularly | useful. details summary: h4 Detailed Accuracy Comparison details summary: h4 Detailed Speed Comparison table thead tr th. th(colspan=3) Absolute (ms per doc) th(colspan=3) Relative (to spaCy) tbody tr td: strong System td: strong Split td: strong Tag td: strong Parse td: strong Split td: strong Tag td: strong Parse +row("spaCy", "0.2ms", "1ms", "19ms", "1x", "1x", "1x") +row("spaCy", "0.2ms", "1ms", "19ms", "1x", "1x", "1x") +row("CoreNLP", "2ms", "10ms", "49ms", "10x", "10x", "2.6x") +row("ZPar", "1ms", "8ms", "850ms", "5x", "8x", "44.7x") +row("NLTK", "4ms", "443ms", "n/a", "20x", "443x", "n/a") p | Set up: 100,000 plain-text documents were streamed | from an SQLite3 database, and processed with an NLP library, to one | of three levels of detail – tokenization, tagging, or parsing. | The tasks are additive: to parse the text you have to tokenize and | tag it. The pre-processing was not subtracted from the times – | I report the time required for the pipeline to complete. I report | mean times per document, in milliseconds. p | Hardware: Intel i7-3770 (2012) a(name="get-started"): h3 Get started +get_started footer(role="contentinfo") script(src="js/prism.js")