mirror of
synced 2025-02-03 13:14:11 +03:00
* document token ent_kb_id * document span kb_id * update pipeline documentation * prior and context weights as bool's instead * entitylinker api documentation * drop for both models * finish entitylinker documentation * small fixes * documentation for KB * candidate documentation * links to api pages in code * small fix * frequency examples as counts for consistency * consistent documentation about tensors returned by predict * add entity linking to usage 101 * add entity linking infobox and KB section to 101 * entity-linking in linguistic features * small typo corrections * training example and docs for entity_linker * predefined nlp and kb * revert back to similarity encodings for simplicity (for now) * set prior probabilities to 0 when excluded * code clean up * bugfix: deleting kb ID from tokens when entities were removed * refactor train el example to use either model or vocab * pretrain_kb example for example kb generation * add to training docs for KB + EL example scripts * small fixes * error numbering * ensure the language of vocab and nlp stay consistent across serialization * equality with = * avoid conflict in errors file * add error 151 * final adjustements to the train scripts - consistency * update of goldparse documentation * small corrections * push commit * turn kb_creator into CLI script (wip) * proper parameters for training entity vectors * wikidata pipeline split up into two executable scripts * remove context_width * move wikidata scripts in bin directory, remove old dummy script * refine KB script with logs and preprocessing options * small edits * small improvements to logging of EL CLI script
430 lines
17 KiB
430 lines
17 KiB
# coding: utf-8
from __future__ import unicode_literals
import random
import re
import bz2
import datetime
from spacy.gold import GoldParse
from bin.wiki_entity_linking import kb_creator
Process Wikipedia interlinks to generate a training dataset for the EL algorithm.
Gold-standard entities are stored in one file in standoff format (by character offset).
ENTITY_FILE = "gold_entities.csv"
def now():
return datetime.datetime.now()
def create_training(wikipedia_input, entity_def_input, training_output, limit=None):
wp_to_id = kb_creator.get_entity_to_id(entity_def_input)
_process_wikipedia_texts(wikipedia_input, wp_to_id, training_output, limit=limit)
def _process_wikipedia_texts(wikipedia_input, wp_to_id, training_output, limit=None):
Read the XML wikipedia data to parse out training data:
raw text data + positive instances
title_regex = re.compile(r"(?<=<title>).*(?=</title>)")
id_regex = re.compile(r"(?<=<id>)\d*(?=</id>)")
read_ids = set()
entityfile_loc = training_output / ENTITY_FILE
with entityfile_loc.open("w", encoding="utf8") as entityfile:
# write entity training header file
with bz2.open(wikipedia_input, mode="rb") as file:
line = file.readline()
cnt = 0
article_text = ""
article_title = None
article_id = None
reading_text = False
reading_revision = False
while line and (not limit or cnt < limit):
if cnt % 1000000 == 0:
print(now(), "processed", cnt, "lines of Wikipedia dump")
clean_line = line.strip().decode("utf-8")
if clean_line == "<revision>":
reading_revision = True
elif clean_line == "</revision>":
reading_revision = False
# Start reading new page
if clean_line == "<page>":
article_text = ""
article_title = None
article_id = None
# finished reading this page
elif clean_line == "</page>":
if article_id:
except Exception as e:
"Error processing article", article_id, article_title, e
"Done processing a page, but couldn't find an article_id ?",
article_text = ""
article_title = None
article_id = None
reading_text = False
reading_revision = False
# start reading text within a page
if "<text" in clean_line:
reading_text = True
if reading_text:
article_text += " " + clean_line
# stop reading text within a page (we assume a new page doesn't start on the same line)
if "</text" in clean_line:
reading_text = False
# read the ID of this article (outside the revision portion of the document)
if not reading_revision:
ids = id_regex.search(clean_line)
if ids:
article_id = ids[0]
if article_id in read_ids:
"Found duplicate article ID", article_id, clean_line
) # This should never happen ...
# read the title of this article (outside the revision portion of the document)
if not reading_revision:
titles = title_regex.search(clean_line)
if titles:
article_title = titles[0].strip()
line = file.readline()
cnt += 1
print(now(), "processed", cnt, "lines of Wikipedia dump")
text_regex = re.compile(r"(?<=<text xml:space=\"preserve\">).*(?=</text)")
def _process_wp_text(
wp_to_id, entityfile, article_id, article_title, article_text, training_output
found_entities = False
# ignore meta Wikipedia pages
if article_title.startswith("Wikipedia:"):
# remove the text tags
text = text_regex.search(article_text).group(0)
# stop processing if this is a redirect page
if text.startswith("#REDIRECT"):
# get the raw text without markup etc, keeping only interwiki links
clean_text = _get_clean_wp_text(text)
# read the text char by char to get the right offsets for the interwiki links
final_text = ""
open_read = 0
reading_text = True
reading_entity = False
reading_mention = False
reading_special_case = False
entity_buffer = ""
mention_buffer = ""
for index, letter in enumerate(clean_text):
if letter == "[":
open_read += 1
elif letter == "]":
open_read -= 1
elif letter == "|":
if reading_text:
final_text += letter
# switch from reading entity to mention in the [[entity|mention]] pattern
elif reading_entity:
reading_text = False
reading_entity = False
reading_mention = True
reading_special_case = True
if reading_entity:
entity_buffer += letter
elif reading_mention:
mention_buffer += letter
elif reading_text:
final_text += letter
raise ValueError("Not sure at point", clean_text[index - 2 : index + 2])
if open_read > 2:
reading_special_case = True
if open_read == 2 and reading_text:
reading_text = False
reading_entity = True
reading_mention = False
# we just finished reading an entity
if open_read == 0 and not reading_text:
if "#" in entity_buffer or entity_buffer.startswith(":"):
reading_special_case = True
# Ignore cases with nested structures like File: handles etc
if not reading_special_case:
if not mention_buffer:
mention_buffer = entity_buffer
start = len(final_text)
end = start + len(mention_buffer)
qid = wp_to_id.get(entity_buffer, None)
if qid:
found_entities = True
final_text += mention_buffer
entity_buffer = ""
mention_buffer = ""
reading_text = True
reading_entity = False
reading_mention = False
reading_special_case = False
if found_entities:
info_regex = re.compile(r"{[^{]*?}")
htlm_regex = re.compile(r"<!--[^-]*-->")
category_regex = re.compile(r"\[\[Category:[^\[]*]]")
file_regex = re.compile(r"\[\[File:[^[\]]+]]")
ref_regex = re.compile(r"<ref.*?>") # non-greedy
ref_2_regex = re.compile(r"</ref.*?>") # non-greedy
def _get_clean_wp_text(article_text):
clean_text = article_text.strip()
# remove bolding & italic markup
clean_text = clean_text.replace("'''", "")
clean_text = clean_text.replace("''", "")
# remove nested {{info}} statements by removing the inner/smallest ones first and iterating
try_again = True
previous_length = len(clean_text)
while try_again:
clean_text = info_regex.sub(
"", clean_text
) # non-greedy match excluding a nested {
if len(clean_text) < previous_length:
try_again = True
try_again = False
previous_length = len(clean_text)
# remove HTML comments
clean_text = htlm_regex.sub("", clean_text)
# remove Category and File statements
clean_text = category_regex.sub("", clean_text)
clean_text = file_regex.sub("", clean_text)
# remove multiple =
while "==" in clean_text:
clean_text = clean_text.replace("==", "=")
clean_text = clean_text.replace(". =", ".")
clean_text = clean_text.replace(" = ", ". ")
clean_text = clean_text.replace("= ", ".")
clean_text = clean_text.replace(" =", "")
# remove refs (non-greedy match)
clean_text = ref_regex.sub("", clean_text)
clean_text = ref_2_regex.sub("", clean_text)
# remove additional wikiformatting
clean_text = re.sub(r"<blockquote>", "", clean_text)
clean_text = re.sub(r"</blockquote>", "", clean_text)
# change special characters back to normal ones
clean_text = clean_text.replace(r"<", "<")
clean_text = clean_text.replace(r">", ">")
clean_text = clean_text.replace(r""", '"')
clean_text = clean_text.replace(r"&nbsp;", " ")
clean_text = clean_text.replace(r"&", "&")
# remove multiple spaces
while " " in clean_text:
clean_text = clean_text.replace(" ", " ")
return clean_text.strip()
def _write_training_article(article_id, clean_text, training_output):
file_loc = training_output / "{}.txt".format(article_id)
with file_loc.open("w", encoding="utf8") as outputfile:
def _write_training_entity(outputfile, article_id, alias, entity, start, end):
line = "{}|{}|{}|{}|{}\n".format(article_id, alias, entity, start, end)
def is_dev(article_id):
return article_id.endswith("3")
def read_training(nlp, training_dir, dev, limit, kb=None):
""" This method provides training examples that correspond to the entity annotations found by the nlp object.
When kb is provided (for training), it will include negative training examples by using the candidate generator,
and it will only keep positive training examples that can be found in the KB.
When kb=None (for testing), it will include all positive examples only."""
entityfile_loc = training_dir / ENTITY_FILE
data = []
# assume the data is written sequentially, so we can reuse the article docs
current_article_id = None
current_doc = None
ents_by_offset = dict()
skip_articles = set()
total_entities = 0
with entityfile_loc.open("r", encoding="utf8") as file:
for line in file:
if not limit or len(data) < limit:
fields = line.replace("\n", "").split(sep="|")
article_id = fields[0]
alias = fields[1]
wd_id = fields[2]
start = fields[3]
end = fields[4]
if (
dev == is_dev(article_id)
and article_id != "article_id"
and article_id not in skip_articles
if not current_doc or (current_article_id != article_id):
# parse the new article text
file_name = article_id + ".txt"
training_file = training_dir / file_name
with training_file.open("r", encoding="utf8") as f:
text = f.read()
# threshold for convenience / speed of processing
if len(text) < 30000:
current_doc = nlp(text)
current_article_id = article_id
ents_by_offset = dict()
for ent in current_doc.ents:
sent_length = len(ent.sent)
# custom filtering to avoid too long or too short sentences
if 5 < sent_length < 100:
offset = "{}_{}".format(
ent.start_char, ent.end_char
ents_by_offset[offset] = ent
current_doc = None
except Exception as e:
print("Problem parsing article", article_id, e)
# repeat checking this condition in case an exception was thrown
if current_doc and (current_article_id == article_id):
offset = "{}_{}".format(start, end)
found_ent = ents_by_offset.get(offset, None)
if found_ent:
if found_ent.text != alias:
current_doc = None
sent = found_ent.sent.as_doc()
gold_start = int(start) - found_ent.sent.start_char
gold_end = int(end) - found_ent.sent.start_char
gold_entities = {}
found_useful = False
for ent in sent.ents:
entry = (ent.start_char, ent.end_char)
gold_entry = (gold_start, gold_end)
if entry == gold_entry:
# add both pos and neg examples (in random order)
# this will exclude examples not in the KB
if kb:
value_by_id = {}
candidates = kb.get_candidates(alias)
candidate_ids = [
c.entity_ for c in candidates
for kb_id in candidate_ids:
found_useful = True
if kb_id != wd_id:
value_by_id[kb_id] = 0.0
value_by_id[kb_id] = 1.0
gold_entities[entry] = value_by_id
# if no KB, keep all positive examples
found_useful = True
value_by_id = {wd_id: 1.0}
gold_entities[entry] = value_by_id
# currently feeding the gold data one entity per sentence at a time
# setting all other entities to empty gold dictionary
gold_entities[entry] = {}
if found_useful:
gold = GoldParse(doc=sent, links=gold_entities)
data.append((sent, gold))
total_entities += 1
if len(data) % 2500 == 0:
print(" -read", total_entities, "entities")
print(" -read", total_entities, "entities")
return data