Matthew Honnibal 1b8d560d0e
Support 'memory zones' for user memory management (#13621)
Add a context manage nlp.memory_zone(), which will begin
memory_zone() blocks on the vocab, string store, and potentially
other components.

Example usage:

with nlp.memory_zone():
    for text in nlp.pipe(texts):
# do_something(doc) <-- Invalid

Once the memory_zone() block expires, spaCy will free any shared
resources that were allocated for the text-processing that occurred
within the memory_zone. If you create Doc objects within a memory
zone, it's invalid to access them once the memory zone is expired.

The purpose of this is that spaCy creates and stores Lexeme objects
in the Vocab that can be shared between multiple Doc objects. It also
interns strings. Normally, spaCy can't know when all Doc objects using
a Lexeme are out-of-scope, so new Lexemes accumulate in the vocab,
causing memory pressure.

Memory zones solve this problem by telling spaCy "okay none of the
documents allocated within this block will be accessed again". This
lets spaCy free all new Lexeme objects and other data that were
created during the block.

The mechanism is general, so memory_zone() context managers can be
added to other components that could benefit from them, e.g. pipeline

I experimented with adding memory zone support to the tokenizer as well,
for its cache. However, this seems unnecessarily complicated. It makes
more sense to just stick a limit on the cache size. This lets spaCy
benefit from the efficiency advantage of the cache better, because
we can maintain a (bounded) cache even if only small batches of
documents are being processed.
2024-09-09 11:19:39 +02:00

50 lines
1.4 KiB

from cymem.cymem cimport Pool
from libcpp.vector cimport vector
from murmurhash.mrmr cimport hash64
from preshed.maps cimport PreshMap
from .morphology cimport Morphology
from .strings cimport StringStore
from .structs cimport LexemeC, TokenC
from .typedefs cimport attr_t, hash_t
cdef union LexemesOrTokens:
const LexemeC* const* lexemes
const TokenC* tokens
cdef struct _Cached:
LexemesOrTokens data
bint is_lex
int length
cdef class Vocab:
cdef Pool mem
cdef readonly StringStore strings
cdef public Morphology morphology
cdef public object _vectors
cdef public object _lookups
cdef public object writing_system
cdef public object get_noun_chunks
cdef readonly int length
cdef public object _unused_object # TODO remove in v4, see #9150
cdef public object lex_attr_getters
cdef public object cfg
cdef const LexemeC* get(self, Pool mem, str string) except NULL
cdef const LexemeC* get_by_orth(self, Pool mem, attr_t orth) except NULL
cdef const TokenC* make_fused_token(self, substrings) except NULL
cdef const LexemeC* _new_lexeme(self, Pool mem, str string) except NULL
cdef int _add_lex_to_vocab(self, hash_t key, const LexemeC* lex, bint is_transient) except -1
cdef const LexemeC* _new_lexeme(self, Pool mem, str string) except NULL
cdef PreshMap _by_orth
cdef Pool _non_temp_mem
cdef vector[attr_t] _transient_orths