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| Two peer-reviewed papers in 2015 confirm that spaCy offers the
| #[strong fastest syntactic parser in the world] and that
| #[strong its accuracy is within 1% of the best] available. The few
| systems that are more accurate are 20× slower or more.
+aside("About the evaluation")
| The first of the evaluations was published by #[strong Yahoo! Labs] and
| #[strong Emory University], as part of a survey of current parsing
| technologies #[+a("https://aclweb.org/anthology/P/P15/P15-1038.pdf") (Choi et al., 2015)].
| Their results and subsequent discussions helped us develop a novel
| psychologically-motivated technique to improve spaCy's accuracy, which
| we published in joint work with Macquarie University
| #[+a("https://www.aclweb.org/anthology/D/D15/D15-1162.pdf") (Honnibal and Johnson, 2015)].
include _benchmarks-choi-2015
+h(3, "algorithm") Algorithm comparison
| In this section, we compare spaCy's algorithms to recently published
| systems, using some of the most popular benchmarks. These benchmarks are
| designed to help isolate the contributions of specific algorithmic
| decisions, so they promote slightly "idealised" conditions. Specifically,
| the text comes pre-processed with "gold standard" token and sentence
| boundaries. The data sets also tend to be fairly small, to help
| researchers iterate quickly. These conditions mean the models trained on
| these data sets are not always useful for practical purposes.
+h(4, "parse-accuracy-penn") Parse accuracy (Penn Treebank / Wall Street Journal)
| This is the "classic" evaluation, so it's the number parsing researchers
| are most easily able to put in context. However, it's quite far removed
| from actual usage: it uses sentences with gold-standard segmentation and
| tokenization, from a pretty specific type of text (articles from a single
| newspaper, 1984-1989).
| #[+a("http://arxiv.org/abs/1603.06042") Andor et al. (2016)] chose
| slightly different experimental conditions from
| #[+a("https://aclweb.org/anthology/P/P15/P15-1038.pdf") Choi et al. (2015)],
| so the two accuracy tables here do not present directly comparable
| figures.
+table(["System", "Year", "Type", "Accuracy"])
+cell spaCy v2.0.0
+cell 2017
+cell neural
+cell("num") 94.48
+cell spaCy v1.1.0
+cell 2016
+cell linear
+cell("num") 92.80
+a("https://arxiv.org/pdf/1611.01734.pdf") Dozat and Manning
+cell 2017
+cell neural
+cell("num") #[strong 95.75]
+a("http://arxiv.org/abs/1603.06042") Andor et al.
+cell 2016
+cell neural
+cell("num") 94.44
+a("https://github.com/tensorflow/models/tree/master/research/syntaxnet") SyntaxNet Parsey McParseface
+cell 2016
+cell neural
+cell("num") 94.15
+a("http://static.googleusercontent.com/media/research.google.com/en//pubs/archive/43800.pdf") Weiss et al.
+cell 2015
+cell neural
+cell("num") 93.91
+a("http://research.google.com/pubs/archive/38148.pdf") Zhang and McDonald
+cell 2014
+cell linear
+cell("num") 93.32
+a("http://www.cs.cmu.edu/~ark/TurboParser/") Martins et al.
+cell 2013
+cell linear
+cell("num") 93.10
+h(4, "ner-accuracy-ontonotes5") NER accuracy (OntoNotes 5, no pre-process)
| This is the evaluation we use to tune spaCy's parameters are decide which
| algorithms are better than others. It's reasonably close to actual usage,
| because it requires the parses to be produced from raw text, without any
| pre-processing.
+table(["System", "Year", "Type", "Accuracy"])
+cell spaCy #[+a("/models/en#en_core_web_lg") #[code en_core_web_lg]] v2.0.0a3
+cell 2017
+cell neural
+cell("num") 85.85
+a("https://arxiv.org/pdf/1702.02098.pdf") Strubell et al.
+cell 2017
+cell neural
+cell("num") #[strong 86.81]
+a("https://www.semanticscholar.org/paper/Named-Entity-Recognition-with-Bidirectional-LSTM-C-Chiu-Nichols/10a4db59e81d26b2e0e896d3186ef81b4458b93f") Chiu and Nichols
+cell 2016
+cell neural
+cell("num") 86.19
+a("https://www.semanticscholar.org/paper/A-Joint-Model-for-Entity-Analysis-Coreference-Typi-Durrett-Klein/28eb033eee5f51c5e5389cbb6b777779203a6778") Durrett and Klein
+cell 2014
+cell neural
+cell("num") 84.04
+a("http://www.aclweb.org/anthology/W09-1119") Ratinov and Roth
+cell 2009
+cell linear
+cell("num") 83.45
+h(3, "spacy-models") Model comparison
include _benchmarks-models
+h(3, "speed-comparison") Detailed speed comparison
| Here we compare the per-document processing time of various spaCy
| functionalities against other NLP libraries. We show both absolute
| timings (in ms) and relative performance (normalized to spaCy). Lower is
| better.
+infobox("Important note", "⚠️")
| This evaluation was conducted in 2015. We're working on benchmarks on
| current CPU and GPU hardware. In the meantime, we're grateful to the
| Stanford folks for drawing our attention to what seems
| to be #[+a("https://nlp.stanford.edu/software/tokenizer.html#Speed") a long-standing error]
| in our CoreNLP benchmarks, especially for their
| tokenizer. Until we run corrected experiments, we have updated the table
| using their figures.
| #[strong Set up:] 100,000 plain-text documents were streamed from an
| SQLite3 database, and processed with an NLP library, to one of three
| levels of detail — tokenization, tagging, or parsing. The tasks are
| additive: to parse the text you have to tokenize and tag it. The
| pre-processing was not subtracted from the times — we report the time
| required for the pipeline to complete. We report mean times per document,
| in milliseconds.#[br]#[br]
| #[strong Hardware]: Intel i7-3770 (2012)#[br]
| #[strong Implementation]: #[+src(gh("spacy-benchmarks")) #[code spacy-benchmarks]]
+head-cell(colspan="3") Absolute (ms per doc)
+head-cell(colspan="3") Relative (to spaCy)
each column in ["System", "Tokenize", "Tag", "Parse", "Tokenize", "Tag", "Parse"]
+cell #[strong spaCy]
each data in [ "0.2ms", "1ms", "19ms"]
each data in ["1x", "1x", "1x"]
+cell CoreNLP
each data in ["0.18ms", "10ms", "49ms", "0.9x", "10x", "2.6x"]
+cell ZPar
each data in ["1ms", "8ms", "850ms", "5x", "8x", "44.7x"]
+cell NLTK
each data in ["4ms", "443ms"]
+cell("num") #[em n/a]
each data in ["20x", "443x"]
+cell("num") #[em n/a]