include ../../_includes/_mixins

p Match sequences of tokens, based on pattern rules.

+h(2, "load") Matcher.load
    +tag classmethod

p Load the matcher and patterns from a file path.

+table(["Name", "Type", "Description"])
        +cell #[code path]
        +cell #[code Path]
        +cell Path to a JSON-formatted patterns file.

        +cell #[code vocab]
        +cell #[code Vocab]
        +cell The vocabulary that the documents to match over will refer to.

        +cell return
        +cell #[code Matcher]
        +cell The newly constructed object.

+h(2, "init") Matcher.__init__
    +tag method

p Create the Matcher.

+table(["Name", "Type", "Description"])
        +cell #[code vocab]
        +cell #[code Vocab]
            |  The vocabulary object, which must be shared with the documents
            |  the matcher will operate on.

        +cell #[code patterns]
        +cell dict
        +cell Patterns to add to the matcher.

        +cell return
        +cell #[code Matcher]
        +cell The newly constructed object.

+h(2, "call") Matcher.__call__
    +tag method

p Find all token sequences matching the supplied patterns on the Doc.

+table(["Name", "Type", "Description"])
        +cell #[code doc]
        +cell #[code Doc]
        +cell The document to match over.

        +cell return
        +cell list
            |  A list of#[code (entity_key, label_id,  start, end)] tuples,
            |  describing the matches. A match tuple describes a
            |  #[code span doc[start:end]]. The #[code label_id] and
            |  #[code entity_key] are both integers.

+h(2, "pipe") Matcher.pipe
    +tag method

p Match a stream of documents, yielding them in turn.

+table(["Name", "Type", "Description"])
        +cell #[code docs]
        +cell -
        +cell A stream of documents.

        +cell #[code batch_size]
        +cell int
        +cell The number of documents to accumulate into a working set.

        +cell #[code n_threads]
        +cell int
            |  The number of threads with which to work on the buffer in
            |  parallel, if the #[code Matcher] implementation supports
            |  multi-threading.

        +cell yield
        +cell #[code Doc]
        +cell Documents, in order.

+h(2, "add_entity") Matcher.add_entity
    +tag method

p Add an entity to the matcher.

+table(["Name", "Type", "Description"])
        +cell #[code entity_key]
        +cell unicode / int
        +cell An ID for the entity.

        +cell #[code attrs]
        +cell -
        +cell Attributes to associate with the Matcher.

        +cell #[code if_exists]
        +cell unicode
            |  #[code 'raise'], #[code 'ignore'] or #[code 'update']. Controls
            |  what happens if the entity ID already exists. Defaults to
            |  #[code 'raise'].

        +cell #[code acceptor]
        +cell -
        +cell Callback function to filter matches of the entity.

        +cell #[code on_match]
        +cell -
        +cell Callback function to act on matches of the entity.

        +cell return
        +cell #[code None]
        +cell -

+h(2, "add_pattern") Matcher.add_pattern
    +tag method

p Add a pattern to the matcher.

+table(["Name", "Type", "Description"])
        +cell #[code entity_key]
        +cell unicode / int
        +cell An ID for the entity.

        +cell #[code token_specs]
        +cell -
        +cell Description of the pattern to be matched.

        +cell #[code label]
        +cell unicode / int
        +cell Label to assign to the matched pattern. Defaults to #[code ""].

        +cell return
        +cell #[code None]
        +cell -

+h(2, "has_entity") Matcher.has_entity
    +tag method

p Check whether the matcher has an entity.

+table(["Name", "Type", "Description"])
        +cell #[code entity_key]
        +cell unicode / int
        +cell The entity key to check.

        +cell return
        +cell bool
        +cell Whether the matcher has the entity.