//  Variables
// ============================================================================

// Settings and Sizes

$theme              : blue !default;

$base-font-size     : 10px !default;

$width-logo         : 500px, 250px, 100px, 65px !default;
$width-content      : 800px;
$width-aside        : 300px;
$width-sidebar      : 230px;
$width-profile      : 160px;
$height-navbar      : 55px;

$border-radius      : 4px;
$image-ratio        : 3 / 1;
$transition         : all 0.2s;
$social-buttons     : twitter, reddit, hackernews, producthunt;

$screen-size-small  : 480px;
$screen-size-medium : 800px;
$screen-size-large  : 1200px;

// Grid Columns

$columns: ( fifth, 20% ), 
          ( quarter, 25% ), 
          ( third, (100% / 3) ), 
          ( half, 50% ), 
          ( two-thirds, (100% / 1.5) ), 
          ( full, 100% );

//  Fonts

$font-primary   : Lato, Tahoma, Geneva, sans-serif !default;
$font-secondary : 'Work Sans', 'Arial Black', Gadget, sans-serif !default;
$font-code      : 'Source Code Pro', Consolas, 'Andale Mono', Menlo, Monaco, Courier, monospace !default;
$font-icons     : Icomoon !default;

// Colors
// only to be used with the color() function, i.e. color(blue, light)

$colors: (
    blue    : ( base: #09a3d5, dark: #008ebc, light: #e2f7fe ),
    red     : ( base: #e4514f, dark: #dd2422, light: #fceeed ),
    grey    : ( base: #dddddd, dark: #999999, light: #f6f6f6 ),
    black   : ( base: #222222, dark: #000000 ),
    white   : ( base: #ffffff ),
    yellow  : ( base: #f4c025 ),
    green   : ( base: #3ec930 ),
    purple  : ( base: #8130c9 ),
    orange  : ( base: #f47725 ),

    social: (
        twitter     : #5ea9dd,
        hackernews  : #ff6600,
        reddit      : #ff4500,
        producthunt : #da552f,
        github      : #000000,
        linkedin    : #0077b5,
        facebook    : #3b5999,
        medium      : #02b875,

// Icons

$icons: (
    website     : '\1f310',
    search      : '\1f50d',
    feed        : '\1f525',
    quote       : '\275d',
    twitter     : '\e900',
    github      : '\e901',
    producthunt : '\e902',
    linkedin    : '\e903',
    hackernews  : '\e904',
    reddit      : '\e905',
    facebook    : '\e906',
    medium      : '\e907',
    codepen     : '\e908',
    dash        : '\2014',
    bullet      : '\2022',
    menu        : '\2261',
    close       : '\2715',
    copyright   : '\00a9',
    permalink   : '\0023',