import React, { useEffect, useState, useMemo } from 'react' import { StaticQuery, graphql } from 'gatsby' import { window } from 'browser-monads' import Title from '../components/title' import Section from '../components/section' import Button from '../components/button' import Aside from '../components/aside' import CodeBlock, { InlineCode } from '../components/code' import { Table, Tr, Td, Th } from '../components/table' import Tag from '../components/tag' import { H2, Label } from '../components/typography' import Icon from '../components/icon' import Link from '../components/link' import Grid from '../components/grid' import Infobox from '../components/infobox' import Accordion from '../components/accordion' import { join, arrayToObj, abbrNum, markdownToReact, isString } from '../components/util' const MODEL_META = { core: 'Vocabulary, syntax, entities, vectors', core_sm: 'Vocabulary, syntax, entities', dep: 'Vocabulary, syntax', ent: 'Named entities', pytt: 'PyTorch Transformers', vectors: 'Word vectors', web: 'written text (blogs, news, comments)', news: 'written text (news, media)', wiki: 'Wikipedia', uas: 'Unlabelled dependencies', las: 'Labelled dependencies', tags_acc: 'Part-of-speech tags (fine grained tags, Token.tag)', ents_f: 'Entities (F-score)', ents_p: 'Entities (precision)', ents_r: 'Entities (recall)', cpu: 'words per second on CPU', gpu: 'words per second on GPU', pipeline: 'Processing pipeline components in order', sources: 'Sources of training data', vecs: 'Word vectors included in the model. Models that only support context vectors compute similarity via the tensors shared with the pipeline.', benchmark_parser: 'Syntax accuracy', benchmark_ner: 'NER accuracy', benchmark_speed: 'Speed', compat: 'Latest compatible model version for your spaCy installation', } const LABEL_SCHEME_META = { tagger: 'Part-of-speech tags via Token.tag_', parser: 'Dependency labels via Token.dep_', ner: 'Named entity labels', } const MARKDOWN_COMPONENTS = { code: InlineCode, } function getModelComponents(name) { const [lang, type, genre, size] = name.split('_') return { lang, type, genre, size } } function isStableVersion(v) { return !v.includes('a') && !v.includes('b') && !v.includes('dev') && !v.includes('rc') } function getLatestVersion(modelId, compatibility) { for (let [version, models] of Object.entries(compatibility)) { if (isStableVersion(version) && models[modelId]) { return models[modelId][0] } } } function formatVectors(data) { if (!data) return 'n/a' if (Object.values(data).every(n => n === 0)) return 'context vectors only' const { keys, vectors, width } = data return `${abbrNum(keys)} keys, ${abbrNum(vectors)} unique vectors (${width} dimensions)` } function formatAccuracy(data) { if (!data) return null const labels = { tags_acc: 'POS', ents_f: 'NER F', ents_p: 'NER P', ents_r: 'NER R' } const isSyntax = key => ['tags_acc', 'las', 'uas'].includes(key) const isNer = key => key.startsWith('ents_') return Object.keys(data).map(key => ({ label: labels[key] || key.toUpperCase(), value: data[key].toFixed(2), help: MODEL_META[key], type: isNer(key) ? 'ner' : isSyntax(key) ? 'syntax' : null, })) } function formatModelMeta(data) { return { fullName: `${data.lang}_${}-${data.version}`, version: data.version, sizeFull: data.size, pipeline: data.pipeline, notes: data.notes, description: data.description, sources: data.sources, author:, url: data.url, license: data.license, labels: data.labels, vectors: formatVectors(data.vectors), accuracy: formatAccuracy(data.accuracy), } } function formatSources(data = []) { const sources = => (isString(s) ? { name: s } : s)) return{ name, url, author }, i) => ( <> {i > 0 &&
} {name && url ? {name} : name} {author && ` (${author})`} )) } const Help = ({ children }) => ( ) const Model = ({ name, langId, langName, baseUrl, repo, compatibility, hasExamples, licenses }) => { const [initialized, setInitialized] = useState(false) const [isError, setIsError] = useState(true) const [meta, setMeta] = useState({}) const { type, genre, size } = getModelComponents(name) const version = useMemo(() => getLatestVersion(name, compatibility), [name, compatibility]) useEffect(() => { window.dispatchEvent(new Event('resize')) // scroll position for progress if (!initialized && version) { setIsError(false) fetch(`${baseUrl}/meta/${name}-${version}.json`) .then(res => res.json()) .then(json => { setMeta(formatModelMeta(json)) }) .catch(err => { setIsError(true) console.error(err) }) setInitialized(true) } }, [initialized, version, baseUrl, name]) const releaseTag = meta.fullName ? `/tag/${meta.fullName}` : '' const releaseUrl = `${repo}/releases/${releaseTag}` const pipeline = meta.pipeline && join( => {p})) const sources = formatSources(meta.sources) const author = !meta.url ? : {} const licenseUrl = licenses[meta.license] ? licenses[meta.license].url : null const license = licenseUrl ? {meta.license} : meta.license const hasInteractiveCode = size === 'sm' && hasExamples && !isError const labels = meta.labels const rows = [ { label: 'Language', tag: langId, content: langName }, { label: 'Type', tag: type, content: MODEL_META[type] }, { label: 'Genre', tag: genre, content: MODEL_META[genre] }, { label: 'Size', tag: size, content: meta.sizeFull }, { label: 'Pipeline', content: pipeline, help: MODEL_META.pipeline }, { label: 'Vectors', content: meta.vectors, help: MODEL_META.vecs }, { label: 'Sources', content: sources, help: MODEL_META.sources }, { label: 'Author', content: author }, { label: 'License', content: license }, ] const accuracy = [ { label: 'Syntax Accuracy', items: meta.accuracy ? meta.accuracy.filter(a => a.type === 'syntax') : null, }, { label: 'NER Accuracy', items: meta.accuracy ? meta.accuracy.filter(a => a.type === 'ner') : null, }, ] const error = (

To find out more about this model, see the overview of the{' '} latest model releases.

) return (

{version && (
Latest: {version}
)} } > {name}

{meta.description && markdownToReact(meta.description, MARKDOWN_COMPONENTS)} {isError && error} {{ label, tag, help, content }, i) => !tag && !content ? null : ( ) )}
{tag && {tag}} {content}
{accuracy &&{ label, items }, i) => !items ? null : ( {, i) => ( ))}
) )}
{meta.notes && markdownToReact(meta.notes, MARKDOWN_COMPONENTS)} {hasInteractiveCode && ( {[ `import spacy`, `from spacy.lang.${langId}.examples import sentences `, ``, `nlp = spacy.load('${name}')`, `doc = nlp(sentences[0])`, `print(doc.text)`, `for token in doc:`, ` print(token.text, token.pos_, token.dep_)`, ].join('\n')} )} {labels && (

The statistical components included in this model package assign the following labels. The labels are specific to the corpus that the model was trained on. To see the description of a label, you can use{' '} spacy.explain .

{Object.keys(labels).map(pipe => { const labelNames = labels[pipe] || [] const help = LABEL_SCHEME_META[pipe] return ( ) })}
{, i) => ( <> {i > 0 && ', '} {label} ))}
) } const Models = ({ pageContext, repo, children }) => { const [initialized, setInitialized] = useState(false) const [compatibility, setCompatibility] = useState({}) const { id, title, meta } = pageContext const { models } = meta const baseUrl = `${repo}/master` useEffect(() => { window.dispatchEvent(new Event('resize')) // scroll position for progress if (!initialized) { fetch(`${baseUrl}/compatibility.json`) .then(res => res.json()) .then(({ spacy }) => setCompatibility(spacy)) .catch(err => console.error(err)) setInitialized(true) } }, [initialized, baseUrl]) return ( <> <StaticQuery query={query} render={({ site }) => => ( <Model key={modelName} name={modelName} langId={id} langName={title} compatibility={compatibility} baseUrl={baseUrl} repo={repo} hasExamples={meta.hasExamples} licenses={arrayToObj(site.siteMetadata.licenses, 'id')} /> )) } /> {children} </> ) } export default Models const query = graphql` query ModelsQuery { site { siteMetadata { licenses { id url } } } } `