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synced 2025-01-19 05:54:11 +03:00
* Don't re-download installed models When downloading a model, this checks if the same version of the same model is already installed. If it is then the download is skipped. This is necessary because pip uses the final download URL for its caching feature, but because of the way models are hosted on Github, their URLs change every few minutes. * Use importlib instead of meta.json * Use get_package_version * Add untested, disabled test --------- Co-authored-by: Adriane Boyd <adrianeboyd@gmail.com>
125 lines
4.6 KiB
125 lines
4.6 KiB
python_version: ''
architecture: 'x64'
num_build_jobs: 2
- task: UsePythonVersion@0
versionSpec: ${{ parameters.python_version }}
architecture: ${{ parameters.architecture }}
allowUnstable: true
- bash: |
echo "##vso[task.setvariable variable=python_version]${{ parameters.python_version }}"
displayName: 'Set variables'
- script: |
python -m pip install -U build pip setuptools
python -m pip install -U -r requirements.txt
displayName: "Install dependencies"
- script: |
python -m build --sdist
displayName: "Build sdist"
- script: |
python -m mypy spacy
displayName: 'Run mypy'
condition: ne(variables['python_version'], '3.6')
- task: DeleteFiles@1
contents: "spacy"
displayName: "Delete source directory"
- task: DeleteFiles@1
contents: "*.egg-info"
displayName: "Delete egg-info directory"
- script: |
python -m pip freeze > installed.txt
python -m pip uninstall -y -r installed.txt
displayName: "Uninstall all packages"
- bash: |
SDIST=$(python -c "import os;print(os.listdir('./dist')[-1])" 2>&1)
SPACY_NUM_BUILD_JOBS=${{ parameters.num_build_jobs }} python -m pip install dist/$SDIST
displayName: "Install from sdist"
- script: |
python -W error -c "import spacy"
displayName: "Test import"
# - script: |
# python -m spacy download ca_core_news_sm
# python -m spacy download ca_core_news_md
# python -c "import spacy; nlp=spacy.load('ca_core_news_sm'); doc=nlp('test')"
# displayName: 'Test download CLI'
# condition: eq(variables['python_version'], '3.8')
# - script: |
# python -W error -c "import ca_core_news_sm; nlp = ca_core_news_sm.load(); doc=nlp('test')"
# displayName: 'Test no warnings on load (#11713)'
# condition: eq(variables['python_version'], '3.8')
# - script: |
# python -m spacy download ca_core_news_sm 2>&1 | grep -q skipping
# displayName: 'Test skip re-download (#12188)'
# condition: eq(variables['python_version'], '3.8')
- script: |
python -m spacy convert extra/example_data/ner_example_data/ner-token-per-line-conll2003.json .
displayName: 'Test convert CLI'
condition: eq(variables['python_version'], '3.8')
- script: |
python -m spacy init config -p ner -l ca ner.cfg
python -m spacy debug config ner.cfg --paths.train ner-token-per-line-conll2003.spacy --paths.dev ner-token-per-line-conll2003.spacy
displayName: 'Test debug config CLI'
condition: eq(variables['python_version'], '3.8')
- script: |
# will have errors due to sparse data, check for summary in output
python -m spacy debug data ner.cfg --paths.train ner-token-per-line-conll2003.spacy --paths.dev ner-token-per-line-conll2003.spacy | grep -q Summary
displayName: 'Test debug data CLI'
condition: eq(variables['python_version'], '3.8')
- script: |
python -m spacy train ner.cfg --paths.train ner-token-per-line-conll2003.spacy --paths.dev ner-token-per-line-conll2003.spacy --training.max_steps 10 --gpu-id -1
displayName: 'Test train CLI'
condition: eq(variables['python_version'], '3.8')
# - script: |
# python -c "import spacy; config = spacy.util.load_config('ner.cfg'); config['components']['ner'] = {'source': 'ca_core_news_sm'}; config.to_disk('ner_source_sm.cfg')"
# PYTHONWARNINGS="error,ignore::DeprecationWarning" python -m spacy assemble ner_source_sm.cfg output_dir
# displayName: 'Test assemble CLI'
# condition: eq(variables['python_version'], '3.8')
# - script: |
# python -c "import spacy; config = spacy.util.load_config('ner.cfg'); config['components']['ner'] = {'source': 'ca_core_news_md'}; config.to_disk('ner_source_md.cfg')"
# python -m spacy assemble ner_source_md.cfg output_dir 2>&1 | grep -q W113
# displayName: 'Test assemble CLI vectors warning'
# condition: eq(variables['python_version'], '3.8')
- script: |
python -m pip install -U -r requirements.txt
displayName: "Install test requirements"
- script: |
python -m pytest --pyargs spacy -W error
displayName: "Run CPU tests"
- script: |
python -m pip install 'spacy[apple]'
python -m pytest --pyargs spacy
displayName: "Run CPU tests with thinc-apple-ops"
condition: and(startsWith(variables['imageName'], 'macos'), eq(variables['python.version'], '3.11'))
- script: |
python .github/validate_universe_json.py website/meta/universe.json
displayName: 'Test website/meta/universe.json'
condition: eq(variables['python_version'], '3.8')