import pytest from ..util import get_doc @pytest.fixture def doc(en_tokenizer): text = "He jests at scars, that never felt a wound." heads = [1, 6, -1, -1, 3, 2, 1, 0, 1, -2, -3] deps = [ "nsubj", "ccomp", "prep", "pobj", "punct", "nsubj", "neg", "ROOT", "det", "dobj", "punct", ] tokens = en_tokenizer(text) return get_doc(tokens.vocab, words=[t.text for t in tokens], heads=heads, deps=deps) def test_issue3962(doc): """ Ensure that as_doc does not result in out-of-bound access of tokens. This is achieved by setting the head to itself if it would lie out of the span otherwise.""" span2 = doc[1:5] # "jests at scars ," doc2 = span2.as_doc() doc2_json = doc2.to_json() assert doc2_json assert ( doc2[0].head.text == "jests" ) # head set to itself, being the new artificial root assert doc2[0].dep_ == "dep" assert doc2[1].head.text == "jests" assert doc2[1].dep_ == "prep" assert doc2[2].head.text == "at" assert doc2[2].dep_ == "pobj" assert doc2[3].head.text == "jests" # head set to the new artificial root assert doc2[3].dep_ == "dep" # We should still have 1 sentence assert len(list(doc2.sents)) == 1 span3 = doc[6:9] # "never felt a" doc3 = span3.as_doc() doc3_json = doc3.to_json() assert doc3_json assert doc3[0].head.text == "felt" assert doc3[0].dep_ == "neg" assert doc3[1].head.text == "felt" assert doc3[1].dep_ == "ROOT" assert doc3[2].head.text == "felt" # head set to ancestor assert doc3[2].dep_ == "dep" # We should still have 1 sentence as "a" can be attached to "felt" instead of "wound" assert len(list(doc3.sents)) == 1 @pytest.fixture def two_sent_doc(en_tokenizer): text = "He jests at scars. They never felt a wound." heads = [1, 0, -1, -1, -3, 2, 1, 0, 1, -2, -3] deps = [ "nsubj", "ROOT", "prep", "pobj", "punct", "nsubj", "neg", "ROOT", "det", "dobj", "punct", ] tokens = en_tokenizer(text) return get_doc(tokens.vocab, words=[t.text for t in tokens], heads=heads, deps=deps) def test_issue3962_long(two_sent_doc): """ Ensure that as_doc does not result in out-of-bound access of tokens. This is achieved by setting the head to itself if it would lie out of the span otherwise.""" span2 = two_sent_doc[1:7] # "jests at scars. They never" doc2 = span2.as_doc() doc2_json = doc2.to_json() assert doc2_json assert ( doc2[0].head.text == "jests" ) # head set to itself, being the new artificial root (in sentence 1) assert doc2[0].dep_ == "ROOT" assert doc2[1].head.text == "jests" assert doc2[1].dep_ == "prep" assert doc2[2].head.text == "at" assert doc2[2].dep_ == "pobj" assert doc2[3].head.text == "jests" assert doc2[3].dep_ == "punct" assert ( doc2[4].head.text == "They" ) # head set to itself, being the new artificial root (in sentence 2) assert doc2[4].dep_ == "dep" assert ( doc2[4].head.text == "They" ) # head set to the new artificial head (in sentence 2) assert doc2[4].dep_ == "dep" # We should still have 2 sentences sents = list(doc2.sents) assert len(sents) == 2 assert sents[0].text == "jests at scars ." assert sents[1].text == "They never"