# cython: embedsignature=True from cpython.ref cimport Py_INCREF from cymem.cymem cimport Pool from murmurhash.mrmr cimport hash64 from libc.string cimport memset from .orth cimport word_shape from .typedefs cimport attr_t, flags_t import numpy memset(&EMPTY_LEXEME, 0, sizeof(LexemeC)) cdef int set_lex_struct_props(LexemeC* lex, dict props, StringStore string_store, const float* empty_vec) except -1: lex.length = props['length'] lex.orth = string_store[props['orth']] lex.lower = string_store[props['lower']] lex.norm = string_store[props['norm']] lex.shape = string_store[props['shape']] lex.prefix = string_store[props['prefix']] lex.suffix = string_store[props['suffix']] lex.cluster = props['cluster'] lex.prob = props['prob'] lex.sentiment = props['sentiment'] lex.flags = props['flags'] lex.repvec = empty_vec cdef class Lexeme: """An entry in the vocabulary. A Lexeme has no string context --- it's a word-type, as opposed to a word token. It therefore has no part-of-speech tag, dependency parse, or lemma (lemmatization depends on the part-of-speech tag). """ def __cinit__(self, int vec_size): self.repvec = numpy.ndarray(shape=(vec_size,), dtype=numpy.float32) @property def has_repvec(self): return self.l2_norm != 0 cpdef bint check(self, attr_id_t flag_id) except -1: return self.flags & (1 << flag_id)