"""Align the raw sentences from Read et al (2012) to the PTB tokenization, outputting as a .json file. Used in bin/prepare_treebank.py """ from __future__ import unicode_literals import plac from pathlib import Path import json from os import path import os from spacy.munge import read_ptb from spacy.munge.read_ontonotes import sgml_extract def read_odc(section_loc): # Arbitrary patches applied to the _raw_ text to promote alignment. patches = ( ('. . . .', '...'), ('....', '...'), ('Co..', 'Co.'), ("`", "'"), # OntoNotes specific (" S$", " US$"), ("Showtime or a sister service", "Showtime or a service"), ("The hotel and gaming company", "The hotel and Gaming company"), ("I'm-coming-down-your-throat", "I-'m coming-down-your-throat"), ) paragraphs = [] with open(section_loc) as file_: para = [] for line in file_: if line.startswith('['): line = line.split('|', 1)[1].strip() for find, replace in patches: line = line.replace(find, replace) para.append(line) else: paragraphs.append(para) para = [] paragraphs.append(para) return paragraphs def read_ptb_sec(ptb_sec_dir): ptb_sec_dir = Path(ptb_sec_dir) files = [] for loc in ptb_sec_dir.iterdir(): if not str(loc).endswith('parse') and not str(loc).endswith('mrg'): continue filename = loc.parts[-1].split('.')[0] with loc.open() as file_: text = file_.read() sents = [] for parse_str in read_ptb.split(text): words, brackets = read_ptb.parse(parse_str, strip_bad_periods=True) words = [_reform_ptb_word(word) for word in words] string = ' '.join(words) sents.append((filename, string)) files.append(sents) return files def _reform_ptb_word(tok): tok = tok.replace("``", '"') tok = tok.replace("`", "'") tok = tok.replace("''", '"') tok = tok.replace('\\', '') tok = tok.replace('-LCB-', '{') tok = tok.replace('-RCB-', '}') tok = tok.replace('-RRB-', ')') tok = tok.replace('-LRB-', '(') tok = tok.replace("'T-", "'T") return tok def get_alignment(raw_by_para, ptb_by_file): # These are list-of-lists, by paragraph and file respectively. # Flatten them into a list of (outer_id, inner_id, item) triples raw_sents = _flatten(raw_by_para) ptb_sents = list(_flatten(ptb_by_file)) output = [] ptb_idx = 0 n_skipped = 0 skips = [] for (p_id, p_sent_id, raw) in raw_sents: if ptb_idx >= len(ptb_sents): n_skipped += 1 continue f_id, f_sent_id, (ptb_id, ptb) = ptb_sents[ptb_idx] alignment = align_chars(raw, ptb) if not alignment: skips.append((ptb, raw)) n_skipped += 1 continue ptb_idx += 1 sepped = [] for i, c in enumerate(ptb): if alignment[i] is False: sepped.append('<SEP>') else: sepped.append(c) output.append((f_id, p_id, f_sent_id, (ptb_id, ''.join(sepped)))) if n_skipped + len(ptb_sents) != len(raw_sents): for ptb, raw in skips: print(ptb) print(raw) raise Exception return output def _flatten(nested): flat = [] for id1, inner in enumerate(nested): flat.extend((id1, id2, item) for id2, item in enumerate(inner)) return flat def align_chars(raw, ptb): if raw.replace(' ', '') != ptb.replace(' ', ''): return None i = 0 j = 0 length = len(raw) alignment = [False for _ in range(len(ptb))] while i < length: if raw[i] == ' ' and ptb[j] == ' ': alignment[j] = True i += 1 j += 1 elif raw[i] == ' ': i += 1 elif ptb[j] == ' ': j += 1 assert raw[i].lower() == ptb[j].lower(), raw[i:1] alignment[j] = i i += 1; j += 1 return alignment def group_into_files(sents): last_id = 0 last_fn = None this = [] output = [] for f_id, p_id, s_id, (filename, sent) in sents: if f_id != last_id: assert last_fn is not None output.append((last_fn, this)) this = [] last_fn = filename this.append((f_id, p_id, s_id, sent)) last_id = f_id if this: assert last_fn is not None output.append((last_fn, this)) return output def group_into_paras(sents): last_id = 0 this = [] output = [] for f_id, p_id, s_id, sent in sents: if p_id != last_id and this: output.append(this) this = [] this.append(sent) last_id = p_id if this: output.append(this) return output def get_sections(odc_dir, ptb_dir, out_dir): for i in range(25): section = str(i) if i >= 10 else ('0' + str(i)) odc_loc = path.join(odc_dir, 'wsj%s.txt' % section) ptb_sec = path.join(ptb_dir, section) out_loc = path.join(out_dir, 'wsj%s.json' % section) yield odc_loc, ptb_sec, out_loc def align_section(raw_paragraphs, ptb_files): aligned = get_alignment(raw_paragraphs, ptb_files) return [(fn, group_into_paras(sents)) for fn, sents in group_into_files(aligned)] def do_wsj(odc_dir, ptb_dir, out_dir): for odc_loc, ptb_sec_dir, out_loc in get_sections(odc_dir, ptb_dir, out_dir): files = align_section(read_odc(odc_loc), read_ptb_sec(ptb_sec_dir)) with open(out_loc, 'w') as file_: json.dump(files, file_) def do_web(src_dir, onto_dir, out_dir): mapping = dict(line.split() for line in open(path.join(onto_dir, 'map.txt')) if len(line.split()) == 2) for annot_fn, src_fn in mapping.items(): if not annot_fn.startswith('eng'): continue ptb_loc = path.join(onto_dir, annot_fn + '.parse') src_loc = path.join(src_dir, src_fn + '.sgm') if path.exists(ptb_loc) and path.exists(src_loc): src_doc = sgml_extract(open(src_loc).read()) ptb_doc = [read_ptb.parse(parse_str, strip_bad_periods=True)[0] for parse_str in read_ptb.split(open(ptb_loc).read())] print('Found') else: print('Miss') def may_mkdir(parent, *subdirs): if not path.exists(parent): os.mkdir(parent) for i in range(1, len(subdirs)): directories = (parent,) + subdirs[:i] subdir = path.join(*directories) if not path.exists(subdir): os.mkdir(subdir) def main(odc_dir, onto_dir, out_dir): may_mkdir(out_dir, 'wsj', 'align') may_mkdir(out_dir, 'web', 'align') #do_wsj(odc_dir, path.join(ontonotes_dir, 'wsj', 'orig'), # path.join(out_dir, 'wsj', 'align')) do_web( path.join(onto_dir, 'data', 'english', 'metadata', 'context', 'wb', 'sel'), path.join(onto_dir, 'data', 'english', 'annotations', 'wb'), path.join(out_dir, 'web', 'align')) if __name__ == '__main__': plac.call(main)