//- 💫 DOCS > USAGE

include ../../_includes/_mixins

    |  spaCy is compatible with #[strong 64-bit CPython 2.6+∕3.3+] and
    |  runs on #[strong Unix/Linux], #[strong macOS/OS X] and
    |  #[strong Windows]. The latest spaCy releases are
    |  available over #[+a("https://pypi.python.org/pypi/spacy") pip] (source
    |  packages only) and #[+a("https://anaconda.org/conda-forge/spacy") conda].
    |  Installation requires a working build environment. See notes on
    |  #[a(href="#source-ubuntu") Ubuntu], #[a(href="#source-osx") macOS/OS X]
    |  and #[a(href="#source-windows") Windows] for details.

+quickstart(QUICKSTART, "Quickstart")
    +qs({config: 'venv', python: 2}) python -m pip install -U virtualenv
    +qs({config: 'venv', python: 3}) python -m pip install -U venv
    +qs({config: 'venv', python: 2}) virtualenv .env
    +qs({config: 'venv', python: 3}) venv .env
    +qs({config: 'venv', os: 'mac'}) source .env/bin/activate
    +qs({config: 'venv', os: 'linux'}) source .env/bin/activate
    +qs({config: 'venv', os: 'windows'}) .env\Scripts\activate

    +qs({config: 'gpu', os: 'mac'}) export PATH=$PATH:/usr/local/cuda-8.0/bin
    +qs({config: 'gpu', os: 'linux'}) export PATH=$PATH:/usr/local/cuda-8.0/bin

    +qs({package: 'pip'}) pip install -U spacy
    +qs({package: 'conda'}) conda install -c conda-forge spacy

    +qs({package: 'source'}) git clone https://github.com/explosion/spaCy
    +qs({package: 'source'}) cd spaCy
    +qs({package: 'source'}) pip install -r requirements.txt
    +qs({package: 'source'}) pip install -e .

    +qs({model: 'en'}) spacy download en
    +qs({model: 'de'}) spacy download de
    +qs({model: 'fr'}) spacy download fr
    +qs({model: 'es'}) spacy download es

+h(2, "installation") Installation instructions

+h(3, "pip") pip

p Using pip, spaCy releases are currently only available as source packages.

+code(false, "bash").
    pip install -U spacy

+aside("Download models")
    |  After installation you need to download a language model. For more info
    |  and available models, see the #[+a("/docs/usage/models") docs on models].

        spacy download en

        >>> import spacy
        >>> nlp = spacy.load('en')

    |  When using pip it is generally recommended to install packages in a
    |  #[code virtualenv] to avoid modifying system state:

+code(false, "bash").
    virtualenv .env
    source .env/bin/activate
    pip install spacy

+h(3, "conda") conda

    |  Thanks to our great community, we've finally re-added conda support. You
    |  can now install spaCy via #[code conda-forge]:

+code(false, "bash").
    conda config --add channels conda-forge
    conda install spacy

    |  For the feedstock including the build recipe and configuration, check out
    |  #[+a("https://github.com/conda-forge/spacy-feedstock") this repository].
    |  Improvements and pull requests to the recipe and setup are always appreciated.

+h(2, "gpu") Run spaCy with GPU

    |  As of v2.0, spaCy's comes with neural network models that are implemented
    |  in our machine learning library, #[+a(gh("thinc")) Thinc]. For GPU
    |  support, we've been grateful to use the work of
    |  #[+a("http://chainer.org") Chainer]'s CuPy module, which provides
    |  a NumPy-compatible interface for GPU arrays.

    |  First, install follows the normal CUDA installation procedure. Next, set
    |  your environment variables so that the installation will be able to find
    |  CUDA. Finally, install spaCy.

+code(false, "bash").
   export CUDA_HOME=/usr/local/cuda-8.0 # Or wherever your CUDA is
   export PATH=$PATH:$CUDA_HOME/bin

   pip install spacy
   python -c "import thinc.neural.gpu_ops" # Check the GPU ops were built

+h(2, "source") Compile from source

    |  The other way to install spaCy is to clone its
    |  #[+a(gh("spaCy")) GitHub repository] and build it from source. That is
    |  the common way if you want to make changes to the code base. You'll need to
    |  make sure that you have a development environment consisting of a Python
    |  distribution including header files, a compiler,
    |  #[+a("https://pip.pypa.io/en/latest/installing/") pip],
    |  #[+a("https://virtualenv.pypa.io/") virtualenv] and
    |  #[+a("https://git-scm.com") git] installed. The compiler part is the
    |  trickiest. How to do that depends on your system. See notes on
    |  #[a(href="#source-ubuntu") Ubuntu], #[a(href="#source-osx") OS X] and
    |  #[a(href="#source-windows") Windows] for details.

+code(false, "bash").
    # make sure you are using recent pip/virtualenv versions
    python -m pip install -U pip virtualenv
    git clone #{gh("spaCy")}
    cd spaCy

    virtualenv .env
    source .env/bin/activate
    pip install -r requirements.txt
    pip install -e .

    |  Compared to regular install via pip, #[+a(gh("spaCy", "requirements.txt")) requirements.txt]
    |  additionally installs developer dependencies such as Cython.

    |  Instead of the above verbose commands, you can also use the following
    |  #[+a("http://www.fabfile.org/") Fabric] commands:

+table(["Command", "Description"])
        +cell #[code fab env]
        +cell Create #[code virtualenv] and delete previous one, if it exists.

        +cell #[code fab make]
        +cell Compile the source.

        +cell #[code fab clean]
        +cell Remove compiled objects, including the generated C++.

        +cell #[code fab test]
        +cell Run basic tests, aborting after first failure.

    |  All commands assume that your #[code virtualenv] is located in a
    |  directory #[code .env]. If you're using a different directory, you can
    |  change it via the environment variable #[code VENV_DIR], for example:

+code(false, "bash").
    VENV_DIR=".custom-env" fab clean make

+h(3, "source-ubuntu") Ubuntu

p Install system-level dependencies via #[code apt-get]:

+code(false, "bash").
    sudo apt-get install build-essential python-dev git

+h(3, "source-osx") macOS / OS X

    |  Install a recent version of #[+a("https://developer.apple.com/xcode/") XCode],
    |  including the so-called "Command Line Tools". macOS and OS X ship with
    |  Python and git preinstalled. To compile spaCy with multi-threading support
    |  on macOS / OS X, #[+a("https://github.com/explosion/spaCy/issues/267") see here].

+h(3, "source-windows") Windows

    |  Install a version of
    |  #[+a("https://www.visualstudio.com/vs/visual-studio-express/") Visual Studio Express]
    |  that matches the version that was used to compile your Python
    |  interpreter. For official distributions these are:

+table([ "Distribution", "Version"])
        +cell Python 2.7
        +cell Visual Studio 2008

        +cell Python 3.4
        +cell Visual Studio 2010

        +cell Python 3.5+
        +cell Visual Studio 2015

+h(2, "troubleshooting") Troubleshooting guide

    |  This section collects some of the most common errors you may come
    |  across when installing, loading and using spaCy, as well as their solutions.

+aside("Help us improve this guide")
    |  Did you come across a problem like the ones listed here and want to
    |  share the solution? You can find the "Suggest edits" button at the
    |  bottom of this page that points you to the source. We always
    |  appreciate #[+a(gh("spaCy") + "/pulls") pull requests]!

+h(3, "compatible-model") No compatible model found

+code(false, "text").
    No compatible model found for [lang] (spaCy v#{SPACY_VERSION}).

    |  This usually means that the model you're trying to download does not
    |  exist, or isn't available for your version of spaCy. Check the
    |  #[+a(gh("spacy-models", "compatibility.json")) compatibility table]
    |  to see which models are available for your spaCy version. If you're using
    |  an old version, consider upgrading to the latest release. Note that while
    |  spaCy supports tokenization for
    |  #[+a("/docs/api/language-models/#alpha-support") a variety of languages],
    |  not all of them come with statistical models. To only use the tokenizer,
    |  import the language's #[code Language] class instead, for example
    |  #[code from spacy.fr import French].

+h(3, "symlink-privilege") Symbolic link privilege not held

+code(false, "text").
    OSError: symbolic link privilege not held

    |  To create #[+a("/docs/usage/models/#usage") shortcut links] that let you
    |  load models by name, spaCy creates a symbolic link in the
    |  #[code spacy/data] directory. This means your user needs permission to do
    |  this. The above error mostly occurs when doing a system-wide installation,
    |  which will create the symlinks in a system directory. Run the
    |  #[code download] or #[code link] command as administrator, or use a
    |  #[code virtualenv] to install spaCy in a user directory, instead
    |  of doing a system-wide installation.

+h(3, "no-cache-dir") No such option: --no-cache-dir

+code(false, "text").
    no such option: --no-cache-dir

    |  The #[code download] command uses pip to install the models and sets the
    |  #[code --no-cache-dir] flag to prevent it from requiring too much memory.
    |  #[+a("https://pip.pypa.io/en/stable/reference/pip_install/#caching") This setting]
    |  requires pip v6.0 or newer. Run #[code pip install -U pip] to upgrade to
    |  the latest version of pip. To see which version you have installed,
    |  run #[code pip --version].

+h(3, "import-error") Import error

+code(false, "text").
    Import Error: No module named spacy

    |  This error means that the spaCy module can't be located on your system, or in
    |  your environment. Make sure you have spaCy installed. If you're using a
    |  #[code virtualenv], make sure it's activated and check that spaCy is
    |  installed in that environment – otherwise, you're trying to load a system
    |  installation. You can also run #[code which python] to find out where
    |  your Python executable is located.

+h(3, "import-error-models") Import error: models

+code(false, "text").
    ImportError: No module named 'en_core_web_sm'

    |  As of spaCy v1.7, all models can be installed as Python packages. This means
    |  that they'll become importable modules of your application. When creating
    |  #[+a("/docs/usage/models/#usage") shortcut links], spaCy will also try
    |  to import the model to load its meta data. If this fails, it's usually a
    |  sign that the package is not installed in the current environment.
    |  Run #[code pip list] or #[code pip freeze] to check which model packages
    |  you have installed, and install the
    |  #[+a("/docs/usage/models#available") correct models] if necessary. If you're
    |  importing a model manually at the top of a file, make sure to use the name
    |  of the package, not the shortcut link you've created.

+h(3, "vocab-strings") File not found: vocab/strings.json

+code(false, "text").
    FileNotFoundError: No such file or directory: [...]/vocab/strings.json

    |  This error may occur when using #[code spacy.load()] to load
    |  a language model – either because you haven't set up a
    |  #[+a("/docs/usage/models/#usage") shortcut link] for it, or because it
    |  doesn't actually exist. Set up a
    |  #[+a("/docs/usage/models/#usage") shortcut link] for the model
    |  you want to load. This can either be an installed model package, or a
    |  local directory containing the model data. If you want to use one of the
    |  #[+a("/docs/api/language-models/#alpha-support") alpha tokenizers] for
    |  languages that don't yet have a statistical model, you should import its
    |  #[code Language] class instead, for example
    |  #[code from spacy.lang.bn import Bengali].

+h(3, "command-not-found") Command not found

+code(false, "text").
    command not found: spacy

    |  This error may occur when running the #[code spacy] command from the
    |  command line. spaCy does not currently add an entry to our #[code PATH]
    |  environment variable, as this can lead to unexpected results, especially
    |  when using #[code virtualenv]. Instead, spaCy adds an auto-alias that
    |  maps #[code spacy] to #[code python -m spacy]. If this is not working as
    |  expected, run the command with #[code python -m], yourself –
    |  for example #[code python -m spacy download en]. For more info on this,
    |  see #[+api("cli#download") download].

+h(3, "module-load") 'module' object has no attribute 'load'

+code(false, "text").
    AttributeError: 'module' object has no attribute 'load'

    |  While this could technically have many causes, including spaCy being
    |  broken, the most likely one is that your script's file or directory name
    |  is "shadowing" the module – e.g. your file is called #[code spacy.py],
    |  or a directory you're importing from is called #[code spacy]. So, when
    |  using spaCy, never call anything else #[code spacy].

+h(2, "tests") Run tests

    |  spaCy comes with an #[+a(gh("spacy", "spacy/tests")) extensive test suite].
    |  First, find out where spaCy is installed:

+code(false, "bash").
    python -c "import os; import spacy; print(os.path.dirname(spacy.__file__))"

    |  Then run #[code pytest] on that directory. The flags #[code --slow] and
    |  #[code --model] are optional and enable additional tests.

+code(false, "bash").
    # make sure you are using recent pytest version
    python -m pip install -U pytest

    python -m pytest <spacy-directory>                 # basic tests
    python -m pytest <spacy-directory> --slow          # basic and slow tests
    python -m pytest <spacy-directory> --models --all  # basic and all model tests
    python -m pytest <spacy-directory> --models --en   # basic and English model tests