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| A component receives a #[code Doc] object and can modify it for example,
| by using the current weights to make a prediction and set some annotation
| on the document. By adding a component to the pipeline, you'll get access
| to the #[code Doc] at any point #[strong during processing] instead of
| only being able to modify it afterwards.
def my_component(doc):
# do something to the doc here
return doc
+table(["Argument", "Type", "Description"])
+cell #[code doc]
+cell #[code Doc]
+cell The #[code Doc] object processed by the previous component.
+cell returns
+cell #[code Doc]
+cell The #[code Doc] object processed by this pipeline component.
| Custom components can be added to the pipeline using the
| #[+api("language#add_pipe") #[code add_pipe]] method. Optionally, you
| can either specify a component to add it #[strong before or after], tell
| spaCy to add it #[strong first or last] in the pipeline, or define a
| #[strong custom name]. If no name is set and no #[code name] attribute
| is present on your component, the function name is used.
+code("Adding pipeline components").
def my_component(doc):
print("After tokenization, this doc has %s tokens." % len(doc))
if len(doc) < 10:
print("This is a pretty short document.")
return doc
nlp = spacy.load('en')
nlp.add_pipe(my_component, name='print_info', first=True)
print(nlp.pipe_names) # ['print_info', 'tagger', 'parser', 'ner']
doc = nlp(u"This is a sentence.")
| Of course, you can also wrap your component as a class to allow
| initialising it with custom settings and hold state within the component.
| This is useful for #[strong stateful components], especially ones which
| #[strong depend on shared data].
class MyComponent(object):
name = 'print_info'
def __init__(self, vocab, short_limit=10):
self.vocab = vocab
self.short_limit = short_limit
def __call__(self, doc):
if len(doc) < self.short_limit:
print("This is a pretty short document.")
return doc
my_component = MyComponent(nlp.vocab, short_limit=25)
nlp.add_pipe(my_component, first=True)
+h(3, "custom-components-attributes")
| Extension attributes on #[code Doc], #[code Span] and #[code Token]
| As of v2.0, spaCy allows you to set any custom attributes and methods
| on the #[code Doc], #[code Span] and #[code Token], which become
| available as #[code Doc._], #[code Span._] and #[code Token._] for
| example, #[code Token._.my_attr]. This lets you store additional
| information relevant to your application, add new features and
| functionality to spaCy, and implement your own models trained with other
| machine learning libraries. It also lets you take advantage of spaCy's
| data structures and the #[code Doc] object as the "single source of
| truth".
+aside("Why ._?")
| Writing to a #[code ._] attribute instead of to the #[code Doc] directly
| keeps a clearer separation and makes it easier to ensure backwards
| compatibility. For example, if you've implemented your own #[code .coref]
| property and spaCy claims it one day, it'll break your code. Similarly,
| just by looking at the code, you'll immediately know what's built-in and
| what's custom for example, #[code doc.sentiment] is spaCy, while
| #[code doc._.sent_score] isn't.
| There are three main types of extensions, which can be defined using the
| #[+api("doc#set_extension") #[code Doc.set_extension]],
| #[+api("span#set_extension") #[code Span.set_extension]] and
| #[+api("token#set_extension") #[code Token.set_extension]] methods.
+item #[strong Attribute extensions].
| Set a default value for an attribute, which can be overwritten
| manually at any time. Attribute extensions work like "normal"
| variables and are the quickest way to store arbitrary information
| on a #[code Doc], #[code Span] or #[code Token]. Attribute defaults
| behaves just like argument defaults
| #[+a("") in Python functions],
| and should not be used for mutable values like dictionaries or lists.
Doc.set_extension('hello', default=True)
assert doc._.hello
doc._.hello = False
+item #[strong Property extensions].
| Define a getter and an optional setter function. If no setter is
| provided, the extension is immutable. Since the getter and setter
| functions are only called when you #[em retrieve] the attribute,
| you can also access values of previously added attribute extensions.
| For example, a #[code Doc] getter can average over #[code Token]
| attributes. For #[code Span] extensions, you'll almost always want
| to use a property otherwise, you'd have to write to
| #[em every possible] #[code Span] in the #[code Doc] to set up the
| values correctly.
Doc.set_extension('hello', getter=get_hello_value, setter=set_hello_value)
assert doc._.hello
doc._.hello = 'Hi!'
+item #[strong Method extensions].
| Assign a function that becomes available as an object method. Method
| extensions are always immutable. For more details and implementation
| ideas, see
| #[+a("/usage/examples#custom-components-attr-methods") these examples].
Doc.set_extension('hello', method=lambda doc, name: 'Hi {}!'.format(name))
assert doc._.hello('Bob') == 'Hi Bob!'
| Before you can access a custom extension, you need to register it using
| the #[code set_extension] method on the object you want
| to add it to, e.g. the #[code Doc]. Keep in mind that extensions are
| always #[strong added globally] and not just on a particular instance.
| If an attribute of the same name
| already exists, or if you're trying to access an attribute that hasn't
| been registered, spaCy will raise an #[code AttributeError].
from spacy.tokens import Doc, Span, Token
fruits = ['apple', 'pear', 'banana', 'orange', 'strawberry']
is_fruit_getter = lambda token: token.text in fruits
has_fruit_getter = lambda obj: any([t.text in fruits for t in obj])
Token.set_extension('is_fruit', getter=is_fruit_getter)
Doc.set_extension('has_fruit', getter=has_fruit_getter)
Span.set_extension('has_fruit', getter=has_fruit_getter)
+aside-code("Usage example").
doc = nlp(u"I have an apple and a melon")
assert doc[3]._.is_fruit # get Token attributes
assert not doc[0]._.is_fruit
assert doc._.has_fruit # get Doc attributes
assert doc[1:4]._.has_fruit # get Span attributes
| Once you've registered your custom attribute, you can also use the
| built-in #[code set], #[code get] and #[code has] methods to modify and
| retrieve the attributes. This is especially useful it you want to pass in
| a string instead of calling #[code doc._.my_attr].
+table(["Method", "Description", "Valid for", "Example"])
+cell #[code ._.set()]
+cell Set a value for an attribute.
+cell Attributes, mutable properties.
+cell #[code.u-break token._.set('my_attr', True)]
+cell #[code ._.get()]
+cell Get the value of an attribute.
+cell Attributes, mutable properties, immutable properties, methods.
+cell #[code.u-break my_attr = span._.get('my_attr')]
+cell #[code ._.has()]
+cell Check if an attribute exists.
+cell Attributes, mutable properties, immutable properties, methods.
+cell #[code.u-break doc._.has('my_attr')]
+infobox("How the ._ is implemented")
| Extension definitions the defaults, methods, getters and setters you
| pass in to #[code set_extension] are stored in class attributes on the
| #[code Underscore] class. If you write to an extension attribute, e.g.
| #[code doc._.hello = True], the data is stored within the
| #[+api("doc#attributes") #[code Doc.user_data]] dictionary. To keep the
| underscore data separate from your other dictionary entries, the string
| #[code "._."] is placed before the name, in a tuple.
+h(4, "component-example1") Example: Custom sentence segmentation logic
| Let's say you want to implement custom logic to improve spaCy's sentence
| boundary detection. Currently, sentence segmentation is based on the
| dependency parse, which doesn't always produce ideal results. The custom
| logic should therefore be applied #[strong after] tokenization, but
| #[strong before] the dependency parsing this way, the parser can also
| take advantage of the sentence boundaries.
def sbd_component(doc):
for i, token in enumerate(doc[:-2]):
# define sentence start if period + titlecase token
if token.text == '.' and doc[i+1].is_title:
doc[i+1].sent_start = True
return doc
nlp = spacy.load('en')
nlp.add_pipe(sbd_component, before='parser') # insert before the parser
+h(4, "component-example2")
| Example: Pipeline component for entity matching and tagging with
| custom attributes
| This example shows how to create a spaCy extension that takes a
| terminology list (in this case, single- and multi-word company names),
| matches the occurences in a document, labels them as #[code ORG] entities,
| merges the tokens and sets custom #[code is_tech_org] and
| #[code has_tech_org] attributes. For efficient matching, the example uses
| the #[+api("phrasematcher") #[code PhraseMatcher]] which accepts
| #[code Doc] objects as match patterns and works well for large
| terminology lists. It also ensures your patterns will always match, even
| when you customise spaCy's tokenization rules. When you call #[code nlp]
| on a text, the custom pipeline component is applied to the #[code Doc]
+github("spacy", "examples/pipeline/", 500)
| Wrapping this functionality in a
| pipeline component allows you to reuse the module with different
| settings, and have all pre-processing taken care of when you call
| #[code nlp] on your text and receive a #[code Doc] object.
+h(4, "component-example3")
| Example: Pipeline component for GPE entities and country meta data via a
| This example shows the implementation of a pipeline component
| that fetches country meta data via the
| #[+a("") REST Countries API] sets entity
| annotations for countries, merges entities into one token and
| sets custom attributes on the #[code Doc], #[code Span] and
| #[code Token] for example, the capital, latitude/longitude coordinates
| and even the country flag.
+github("spacy", "examples/pipeline/", 500)
| In this case, all data can be fetched on initialisation in one request.
| However, if you're working with text that contains incomplete country
| names, spelling mistakes or foreign-language versions, you could also
| implement a #[code like_country]-style getter function that makes a
| request to the search API endpoint and returns the best-matching
| result.
+h(4, "custom-components-usage-ideas") Other usage ideas
| #[strong Adding new features and hooking in models]. For example,
| a sentiment analysis model, or your preferred solution for
| lemmatization or sentiment analysis. spaCy's built-in tagger,
| parser and entity recognizer respect annotations that were already
| set on the #[code Doc] in a previous step of the pipeline.
| #[strong Integrating other libraries and APIs]. For example, your
| pipeline component can write additional information and data
| directly to the #[code Doc] or #[code Token] as custom attributes,
| while making sure no information is lost in the process. This can
| be output generated by other libraries and models, or an external
| service with a REST API.
| #[strong Debugging and logging]. For example, a component which
| stores and/or exports relevant information about the current state
| of the processed document, and insert it at any point of your
| pipeline.
+infobox("Developing third-party extensions")
| The new pipeline management and custom attributes finally make it easy
| to develop your own spaCy extensions and plugins and share them with
| others. Extensions can claim their own #[code ._] namespace and exist as
| standalone packages. If you're developing a tool or library and want to
| make it easy for others to use it with spaCy and add it to their
| pipeline, all you have to do is expose a function that takes a
| #[code Doc], modifies it and returns it. For more details and
| #[strong best practices], see the section on
| #[+a("#extensions") developing spaCy extensions].
+h(3, "custom-components-user-hooks") User hooks
| While it's generally recommended to use the #[code Doc._], #[code Span._]
| and #[code Token._] proxies to add your own custom attributes, spaCy
| offers a few exceptions to allow #[strong customising the built-in methods]
| like #[+api("doc#similarity") #[code Doc.similarity]] or
| #[+api("doc#vector") #[code Doc.vector]]. with your own hooks, which can
| rely on statistical models you train yourself. For instance, you can
| provide your own on-the-fly sentence segmentation algorithm or document
| similarity method.
| Hooks let you customize some of the behaviours of the #[code Doc],
| #[code Span] or #[code Token] objects by adding a component to the
| pipeline. For instance, to customize the
| #[+api("doc#similarity") #[code Doc.similarity]] method, you can add a
| component that sets a custom function to
| #[code doc.user_hooks['similarity']]. The built-in #[code Doc.similarity]
| method will check the #[code user_hooks] dict, and delegate to your
| function if you've set one. Similar results can be achieved by setting
| functions to #[code Doc.user_span_hooks] and #[code Doc.user_token_hooks].
+aside("Implementation note")
| The hooks live on the #[code Doc] object because the #[code Span] and
| #[code Token] objects are created lazily, and don't own any data. They
| just proxy to their parent #[code Doc]. This turns out to be convenient
| here — we only have to worry about installing hooks in one place.
+table(["Name", "Customises"])
+cell #[code user_hooks]
+api("doc#vector") #[code Doc.vector]
+api("doc#has_vector") #[code Doc.has_vector]
+api("doc#vector_norm") #[code Doc.vector_norm]
+api("doc#sents") #[code Doc.sents]
+cell #[code user_token_hooks]
+api("token#similarity") #[code Token.similarity]
+api("token#vector") #[code Token.vector]
+api("token#has_vector") #[code Token.has_vector]
+api("token#vector_norm") #[code Token.vector_norm]
+api("token#conjuncts") #[code Token.conjuncts]
+cell #[code user_span_hooks]
+api("span#similarity") #[code Span.similarity]
+api("span#vector") #[code Span.vector]
+api("span#has_vector") #[code Span.has_vector]
+api("span#vector_norm") #[code Span.vector_norm]
+api("span#root") #[code Span.root]
+code("Add custom similarity hooks").
class SimilarityModel(object):
def __init__(self, model):
self._model = model
def __call__(self, doc):
doc.user_hooks['similarity'] = self.similarity
doc.user_span_hooks['similarity'] = self.similarity
doc.user_token_hooks['similarity'] = self.similarity
def similarity(self, obj1, obj2):
y = self._model([obj1.vector, obj2.vector])
return float(y[0])